Monday, September 30, 2019

Health and safety in social care Essay

1.1 List legislation relating to general health and safety in a social care setting. Health & Safety at Work Act The Management of Health & Safety Work Regulations Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) Manual Handling Operations Regulations The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) Personal Protective equipment regulations see more:explain why medication must only be handled following specialist training 1.2 Describe the main points of health and safety polices and procedures. Some of the main points of health and safety are as follows; control measures for hazards the arrangements for reporting accidents or health problems the arrangements for first aid, fire and emergencies who the key person is for health and safety matters how health and safety is communicated in the workplace the arrangements to protect others 1.3 Outline the main health and safety responsibilities of: The social care worker Social care workers are responsible for a lot when it comes to health and safety this includes, to take reasonable care for their own and others’ health and safety, they are to report to employer any potential and actual hazards and risks, they must take part in health and safety training and they need to understand and comply with health and safety instructions and procedures The employer or manager The employer and managers must provide a safe place of work, it is their job to assess risks and take action to reduce them, they must provide information, instruction, training and supervision, they must provide safety and warnings signs when necessary and they must provide adequate welfare and first aid facilities Individuals Individuals (service user) must try to understand and comply with health and safety instructions and procedures and they must take responsibility for their own and other’s health and safety. 1.4 Identify tasks relating to health and safety that should only be carried out with special training. Administration of medicines by any method other than by mouth or external application. Moving and handling using a mechanical device First aid Emergency procedures 1.5 Describe how to access additional support and information relating to health and safety. There are many ways to access different sorts of support and information in relation to the health and safety if it is needed. You could seek additional support and information by talking to the manager within the home or you could talk to your supervisor. You could discuss these matters with more experienced work colleagues who could give you extra information on health and safety. Outside organisations will also help with understanding of the correct to adhere to the rules. Outcome 2 Understand the use of risk assessments in relation to health and safety. 2.1 Define what is meant by ‘Hazard and risk’ A Hazard is a potential source of harm or adverse health effect on a person or persons. A risk is the chance or probability that a person will be harmed or experience an adverse health effect if exposed to a hazard 2.2 Describe how to use a health and safety risk assessments Health and Safety risk assessments are used for the following, Identifying risks, potential impact of risk, likelihood of occurrence, proposing precautionary measures, reducing risk and costs, complying with legal requirements and policies and procedures of organisation. 2.3 Explain how and when to report potential health and safety risks that have been identified There are a few ways to report a potential health and safety risk and also certain procedures which must be followed such as, you should continuously be checking for risks and hazards in your work place, if a risk or hazard is found you must report to your senior member of staff immediately and make a written report of the risk or hazard as soon as possible, you must also alert anybody who could be in danger and do what you can to assist them. 2.4 Describe how risk assessment can help address dilemmas between an individual’s rights and health and safety concern You can address dilemmas between an individual’s rights and health and safety concerns by Drawing upon legislation/ policies and procedures to justify precedence of health and safety concerns, by demonstrating that rights and health and safety requirements are reconciled, ensuring individuals are aware of risks to help them with decision-making and ensuring individuals understand that certain requirements are mandatory. Outcome 3 understand procedures for responding to accidents and sudden illness. 3.1 Describe different types of accident and sudden illness that may occur in a social care setting. Accidents: Slips, Trips, Falls, Burns, Choking, misuse of equipment, etc†¦ Illnesses: strokes, Cardiac arrest, food poisoning, Allergies, influenza, flues/colds, bugs, asthma, seizures, convulsions, fainting. 3.2 Outline the procedures to be followed if an accident or sudden illness should occur. If an accident or sudden illness should occur you must first inform your senior member of staff by either raising the alarm by use of emergency alarm system or go and find them immediately, remain calm and explain the situation, ensure safety of all involved, assessing situation, provide assistance/ administering first aid as required and within limits of training, completing accident reports ans incident reports, inform Health and Safety Executive etc. in accordance with policies and procedures of organisation. 3.3Explain why it is important for emergency first aid tasks only to be carried out by qualified first aiders. When an emergency occurs and first aid is required it is always important for a qualified first aider to carry out any first aid required there are many reasons for this, the most important is that if a non qualified person try s to give first aid they may cause more damage or injury to the individual, it is also against policies and procedures of organisations and health and safety legislations. Outcome 4 . Know how to reduce the spread of infection. 4.1 List routes by which an infection can get into the body Routes by which an infection can. Respiratory (airborne infections breathed in) Digestive (within foods/ drinks), Blood circulation (via broken skin/ wounds), Body fluids (sexually transmitted diseases, cross contamination, poor hygiene). 4.2 Describe ways in which own health or hygiene might pose a risk to an individual or to others at work. Own health or hygiene might pose a risk to individuals or others at work by causing infections, causing illness or causing fatalities, this can be prevented by washing hands thoroughly before preparing food and after going to the toilet, covering mouth/ turning away when coughing, applying/ replacing old plasters, disposing of used tissues, taking sick leave if ill etc. 4.3 Explain the most thorough method for hand washing Method for hand washing. Hands must be washed thoroughly, after every contact with potential source of contamination/ before food preparation etc.; including: wetting hands with warm water, applying soap bar/ liquid, lathering, scrubbing, rinsing, drying with air dryer/ paper towel; ensuring that all areas of the hand are washed including the back of the hand, between fingers and nail areas. 4.4 Describe when to use different types of personal protective equipment. Different types of personal protective equipment is to be used at different times for different activities these include, cooking/ preparing food, handling waste, providing personal care, cleaning equipment, any activities posing hygiene/ safety risks etc. the types of protective clothing that can be used are, gloves, masks, aprons, hair nets and sometimes protective jackets. Outcome 5 Know how to move and handle equipment and other objects safely 5.1 Identify legislation that relates to moving and handling Legislation  relevant to moving and handling The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 (HASAW/ HSW) The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (MHOR) you can find up-to-date policies from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) website/ National Archives website. 5.2 List principles for safe moving and handling There are many principles for safe moving and handling they are put in place to ensure the safety or yourself and others they are as follows: Only move/ handle when necessary assess the potential risks take steps to reduce the risks request support report any difficulties/ hazards use alternative methods adhere to policies and procedures of organisation agreed ways of working and legislation. 5.3 Explain why it is important for moving and handling tasks to be carried out following specialist training Specialist training is given for moving and handling tasks for many reasons, with the correct training you can reduce the risk of harm or injury to yourself or others, reduce the risk of damaging equipment, safe guard own and others health and safety, you will also be told all policies and procedures and agreed ways of working practises, it also promotes good practise to collegues. Outcome 6 Understand the principles of assisting and moving an individual 6.1 Explain why it is important to have specialist training before assisting and moving an individual It is important to have specialist training because it helps you become aware of many things such as, understanding the needs and preferences of individuals, meeting the needs and preferences of individuals, it enables you to move individuals safely and correctly, it reduces the risk of harm or discomfort, ensures correct procedures are practised, it also helps you to know how to fill in a care plan properly and what specific areas need to be covered. 6.2 Explain the importance of following an individual’s care plan and fully engaging with them when assisting and moving A care plan is a document where day-to-day requirements and preferences for care and support details. Following a care plan helps you to understand and meet the individuals needs and preferences, it helps you to move and assist the individual in the correct way, it allows you to minimize injury to individuals and your self and also ensures you move an individual in a comfortable and supporting way, by using there care plan and discussing with the individual you are allowing active participation for the individual. Outcome 7 Know how to handle hazardous substances 7.1 Identify hazardous substances that may be found in the social care setting cleaning products clinical waste bodily fluids/ waste medication used needles used dressings solvents, disinfectants 7.2 Describe safe practices for †¢ storing hazardous substances keep hazardous substances stored in correct and labelled containers only keep hazardous substances under correct conditions as per instructions keep hazardous substances in a secure area where no one with out the right training can get hold of them. †¢ using hazardous substances always read instructions on label before using be careful not to mix substances together incorrectly you should only use substances if trained to do so using PPE as instructed (personal protective equipment) reporting any difficulties immediately †¢ disposing of hazardous substances under correct conditions as per instructions by following disposal workplace procedure Outcome 8 Know environmental safety procedures in the social care setting 8.1 Outline procedures to be followed in the social care setting to prevent †¢ fire no smoking not having fire doors propped open checking appliances are turned off checking plugs are switched off following a procedure check-list †¢ gas leak checking appliances are turned off e.g. cooker, fire †¢ floods being aware of how to turn off main water supply ensuring taps are turned off after use e.g. bath, sink †¢ intruding being vigilant of security of building i.e. doors, windows locking doors and windows not giving out key codes to others following a procedure check-list †¢ security breach being vigilant of security of building i.e. doors, windows reporting any concerns following a procedure check-list 8.2 Outline procedures to be followed in the social care setting in the event of †¢ fire raise the alarm dial 999 or inform health and safety officer/manager immediately go to fire assembly point move self and others away from danger area if safe to do †¢ gas leak dial 999 or inform health and safety officer/manager immediately do not turn any switches on/off go to assembly point move self and others away from building immediately record incident †¢ floods turn off main water supply dial 999 or inform health and safety officer/manager immediately do not turn any switches on/off go to assembly point move self and others away from building immediately record incident †¢ intruding dial 999 or inform health and safety officer/manager immediately move self and others to a safe area if possible record incident †¢ security breach dial 999 or inform health and safety officer/manager immediately move self and others away from building immediately record incident Outcome 9 Know how to manage stress 9.1 Identify common signs and indicators of stress. There are many signs and indicators of stress these are as follows: Feeling more tearful and sensitive loss of motivation feeling more tired and lethargic changes in sleeping pattern changes in eating habits Becoming easily agitated Avoiding others 9.2 Identify circumstances that tend to trigger own stress increased demands from others changes in working practices or new working practices changes in team members relationships/divorces unexpected changes i.e. financial, personal, work Bereavements money problems health issues Family problems 9.3 Describe ways to manage stress Stress management starts with identifying the sources of stress in your life. This isn’t as easy as it sounds. Your true sources of stress aren’t always obvious, and it’s all too easy to overlook your own stress-inducing thoughts. There are many ways of dealing with stress and overcoming your obstacles: taking time out for yourself talking through how you feel with your line manager attending any stress management courses available engaging in relaxing activities whilst away from work Exercise getting around 8 hours sleep a night sharing your concerns with others Outcome 10 Understand procedures regarding handaling medication. 10.1 Describe the main points of agreed procedures about handling medication When it comes to handling medication in a social care setting it is important that you do so with competence, handling medication is not something to be messed around with, you must be accountable, it is up to you to complete  orders and make sure they are sent of properly, ensuring that the medication is stored correctly, use-by date checks, disposal and recording all the above as required; adhering to policies and procedures of organisation and legislation. 10.2 Identify who is responsible for medication in a social care setting trained worker (normally must have a level 3 in health and social care or over) designated person individual when self medicating 10.3 Explain why medication must only be handled following specialist training Medication must only be administrated by a qualified member of staff as if not administrated properly there could be risk of injury or illness, it reduces risk of mistake, avoids unnecessary harm, follows legislative requirements. Outcome 11 Understand how to handle and store food safely. 11.1 Identify food safety standards relevant to a social care setting The food safety act 1990 The General Food Regulations 2004 The Food Hygiene (England) Regulations 2006 The Food Labelling Regulations 1996 Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 (lays down the general principles and requirements of food law, establishing the European Food Safety Authority and laying down procedures in matters of food safety) 11.2 Explain how to: †¢ store food †¢ maximise hygiene when handling food †¢ dispose of food Make sure containers are sealed correctly, if a product is to be refrigerated/frozen make sure it is done so asap, checking expiry dates, cooling down/ reheating has to be done to correct temperatures else you could cause illness, personal cleanliness is important, keeping clean surfaces, separate utensils for meats raw/ cooked, prompt removal of waste, cleaning spillages thoroughly, use of personal protective equipment, covering injuries, not working when ill, reporting contamination, accidents and pests. 11.3 Identify common hazards when handling and storing food Exceeding expiry dates incorrect thawing/ cooking time cross contamination allergic reactions dangerous use of utensils hot items and cookers leaving food exposed

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Hammurabi Reaction

Today’s laws are not as harsh as Hammurabi's. They are more civilized. For example, none of today’s laws include amputating other people’s body parts. Hammurabi thought it was necessary to amputate arms, breasts, digits, etc. I believe our laws are better, overall because they do not incorporate corporal punishment. I think Hammurabi’s Code of Law was an excellent deterrent against crime, and very few people would try to break the law. I think this is due to how harsh the laws were.There was zero tolerance. For example, the sixth law says, â€Å"If any one steal the property of a temple or of the court, he shall be put to death, and also the one who receives the stolen thing from him shall be put to death. † Also, because of the severity of some punishments (dismemberment, whippings, drowning, etc. ), I do not think people would want to test Hammurabi. I do not think Babylon was a safer society than the society that we currently live in.There should be no need for the extreme laws I learned about if people behaved. I also think that these laws would cause many deaths. I think many members of the Babylon civilization were killed, sometimes unnecessarily. â€Å"If any one ensnare another, putting a ban upon him, but he cannot prove it, then he that ensnared him shall be put to death. † This law would put people to death if they made a false accusation—in my opinion, this is too extreme and living under the Hammurabi laws would be like living under a dictatorship.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

BUSN300 UNIT 2 IP Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

BUSN300 UNIT 2 IP - Research Paper Example This paper will highlight the presentation of a new president of a local chamber of commerce in the United States addressing the expected GDP growth rate and give business leaders an idea of the outlook of business based on history and expected conditions. It will also highlight GDP trends, forecasts, statistics, determination and interpretation. Annual United States GDP in 2012 grew by 2.2 percent, as compared to a 1.8 percent increase posted in 2011 (BEA, 2012). The 2012 increase basically mirrored positive inputs from both residential and non residential fixed investments, expenditure on personal consumption and exports. Nevertheless, the GDP went down to 1.5 percent in the last quarter of 2012 as compared to the third quarter, denoting a decrease of 0.10 percent. According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, GDP had gone up by 3.1 percent in quarter three (BEA, 2012). The fourth quarter’s drop in GDP was attributed to reduced contributions seen in exports, federal spending and private investment. However, increases in personal consumption expenditures, nonresidential fixed investments and reduced imports served to offset the drop in part. Business, educational, rental, financial and professional service account for a combined 40 percent of the United States GDP. Wholesale and retail businesses contribute 12 percen t. However, although the United States is a net food exporter because of using advanced technologies, agriculture only makes up for the GDP’s 1.5 percent. The economy’s total output can be determined in either of several ways available. The common ways include terms of income paid out, which sums up the different income forms that primary production factors receive (Michael & Alm, 1999). The other is in terms of subsequent expenditure arising from the income. In accounting for GDP, it is ensured that total production matches income which, in turn, matches expenditure. That implies that all goods produced within the economy

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Individual and Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Individual and Society - Essay Example The individual has violated a type of social norm referred to as injunctive norm. Injunctive norms commonly refer to what is approved or disapproved by the culture, and they encourage behavior through the informal social sanctions. In other words, injunctive refer to the perceptions of what it is supposed to be done (De Cremer, Murnighan and Van Dick 69). For example, the individual has violated of what it is perceived to be done, not to litter the environment. The society in general, requires that the environment is kept clean and the incidences of littering are considered to be against the social norms. Thus, the individual has violated the social norms that require the environment to be kept clean. In USA, there are several organizations and interest groups that have taken the initiative of keeping the environment clean through methods such as litter prevention. Keep America Beautiful, Inc. (par. 6) asserts that littering is a personal choice. In other words, it is an individual behavior to choose to litter on the ground. 83 percent of the litter is disposed properly meaning that most people hold the notion that littering in the wrong places is not good. Thus, litter prevention is a social norm that is accepted by most people living in the USA. It will not be proper for an individual to litter in the wrong places in USA. As stated earlier, choosing to litter (that is, to litter on the ground) is an individual behavior. According to Keep America Beautiful, Inc. (par. 6), 81 percent of individuals litter intentionally; through methods such as flinging, dropping or flicking. It further states that individuals tend to litter in environments already littered. Some of the individuals believe that litter prevention is not their responsibility. These people lack sense of ownership for beaches, walkways, parks and other public places. They believe that someone will pick

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Analysis of Information Asymmetry Literature review

Analysis of Information Asymmetry - Literature review Example Owners of the corporations called shareholders, therefore, remain separate from the active management of the organization and managers manage the organization as custodian of the shareholders. However, this creates an issue of agency wherein though managers act as the agents of shareholders, they pursue their own interests. (Sau,2003) The actions of managers, therefore, are assumed to be in direct conflict with the interests of the shareholders. One of the key reasons for this conflict of interest is the availability of and access to information. Since managers are actively involved in the management of any firm, therefore, they possess relatively superior information as compared to outsiders. This, however, can also create corporate failures as shareholders may not be fully aware of the actions of the managers. One way through which both financial and non-financial disclosures can be improved is the effective regulations to make things more transparent. ( Baek, Kim, & Kim, 2008) Inf ormation asymmetry As discussed above, information asymmetry arises when one party to the transaction has superior or more information as compared to other parties to the transaction.  Ã‚   In adverse selection models, it is assumed that one party lacks the understanding and information about a transaction whereas, in moral hazards model, the ignorant party lacks the information about the performance of a transaction. (Chen, Berger, & Li, 2006). Moral Hazards and Agency Problems Information asymmetry becomes important within organizational context due to the agent-principal relationship between the shareholders and managers of the firm. One of the key reasons as to why moral hazards can arise is based upon the notion that if all the actions of employees are not monitored, there are chances that moral hazards may arise. This peculiar situation, therefore, outlines that shareholders may inherently be in a disadvantageous position because of their inability to monitor the actions of managers in an effective and comprehensive manner. (Heath, and Norman, 2004)  Ã‚  

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

International Relations College Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

International Relations College - Essay Example Two such people are economist Amatya Sen and medical anthropologist Paul Farmer. Their experiences and observations regarding the state of the poor and deprived people today inspired the two authors to write and publish their works that they hope will enlighten the people of the world. Amatya Sen's composition is entitled 'Development as Freedom' while Farmer had 'Pathologies of Power: Health, Human Rights, and the New War on the Poor'. Both works reveal how deep the deterioration of society has reached. In the two compositions, we hear of true life stories that detail how many of our kind are suffering and how some had their life cut short unnecessarily. Sen calls for social development as a way to give the people the freedom to develop their selves and contribute to the development of society in general. He emphasizes the need to pursue enhanced literacy, accessible and affordable health care, the empowerment of women, and the free flow of information because these are the ingredients which will ultimately deliver us the kind of development we envision. In the course of his medical practice, Farmer came to know of the many tragedies afflicting other people. In his book, we come to know of the Haitian girl who gave herself to the whims of a soldier who she hoped would rescue her and her family from poverty. In the end, however, she only acquired AIDS from the soldier. Farmer relates how petty criminals die in Russian prison, how many people die of tuberculosis and how many people could have been saved if only social institutions were willing to give a little more. The aim of this paper is to compare and contrast the two works. I will be determining the similarities and differences in their ideas and their treatments of the subject. 2.0 Similarities The most striking similarity between Sen and Farmer is their exposition of the ills of society particularly that of the deprivation of basic necessities. So many people in the world today suffer from ignorance, disease and death because they were not afforded the opportunity to develop themselves. Some of them were even intentionally left in that state due to certain beliefs that actually contain hidden motives. Both authors wanted people to know the affliction that is surreptitiously killing many of our kind. Both authors criticize the existing system of society today due to its complacency towards addressing the plight of millions of people of the world. Sen, for example, attacks the belief system that human rights violation is inherent in Asian culture. According to him, such a system was fabricated to justify authoritarians and totalitarian regimes that hide under the guise of leaders and reformers. In any case, this should not serve as an excuse to deprive the people of the freedom to live their life to the fullest. The main problem in the system that characterize the government and other sectors of society today is that they have become engrossed with "identifying development with the growth of gross national product, or with the rise in personal incomes, or with industrialization, or with technological advance, or with social modernization" when they should have given more importance to "social and economic arrangements (for example, facilities for education and health

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Internship Hedge Fund in Sandell Asset Management Essay

Internship Hedge Fund in Sandell Asset Management - Essay Example Under this environment, many are the times that the day was fully packed with responsibilities but it is a phenomenon that I came to adjust to after my first month when all the tasks became familiar. The firm’s members of staff were quite helpful especially in the first months when I needed them most for guidance to work effectively and efficiently and this made me feel to be part of the firm just as they were (Sweitzer and  King 29-122). It is important to note that the aforementioned duties kept on being added to my in-tray as time went by and as I gained more and more experience of the various fund operations. The job was actually paid and I was earning $17 an hour which I considered fair enough being an intern. When enrolling for the internship I had clear goals and objectives that I aimed at achieving by the end of the period as an intern. The first was to take a test of myself in relation to the field and see whether it is the career line I am willing to take. I was al so aiming at applying the theory learned into practical experience and this was well fulfilled in the work environment. I wanted to learn and acquire work habits in relation to keeping time, enhance my interpersonal skills in a work environment and gain some sense of responsibility. I also endeavored to gain the much-needed experience in my field of study to support my awards and certificates. After an evaluation of the above goals, I realize that I achieved them well as expected. The main challenge that I faced was on handling all the aforementioned tasks within one day as it demanded a great deal of commitment and uprightness on my part. At one point I had just a few responsibilities when the manager in my department offered me the chance to explore more and added me four of the above-mentioned ones especially those that dealt with research and analysis of data and information. This is a line that facilitated a wide scope of knowledge acquisition (Sweitzer and  King 29-122).

Monday, September 23, 2019

Have Public Schools Adequately Accommodated Religion Essay

Have Public Schools Adequately Accommodated Religion - Essay Example Those of a more liberal approach strictly adhere to the principle laid down in the Constitution for the separation of church and state. They believe it unlawful for schools to promote any one religion but do want the teaching of all religions as a part of the curriculum. This discussion examines the vast difference of opinion regarding religion in public schools including evolution versus creationism, the controversy over prayer in schools, religious observances and the questions of the distribution of religious literature. It will also touch on teaching the subject of religion and explore reasons of why it should be taught and why it is not. The argument supporting the insertion of Christianity into the school system is that this country was formed upon religious principles. For example, on September 17, 1796 George Washington said, â€Å"It is impossible to govern the world without God and the Bible† (Evans, 2005). The third president and author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, wrote in1781, â€Å"God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are a gift of God?† (Evans, 2005). Jefferson, a well recognized liberal thinker, as well as the entirety of the Founding Fathers, was confident that the U.S. existed only because of the intervention of a divine being, God. They would have fully supported prayer and other Christian teachings in public schools. The Constitution allows for activities involving religion to be practiced in public schools though teachers and administrators are largely unaware of the laws pertaining to the issue. Because of this lack of knowledge, activities such as prayer are banned outright so as to ensure the schools are not violating the law. Public school students do, in

Sunday, September 22, 2019


WHY PLAGIARISM IS CONSIDERED TO BE ACADEMIC DISHONESTY - Essay Example By cheating with plagiarism, the student is using someone else’s work but letting their instructor or professor believe that the work is of their own creation. This can also be accomplished if the person writing the paper does not acknowledge work they adapted from someone else. Just as a student is capable of looking at their friend’s answers during a test and then using those answers on their own exam, a student who plagiarizes uses someone else’s words for their own purpose (Gilmore, 2008). They treat another’s work as if it were their own. When a student plagiarizes and resorts to academic dishonesty, they are cheating themselves out of learning. Instead of doing what they must to understand the topic or subject matter, they take the ideas or words that someone else has come up with to trick the instructor or professor into thinking that the student has come up with the ideas. As such, plagiarism is considered academic dishonesty, and cheating, because the student used immoral means of completing their assignment, claiming someone else’s hard work and unique thoughts for themselves (Whitley & Spiegel, 2002).

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Reflective Statement The Great Gatsby Essay Example for Free

Reflective Statement The Great Gatsby Essay The Great Gatsby is a novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. It is said to be one of the greatest American novels of the last century, not only for it’s tale of hope and disillusion, but also for the way it portrayed the spirit of the 1920s. The information from the presentations made me realize that the characters in the story weren’t just any upperclass; they were the social and cultural upperclass of the world. The presentations also made me develop my understanding of the background of their arrogant and lavish behavior. They were born into the old elite and were stupendously rich in the wealthiest country in the world. They lived extravagant lives in a careless post-war time with mass media covering their lives in the tabloids. Another factor that contributed to this feeling of being superior must have been the lack of authorities and strong politicians. As the economy ran itself and the politicians were incompetent, the cultural elite were literally on top of the world. They distanced themselves from institutions and history and lived their lives in a social bubble, respecting only those who were a part of their class. The dream of being famous and glamourous bloomed in the 1920s and was distributed to the public through the mass media. The dream was available for everyone, and people strived to become a part of the cultural elite. The main characters in The Great Gatsby were already there, as a natural part of the scene. They lived luxurious and careless lives, following the latest trends, listening to the new music and attending extravagant parties. From the presentations I also learned about modernist literature. A significant trait of this genre is the break with traditions and the search for an absolute truth and a meaning of life elsewhere. The upperclass seemed to have lost their meaning in life in their extravagant lifestyle. Previously I had not given the social context too much thought, and without the information from the presentations, I may would just have seen the tragic love story of the book, and not how the book is a picture of and a comment to the 1920s life.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Forming Strategic Alliances Business Essay

Forming Strategic Alliances Business Essay During the globalization, managers are confronted with a rapid changing competitive landscape. In order to overcome this difficulty, firms try to make alliances. Making strategic alliances is the relevant choice for managers to search for ways for how to compete effectively and create the successful future. Recently, collaboration between companies became fashionable .Strategic alliances is a cooperative agreements between companies. It involves all kinds of companies such as large, medium and small. In strategic alliances, partner companies join forces for common goals without losing their strategic autonomy. Representation of an alliance: Goals and interests Goals and interests specific to A specific to B Source: Dussauge and Bern (1999), Cooperative Strategy, ch.1, p. 3 The Advantages of Strategic Alliances There are several advantages of forming alliances: It may facilitate entry into a foreign market Many firms who want to enter foreign market, they need local partner who will understand business conditions and who has good relations with local government and organizations. For example, in 2004 Warner Brothers entered into a joint venture with two Chinese partners to produce and distribute films in China. Through the partnership with local firms, Warner Brothers succeeded to distribute any films it produces It allows firms to share cost and risks for developing new products or process For example, an alliance between Boeing and Mitsubishi share 8billion U.S Dollar among the partners for building a new aircraft such as 7E7. It stimulates to develop skills and assets which are difficult to do alone For example, in 2003 Microsoft and Toshiba established an alliance for developing a new microprocessor for entertainment for automobiles. Microsoft brought its software engineering skills and Toshiba its hardware engineering skills. It helps companies to establish technological standards For example, in 1999 Palm Computer formed an alliance with Sony under which Sony agreed to license and use Palms operating system in Sony PDAs. The motivation was to establish Palms operating system as the industry standard for PDAs against Windows-based operating system from Microsoft. The Disadvantages of Strategic Alliances Establishing alliances can be risky. Unless a firm is careful, it can give away more than it receives. It means that, if the partner reckless of managing its know-how, it can be leaked to other partner. Main drivers of formation of alliances: The recent and rapid growth in the number of strategic alliances can be explained by various changes in the international business environment. Globalization of trade and acceleration of technological progress seem to be major driving forces that have led firms to enter into significant numbers of cooperative agreements. Strategic Alliance drivers: Globalization Technical changeDisenchantment with M A Source: Tayeb, M. H. (2001), International Business Partnership, ch.2, p.35. Globalization The Globalization is the process which includes the objectives relating to the need to establish a large global presence, to gain knowledge and size, ensure competitive defence and deal with regulatory and political barriers to new market entry. One of the main drivers of globalization is the fact that customer needs and preferences throughout the world are rapidly converging. This makes firms to produce so-called global products suited to all consumers, irrespective of their nationality. International alliances can offer an effective way to globalize more rapidly and therefore enhance a companys competitiveness. While making international acquisitions is both costly and risky; setting up a network of wholly foreign subsidiaries is long, expensive and hazardous; licensing gives little control. Global alliances can allow the partner companies to pool resources produce global product and distribute it worldwide: British Telecom, MCI and ATT for World Partners; Alliance of Sambuca and Nemiroff; Alliance of Philips and Whirlpool. Technical Change: The cost and complexity of new technology are increasing extremely rapidly. Between 1970 and 1990, RD expenditures rose three times as fast as spending on fixed assets (Collins and Doorley, 1991). With the increase in the diversity and complexity of technology know-how, the range of possible innovations based on this expertise is growing wider. While the range of possibilities offered by new research has been increasing tremendously, individual RD programs are growing ever more expensive and the chance of achieving technically successful and commercially profitable results have become more and more uncertain. This is why cooperation is viewed as unavoidable in many high-tech industries: by dividing up the RD work between the partner firms, it enables them to share costs, pool their expertise, and explore a greater number of avenues (Dussauge, Hart and Ramanantsoa, 1992). For example: The Peugeot/Renault JV, Alliance of PRV V6 Engine Disenchantment with MA The disenchantment that has followed many mergers and acquisitions seems to be one of the reasons behind the recent development of strategic alliances. Alliances make it possible to avoid the culture and organizational shock coming in the wake of a merger by proceeding step by step, and by gradually adapting the content and structure of the agreement. Formation of Strategic Alliances Formation process: Source: Schaan, J (2007), Cases in Alliance Management, ch. 1, p. 7 Strategy development The rationale for a strategic alliance needs to be firmly in a clear strategic understanding of a companys current capabilities and those it will need to be successful in the future. First of all, managers need to establish the strategic goals of their companys and then evaluate their resources and capabilities to see if they are capable of executing on their own. The process starts by developing a realistic appraisal of what resources are required to meet a companys long-term strategic objectives. The objectives are for increasing competitive advantage. The manager must state that what capabilities the firm has and searching for. With this undertaking, managers begin to establish their criteria for rating partnership opportunities if this is an option they choose. Before making the mind to go for the alliance, the potential costs involved need to be considered such as technology transfer, coordination and management costs, which is high indeed. (Tayeb, H. M 2001). Managers need to take into account of, if the firm has an experience on building alliance. If this is first alliance, a company should look carefully at its internal policies and practices and evaluate to what degree they will help or hinder an alliance. For example, if a company has difficulties on managing its internal communication, then there will be strain on the alliance relationship. It is best to modify internal practices as necessary before introducing a third party. The process of strategy development is as following: Strategy Development: Source: Schaan, J (2007), Cases in Alliance Management, ch. 1, p. 7 Selecting the right partner It should come as no surprise that choosing the right partner is a major determinant of how successful an alliance will ultimately be. Inexperienced companies should not hurry up to do a deal-choosing partner. Poor partner selection ranks high among the reasons for alliance failure. It invariably takes longer than anticipated to find the right partner. Managers should spend time and resources to thoroughly analyze the potential opportunity. Depending on the scope and complexity of the alliance, it takes from several months to a couple of years to find the right partner. Small companies looking for alliance partners are often tempted to look for shortcuts as they find themselves facing time and financial pressures. They may succumb to the temptation to partner with any company, whether or not it meets their strategic needs. This is the mistake that companies make, because a partner must fit a companys strategic needs. Small companies mostly keen on forming partnership with large companies. The reputation and image of the large company can often cause the small firm to ignore its own strategic objectives. After the strategic objectives were defined, managers should decide how many partners to approach. The search process starts by formalizing partner profile screening criteria, developing a list of prospects, ranking the list against the criteria and then focusing on a manageable number of the best prospects. Complementary assets and capabilities is the core characteristic of partners for evaluation the strategic fit. Having identical strategic assets is not a good basis for a partnership because the possibility of competitive conflict can be high over the long term. It is necessary to evaluate partners according to their strategic, cultural and operational fit. Concerning to strategic fit, managers should take into the balance of need between the partners. If the needs of other partner are to get more profit, then this will not be long-term alliances. The nature and durability of the strategic fit is also a critical consideration. It is important that the long-term objectives of the partner are not in conflict and that the intended benefits can be sustained. During analyzing strategic fit, firms need to choose a partner who has a potential strategic network. In high-tech industries, most of the firms have cooperative network with each other. As it said above, building an alliance with large firms is risky. Companies should choose a partner who is almost the same size. Research indicates that choosing substantial size of partner can decrease successful collaborative activity. It can lead Merger and Acquisition. Cultural fit is core of choosing partner. It can affect business logic, competitive behaviour, time orientation, and decision making. It directly impacts the ability of partners to work together to meet their common objectives. Research of KPMG shows that, the reason of 70 % of strategic alliances failure is cultural contradiction among the partners. Culture of companies has profound effect on organizations operational practices such as management and organizational structure, decision-making practices and employment policies. Negotiation The major part of long-term collaboration is established at the negotiation stage. Negotiation should be as first and foremost as a means of building the linkages that will support effective collaboration between the partner companies. The negotiation process is perfect way for developing some unique insights into how the other party does business. In negotiation process, several areas require particular attention such as: collecting negotiation team, negotiation preparations, the process of negotiation itself and forming a negotiation agreement. Negotiation can be stressful and managers need to be sure that his team members can have contribution. Besides, legal and tax professionals have a very important role to play in putting a partnership together, but during the negotiation it is best to avoid them to attend the process. Well preparation can make the negotiation process easy and smooth. Advanced preparation should also help assess bargaining power, understand the concessions to be made and forecast issues that might arise. Good negotiations are characterized by honesty and an open flow of information between the partners. The agreement should be well written and set out the purpose, term, duration, warranties, obligations. Implementation Making the right decision about strategy, partner and structure is only the beginning. The real work starts when companies implement their alliance. While the chosen structure and scope of an alliance will significantly influence the kind of implementation required, the material covered in this section presents principles for creating winning conditions that are applicable to all. The main problems of forming strategic alliances There are different problems of forming strategic alliances. As it is obvious that strategic alliances in most cases are managed by two or more parents makes them inherently risky. The problems in forming alliances stem from one cause: there is more than one parent. The owners of parent firms are powerful. They can and will disagree on just about nothing (Killing, 1982). Such as Queensland Minerals alliance, owners of both parts parent companies were disagree. Amcon Corporation wanted to expand to Queensland, but the CEO of Victoria Heavy Industries did not want to. As a result Amcon renegotiated the alliance agreement. Organizational culture, a companys ways of doing things, refers to basic assumptions and beliefs that are share by members of an organization. These operate unconsciously and define an organizations view and its environment. Organizational culture can cause problems where companies with distinctive cultures merge or form a strategic alliance. Employees from the parent firms tend to use their home-company culture. In this connection, Datta and Rasheed (1993) mentioned that, a lack of cultural sensitivity can easily lead to misunderstandings in strategic alliances. Main Problems of Forming Strategic Alliances Unsuccessful rate of alliances are high. The success of an alliance seems to be a function of three main factors: Partner selection Alliance structure Managing alliances

Thursday, September 19, 2019

King Lear Essay - Age versus Youth; Good versus Evil; Vision and Blindness :: King Lear essays

Themes of Age versus Youth; Good versus evil; Vision and Blindness; and Fortune in King Lear "The theme of King Lear may be stated in psychological as well as biological terms. So put, it is the destructive, the ultimately suicidal character of unregulated passion, its power to carry human nature back to chaos.... The predestined end of unmastered passion is the suicide of the species. That is the gospel according to King Lear. The play is in no small measure an actual representation of that process. The murder-suicide of Regan-Goneril is an example. But it is more than a picture of chaos and impending doom. What is the remedy for chaos? it asks. What can avert the doom? The characters who have mastered their passions give us a glimpse of the answer to those questions." -Harold C. Goddard, The Meaning of Shakespeare, 1951 Good King, that must approve the common saw, Thou out of heavens benediction com'st To the warm sun Approach, thou beacon to this under globe, That by thy comfortable beams I may Peruse this letter. Nothing almost sees miracles But misery. I know 'tis from Cordelia Who hath most fortunately been informed Of my obscured course, and shall find time From this enormous state, seeking to give Losses their remedies. All weary and o'erwatched, Take vantage heavy eyes, not to behold This shameful lodging. Fortune, goodnight. Smile once more; turn thy wheel. Shakespeare's tragedy, King Lear, is often thought of as not only one of Shakespeare's best works, but also one of his best "poems". The language follows in Shakespeare's trademark format using iambic pentameter in much of the play. Shakespeare's It is well known for its many universal themes. Some of these themes are: Dealing with he folly of old age and the ingratitude of youth; Good versus evil; Nature; Vision and blindness; and Fortune. These themes have been examined for hundreds of years in many different forums, but what makes this play so unique is the fact that Shakespeare incorporates all of these issues in just one tale. One character that examines some of these issues is a character named Kent. Kent is a significant character in King Lear, as he is involved from the beginning to the end. King Lear Essay - Age versus Youth; Good versus Evil; Vision and Blindness :: King Lear essays Themes of Age versus Youth; Good versus evil; Vision and Blindness; and Fortune in King Lear "The theme of King Lear may be stated in psychological as well as biological terms. So put, it is the destructive, the ultimately suicidal character of unregulated passion, its power to carry human nature back to chaos.... The predestined end of unmastered passion is the suicide of the species. That is the gospel according to King Lear. The play is in no small measure an actual representation of that process. The murder-suicide of Regan-Goneril is an example. But it is more than a picture of chaos and impending doom. What is the remedy for chaos? it asks. What can avert the doom? The characters who have mastered their passions give us a glimpse of the answer to those questions." -Harold C. Goddard, The Meaning of Shakespeare, 1951 Good King, that must approve the common saw, Thou out of heavens benediction com'st To the warm sun Approach, thou beacon to this under globe, That by thy comfortable beams I may Peruse this letter. Nothing almost sees miracles But misery. I know 'tis from Cordelia Who hath most fortunately been informed Of my obscured course, and shall find time From this enormous state, seeking to give Losses their remedies. All weary and o'erwatched, Take vantage heavy eyes, not to behold This shameful lodging. Fortune, goodnight. Smile once more; turn thy wheel. Shakespeare's tragedy, King Lear, is often thought of as not only one of Shakespeare's best works, but also one of his best "poems". The language follows in Shakespeare's trademark format using iambic pentameter in much of the play. Shakespeare's It is well known for its many universal themes. Some of these themes are: Dealing with he folly of old age and the ingratitude of youth; Good versus evil; Nature; Vision and blindness; and Fortune. These themes have been examined for hundreds of years in many different forums, but what makes this play so unique is the fact that Shakespeare incorporates all of these issues in just one tale. One character that examines some of these issues is a character named Kent. Kent is a significant character in King Lear, as he is involved from the beginning to the end.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Coppolas Adaptation of Bram Stokers Dracula Essay -- Movie Film comp

Coppola's Adaptation of Bram Stoker's Dracula      Ã‚   The legendary creature Dracula has mesmerized readers and viewers for nearly a century. In Bram Stoker's masterpiece, Dracula, the infamous monster affects each reader in a different way. Some find the greatest fear to be the sacrilegious nature of his bloodsucking attacks, while others find themselves most afraid of Dracula's shadow-like omnipresent nature. The fascination with Dracula has assimilated into all parts of society. Dracula can now be seen selling breakfast cereals, making appearances on Sesame Street, and on the silver screen. Countless film adaptations of Stoker's original novel have been undertaken by the some of the most skilled directors in Hollywood including, Francis Ford Coppola who completed a film adaptation of Dracula in 1993.    In creating his film, Coppola strived to create a film that remained true to Stoker's original creation. In fact, he insisted upon calling the movie Bram Stoker's Dracula, but in reality the movie fell well short of his lofty goals. Coppola realized the complexity of Dracula's character and hoped to combine all of the irresistible qualities that have made him legendary. Coppola however, became too attached to the loving seductive nature of Dracula and neglected the monster's horror. Stoker's original novel centers on the fear Dracula creates and the omnipotent nature of his existence. Dracula only directly appears in the novel a few places. The majority of his existence occurs on a sub textual level, which starkly contrasts the most recent film version.    In Coppola's film, Dracula has a very active and visual role in almost every scene. It is quite understandable the temptation Coppola had of showing Dracula a... ... it is not. The movie is simply a vehicle for making money and is not truly a retelling of the original Dracula. The story is not Stoker's and is merely Coppola's representation of what he feels Dracula means to people in the twentieth century. The film has certain aspects of fear but falls drastically short of the fear that exists in Stoker's classic story. The movie will simply be added to the long list of films that have attempted to recapture the magical horror of Stoker's novel but have fallen drastically short.    Works Cited    Holte, James Craig. Dracula in the Dark: The Dracula Film Adaptations. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1997. Stoker, Bram. Dracula. New York: Signet, 1992. Bram Stoker's Dracula. Screenplay by James V. Hart. Dir. Francis Ford Coppola. Perf. Gary Oldman, Winona Ryder, Anthony Hopkins, Keanu Reeves. Columbia Tristar, 1992.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A Good Life Does Not Have to Be Complex Essay

A good life is defined differently for everyone. Our parents, friends, and the media all comprise a vision that we see as the best way of experiencing our lives. This is different for every person, because nobody follows the exact same path in life, and events influencing someone’s existence are what eventually set the course for one‘s perception of a good, fulfilling, purposeful life. In the cases of some, a good life does not have to be complex. A modest life is often more fulfilling as a busy, complicated lifestyle. Although I don’t necessarily agree that my life would be better if it were suddenly made much simpler, there are people in the world who believe that the best thing one could ask for is simplicity. Taoists are a wonderful example of people who prefer a less-complex life in favour of a simplistic one. Taoism, a Chinese philosophy we learn about and touch upon in the story â€Å"Substance, Shadow, and Spirit†. Substance represents the body, shadow represents fame, and spirit is self explanatory. In the story we learn that someone who chooses to stress substance in their life would spend much of their time gathering material possessions. Their priority in life would be trying to preserve it through building monuments that last beyond their own life span. Someone who chooses to emphasize shadow doesn’t care much about their life being preserved through time. They know eventually it will all slip away and focus on doing things that other people will praise. One who lives by the spirit does not concern themselves with noble deeds. They seem more interested in self-fulfillment as opposed to what others think about them. When you eliminate certain superficial factors that our society puts too much emphasis on, life gets a whole lot simpler. Buddhists are another great example. Choosing to eliminate the need for desires through self-discipline is what it emphasizes. Desires such as material possessions are not nearly as important to a Buddhist living in China as say the average North American. The lack of want for physical objects arguably makes a persons life a lot simpler. When you don’t have to stress or worry about having the latest phone, most money or nicest car – it makes living seem like less of a competition. Spirituality and understanding yourself better are far more important to a Buddhist then other trivial things people in our society don’t need to spend so much effort worrying about. Instead of â€Å"keeping up with the Jones’s† and worrying yourself with what you think you need, your focus can be on more important things like people and relationships. In conclusion, I do not necessarily believe a humble existence is the â€Å"best† way to live and it is most definitely not for me. I am content with my way of life, but I share some of the views that the people I mentioned do. I believe more emphasis should be put on the great memories and times you can have with people, because these things are much more valuable than a thing you can own. I don’t mean to preach, and I’m not declaring how much happier I would be if I rid myself of everything I own and moved to Tibet. I don’t think I have the self discipline or the desire to live in such a simple manner, but with hundreds of millions of Buddhists and Taoists around the world, the simple life is what they choose – and it works just fine for them.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

Since acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) was first recognized more than 20 years ago, remarkable progress has been made in improving the quality and duration of life of persons with HIV infection.During the first decade, this progress was associated with recognition of opportunistic disease processes, more effective therapy for complications, and introduction of prophylaxis against common opportunistic infections (OIs).The second decade has witnessed progress in developing highly active antiretroviral therapies (HAART) as well as continuing progress in treating OIs (Masur, Kaplan &Holmes, 1999).Since the HIV serologic test (enzyme immunoassay [EIA], formerly enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay [ALISHA], became available in 1984, allowing early diagnosis of the infection before onset of symptoms, HIV infection has been best managed as a chronic disease   and most appropriately managed in an outpatient care setting (Gallant, 2001).II. BackgroundA. EpidemiologyIn fall 1982, the C enters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a case definition of AIDS after the first 100 cases were reported. Since then, the CDC has revised the case definition a number of times (1985, 1987, and 1993)> All 50 states, the District of Columbia, U.S. dependencies and possessions, and independent nations in free association with the United States report AIDS cases to the CDC using a uniform surveillance case definition and case report from (CDC, 2000).Starting in the late 1990s, more states started to implement HIV case reporting in response to the changing epidemic and the need for information on persons with HIV infection who have not developed AIDS.As of December 2001, there were 816,149 reported cases of HIV/AIDS and 506, 154 adults, adolescents, and children in the United States (including U.S. dependencies, possession, and associated nations) living with AIDS. Unprotected sex and sharing of injection drug use equipment are the major means of transmission of HIV.A tot al of 43, 158 AIDS cases were diagnosed in 2001. For men diagnosed with AIDS during 2001, 59% were in the exposure category of men who have sex with men; 24% in injection drug use; and 7% in heterosexual contact.In women diagnosed with AIDS during that same period, 44% reported injection drug use and 52% reported heterosexual contact. Comparing race/ethnicity amount the three largest groups diagnosed in 2001, 20,752 were black, not Hispanics (CDC, 2002).The number of people living with AIDS is not evenly distributed throughout the United States. States with the largest number of reported AIDS cases during 2001 were New York (7,476), Florida (5,138), California (4,315), Texas (2,892), and Maryland (1,860) (CDC, 2002).AIDS has reached epidemic proportions in some other parts of the world. According to the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS, more than 18.3 million people worldwide have died of AIDS and 34.3 million people are infected with HIV, with 5.4 million people newly infec ted with HIV in 1999 alone (Letvin, Bloom & Hoffman, 2001).UNAIDS (2001) reports that since the epidemic began, more than 60 million people have been infected with the virus, making it the most devastating disease ever.The earliest confirmed case of HIV infection was found in blood drawn from an African man in 1959 (Stephenson, 2003). Although factors associated with the spread of HIV in Africa in the 1960s; however, social changes such as easier access to transportation, increasing population density, and more frequent sexual contacts may have been more important (Stephenson 2003).III. DiscussionA. HIV Transmission  HIV-1 is transmitted in body fluids containing HIV and/or infected CD4+ (or CD4) T lymphocytes. These fluids include blood, seminal fluid, vaginal secretions, amniotic fluid, and breast milk.Mother-child transmission of HIV-1 may occur in utero, at the time of the delivery, or through breastfeeding, but transmission frequency during each period has been difficult to d etermine (Nduati et al., 2000). Any behavior that results in breaks in the skin or mucosa results in the increased probability of exposure to HIV (chart 1).Since HIV is harbored within lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell, any exposure to infected blood results in a significant risk of infection. The amount of virus and infected cells in the body fluid is associated with the risk of new infections.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

RH Bill Essay

RH Bill is plausible yet we cannot be sure about what will be the incoming effect of it in the Philippines. The government says that the main problem here is poverty and with RH Bill, there would be a decrease in population so that poverty in relatively with population also decreases. Yes, the government has a point in that sense but morally speaking, is it what God wants us to do? There are some people who agrees with RH Bill because as we all know, the use of contraceptive will make us unfertile; and if a woman is unfertile, it will not become pregnant. Let us all be open-minded and say that nowadays, teens are engaging in sexual activities. Teens are truly engaging with sex. Most of them who engages with sex will be pregnant. If they are still not that responsible enough to have a child, they have an option to abort the child or not; if not, then the couple will most likely suffer in having an early marriage. I respect the opinion of others about their decision upon agreeing in this bill but they should have an understanding that when RH Bill is going to be a law, then the Philippines will somewhat be liberated. I passed upon a guy who is not a Pro nor a Con in RH Bill but has a point in telling us that, â€Å"I wouldn’t directly say that I am against it†¦but I wouldn’t also say that I am with it†¦on the surface, the law seems to be plausible†¦it is actually verging on good to great†¦but as Filipinos, the separation of the state to the church isn’t actually complied because as Filipinos, our value for life and morality is sky high†¦but we cannot also change the fact that we are not the most responsible people in the world†¦many youths that I know here on our place is actually engaging in sexual activities and they suffer for it†¦we can’t change the fact that we need to control the situation before it gets worst†¦guys, we ’re 92,681,453 and counting as we talk†¦we can’t just sit†¦we have to do something†¦ the church is here to teach the people of the values†¦the government and the state is here to implement the values that the church teaches†¦but if she can’t do the teaching, the state shall act upon doing what is right on his eye†¦let the church be the church and the state be the state†¦Ã¢â‚¬  but we must be careful about its effect. This guy has a good point in everything but teenagers who experienced early pregnancy should face their own consequences rather than encouraging other youths to engage in sex. Well, literally speaking, the RH Bill doesn’t encourage teens to engage in sexual activities but figuratively speaking, this bill somewhat encourages the teens to engage because of the thought that they won’t get pregnant and thus they’d be more liberated than ever. I respect the the governments’ idea about RH Bill because in the first place, they don’t want any abortion happening here in the Philippines nor having poverty because of having a child at an early age but I tell you, POPULATION is not the main issue here in the Philippines(well maybe a part) but POVERTY. Don’t tell me that poverty happens because of overpopulation. Well maybe yes†¦ but not the main reason. It is the CORRUPTION happening in our government’s the MAIN ISSUE here. Why concentrate in RH Bill when we should first plan a good system that helps the people in the Philippines which poverty will most likely decline. As a citizen here in the Philippines and as a Christian or a Catholic, would you like to have a liberated country? An immoral society? Think about it. Even though the RH Bill has a lot of benefits, it doesn’t mean we should make the disadvantages of the bill happen.

Social Structures

Social structure theories are based on relationships or bonds. A good example of a social structure would be family counseling. This is where families would learn to bond and work together. Community events such as team events or social gatherings can become part of the social structure that helps to mold juveniles being involved in positive social functions is important in the development of a youth. So in my community the Youth Sports program will be a good example of â€Å"social structure. Because this involves both juveniles and families it provides the ability to have closer relationship with both family and community. Social process theories go rights along with both the conflict and the social theory. It is a learned behavior one that often comes from watching siblings or parents display tier patterns of behavior. A public program that exemplifies this again would be the Boys and Girls club. These clubs are designed to create positive environments for children and youth to spend time learning sports and positive interactions. Social conflict theories definition, what the cause of crime is and how does economics play a part in this theory. Social economics do play a factor in how juveniles are treated in the system after committing a crime. In a poor neighborhood if a youth steals a TV they are quite often convicted and sent to Juvenile detention. A juvenile from a more affluent neighborhood may only be brought into court and considered indiscretions. How the county’s juvenile programs would treat the two social groups differently. This happens with both youth and adults. The juvenile system would be an example of this social structure theory and how the conflict between social groups is treated in the system. Juvenile detention is the county’s number one way in which to denture criminal behavior.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Poetic Literature: the 10 Plagues

God in this time period and now is a very powerful being. He has the knowledge of what is good and what is evil. Pharaoh in the book of Exodus tests God’s patience and power by continuing to deceive him as well as Moses, and Aaron. In this paper I plan to compare and contrast the ten plagues in the bible, Exodus 7:14-12:36 with Psalms 78:44-51 and 105:28-36 as well as explain how the authors of each psalm view the story of the plagues. In Exodus, it speaks about how the Pharaoh is unyielding to letting the Egyptian slaves go free so that they can worship to God. God initially had send Moses, who was made like God to the Pharaoh, and Aaron, Moses’ prophet, to warn Pharaoh to let God’s people go. Each and every time this request was asked of Pharaoh, he would lie about freeing his slaves, then, harden his heart and change his mind. This made God very angry and this is how the plagues began. The first plague started with the River Nile being turned into blood. This was God’s initial idea of getting Pharaoh to do what he wants and by removing the source of water would surely get his attention. However, that was not the case and the Pharaoh’s heart hardened. This pattern between God, Moses, Aaron, and the Pharaoh continued throughout nine more plagues after the first. The plagues that occurred after the Nile River turning into blood were frogs, gnats, flies, livestock/pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, and finally the death of the first born of every living being and animal in Egypt. The final plague is what we now know as Passover. I noticed in the first Psalm account of the ten plagues (Ps. 78:44-51), only seven of the ten plagues were mentioned. It started with turning the river into blood, followed by a swarm of flies, frogs, then locusts, hail, the killing of livestock, and finally the killing of the firstborn of every human and animal of Egypt. This psalm only has eight stanzas and if you notice the plagues are not in the same order as the ones in the book of Exodus. Instead of using the words gnats (used in Exodus) that word is replaced with caterpillars. The plagues of boils and darkness were not used in this Psalm also. Psalms 78:44-51 is of a Yahwistic narrative. God seems like a parental figure so to speak. It seems like it is just punishment because of the Pharaoh’s ignorance and his follower’s obliviousness. Like parents with children if one child messes up, the other siblings tend to feel part of the punishment as well and this is what I feel happened to the people of Egypt. The Yahwist tradition basically explains the relationship between God and man and to present sin and how man should be like God. Also, there is a level of communication that shows the relationship between human beings and God; a level of closeness and relationship growth. In the second account of the plagues in Psalm 105:28-36, this too is not in the same order as the ones in Exodus. It starts off with God sending darkness over the land then turning the river into blood, followed by a swarm of frogs, flies, gnats, hail, livestock, locusts, and again ending with the killing of the first born of every human and animal in Egypt. This Psalm has nine stanzas and this time boils was the only plague not used. To compare to the plagues in Exodus there is one way communication to show that God is all powerful and we are to never think that we are greater than him. For example, In Ex. 7:6, God directs Moses and Aaron to take a message to the Pharaoh and they did just as the Lord asked. Psalms 105:28-36 is written in a priestly fashion. The priestly narrative speaks on how angry God was and says that he did not spare anyone’s lives and left them all in the hands of the plague and the company of the destroying angels. It makes it seem like God in this psalm is mean with no remorse for anyone – monster like. To conclude, I feel that historical accuracy is equally important to ancient writers as well as the readers who choose to read their script. In the case of the plagues and the two psalm accounts relating to them, I think the reason why Ex. 7:14-12:36 and the two Ps. 78:44-51 and 105:28-36, are not in agreement in terms of order and number is because they were written by two authors with different views. I think that creating different versions of the same story is not a major problem for the biblical editors because it is nice to read a story and have the opportunity to see it in two different perspectives so that you can draw your own conclusion.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Economic Analysis of the Fast Food Industry in Houston Essay

Economic Analysis of the Fast Food Industry in Houston - Essay Example This is because these people have the greatest disposable income. As a result, most fast food establishments in the region are usually set up in places where such population can manage to access them easily. Factors influencing demand and supply The demand for fast food in Houston is projected to expand in the future. This is because of the various factors that influence the demand and supply of products. The tastes and preferences of consumers influence the demand for a product. For example, the US is described as a fast food nation. This means that most people in the region are attached to fast foods. Most people prefer to consume food from fast food restaurants because of their good price and suitability that makes it possible for people to cook. Moreover, because of the consumers desire to reduce food wastage, they prefer to take fast food. This state of affairs has made most people prefer fast foods to cooking food at home (Ritter). It is evident from the graph above that an inc rease in the expected prices causes an increase in demand. Thus, there will be a right ward shift of the demand curve. The availability of substitutes and compliments also influences the demand for fast food in Houston. There are many establishments that offer different kinds of fast food in the region. This state of affairs has led to a growth in competition in the fast food industry. In this case, only the restaurants that offer the best food in the market have been able to stay ahead of the rivalry. Supermarkets also offer convenience foods thereby tampering with the growth of the fast food industry. However, the growing popularity of the fast food industry has led to reduced demand of convenience... This essay offers a modern comprehensive review of the recent economic developments in the fast food industry in Houston. As it has been shown in the essay, the industry generates huge income for government, employees and the fast food establishments. The value of the fast food industry is anticipated to keep rising at a rate of 4 percent every year because of the increased demand of fast food in the region. Most people who take food in fast food restaurants usually have busy schedules. This implies that they cannot manage to prepare their own meals in an appropriate manner. This state of affairs has made most people develop great reliance on fast foods. The main players in the fast food industry in Houston include McDonalds, Burger King, Pizza Hut and KFC. The demand for fast food in Houston is projected to expand in the future. This is because of the various factors that influence the demand and supply of products. The tastes and preferences of consumers influence the demand for a product. Most people prefer to consume food from fast food restaurants because of their good price and suitability that makes it possible for people to cook. In order for businesses to operate in accordance to the expectations of their customers, it is important for the government to set up measures that regulate the operations of the businesses. In the case of the fast food industry, it is important for the government in Houston to set measures whose focus would be to ensure that the industry is sustainable.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

HND Managing People Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

HND Managing People - Assignment Example Let me explain why. Probably due to the pressures in the industry and due to the aspiration of the company to gain competitive edge over its competitors, Bankco enforced culture shift from being operation-oriented to sales-oriented company. With the introduction of advanced technological developments to the organisation that considerably improves productivity, computers and other state-of-the-art gadgets have replaced huge numbers of labourers. The implementation of modern business strategies and techniques also contributed to the considerable downsizing of its labour force. Because of the implementation of these two innovations, Bankco's has been restructured from 7 regions and 54 districts to 3 regions and 21 areas. This culture shift requires a collateral implementation of enhanced training strategies for the remaining employees to improve their skills in using computers and other technological devices to become more productive. Bankco's upper management realised the necessity of this move. It then increased the company's budget on training and development, which is a good move. We are now seeing Bankco as a company that is really serious in infusing technological developments in its operations. However, I believe that this move prematurely done since the HR department has not made any preparatory moves that will introduce the change into the organisation. Instead of orienting the managers and staff on the impending changes in the company first, what the HR department did was to assert the training methods that it deems fit for the organisation without any initial consultation. What resulted was a conflict of views regarding the appropriate training and learning methods. In the HR department's standpoint; interactive, modular, and computer-based learning methods are more effective training methods. According to the HR department it is the individual who would actively seek to further his or her own development and would take responsibility for this. Bankco's HR Department's philosophy with when it comes to learning is that the desire for learning comes from one's own initiative. What the whole organisation, must do is "to move to a situation where it is not the business tra ining the staff, but it is the business providing opportunities within which the staff can learn and grow.' On the other hand, experiential, on-the-job, practical learning coupled with regular courses and traditional teaching methods that engender the 'back-to-school' effect are the methods favoured by the managers. For them, it is the experiences not the simulated realities found in training that will improve learning. "Individuals learn," they say, 'by absorbing information, by making it interesting, relating it to real life situations, absorption involving recollection, using key words, revisions, competition, and reward in the end.' These differences in learning philosophy between HR and the managers should have been considered before implementation of new training methods took place. Despite the favourable impression of the managers on efforts of the organization in encouraging training and learning based on the evaluation of training and learning methods (a large portion of Bankco's managers believed that the organisation encouraged them to learn and to develop themselves), on a closer look, however, they considered this effort as an 'expectation' of the upper management for them to learn, to always be updated and to be prompt in responding to the new

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Operations Management Workforce Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Operations Management Workforce Planning - Essay Example This again will adversely affect the bottom line of the company. At a glance, it might appear very simple and rudimental to determine the actual manning complement for a certain operation however, a deeper scrutiny of the process will reveal the complexities involved such as the unpredictable fluctuation of demand vis--vis a fixed operating capacity comprised. The proponent used a simple accounting approach to determine and consolidate the cost component of each staffing plan. From here, the proponent tabulated the different data given in the case problem afterwhich, he proceeds in summing up the total cost per plan and simply compares each cost to know which alternative yields the least cost. Further to the quantitative analysis, which is actually just a comparison of the costs, the proponent attempts to account for the other effects of the different plans like employee morale, customer service and operations. The case problem requires the proponent to analyze three Workforce Planning model based on a given set of forecasted weekly demand, production rate per product and various costs like regular wage, overtime cost, hiring and firing cost. The problem further requires the proponent to evaluate each of these options based on other aspects of the business such as employee morale, operations and customer service. The setting of the problem is in Newmart International Manufacturing where three products are two be produced without incidents of run outs or back orders. IV. THE WORKFORCE PLANNING MODELS As mentioned in the case problem, the proposed Workforce Models to address the demand of the coming quarter are: 1) Level Workforce where the proponent simply hires the additional manpower required and keeps them all throughout the succeeding weeks; 2) Original Full-time Workforce plus over time does not engage in firing or hiring employees rather and 3) Adjusting the workforce depending on the requirement per week where the company is engaged in a weekly hiring and firing of employees. V. ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATION Based on the tabulation shown below, it is clear that among the three options, the original 75 fulltime workers of the company are still sufficient in meeting with the forecasted demands. It is also inferred that employee morale and other organizational elements have been adversely affected by frequent hiring and firing. The proponent therefore suggests applying option B to address the requirement of the company. This option will not only yield the lowest cost, i.e., US$ 609,588 there is but more importantly, it will maintain, if not enhance employee morale, customer service and the overall performance of the business operation. Bibliography: Heizer, Jay and Render, Render. "Production and Operations Management".4th

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Employee Resourcing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Employee Resourcing - Essay Example The modern corporate era is exhibiting a remarkable transformation for both the HR practitioners and the HR activities. These changes are both revolutionary and evolutionary. Today the managers are more informed and the HR specialists are expected to do some value addition keeping pace with the organizational sustainability and competitive advantage. The line managers on the other hand are expected to manage the human resource as well as the other resources of the organization. The precise role of HR functions within an organization and the distribution of HR activities and responsibilities have been influenced in the modern era, by the following contingency factors: Ownership, sector, size, tradition and stage of development of an organization The degree of dynamism in the competitive environment having the influence of political, economic, social, technological, international and legal factors as the external change agents for the organization The attitude of the senior management towards dealing with the employees The implementation of unitary, neo unitary or pluralistic practice to the employment relationship The reputation, competence and track record of HR job holders and the absence or existence of the capacity or skills to resource talent efficiently. The job of the HR personnel today, are effectively influenced by the strategy of the organization. Thus it can be concluded that, the ultimate work has remained the same today whereas the way of doing it has changed drastically (Pilbeam & Corbridge, 2010, pp. 2-29). Answer 2- Today the changed way of doing jobs affects the relationship between the employer and employee to a large extent. The employees often get scared with the idea of losing job any day which is commonly known as the â€Å"here today gone tomorrow† concept, though it is possible to prove statistically that jobs in many sectors are greatly secured, still with the managerially developed necessity of change and adaptation, along with t he global recession of 2009, which has enormously transformed the employee’s perspective of job permanence. The employers constantly keep on encouraging the employees to enhance their personal skills in order to maintain employability. As a result the employees get much more loyal to their own capabilities and skills. According to Armstrong and Brown (2001) the managers should not underestimate the importance of pay as a means of attracting and retaining the employees as it is considered as a factor which if can prove to be damaging if handled casually. But to generate long-term dedication from the end of the employees, it is necessary to put proper focus the non-monetary benefits too. Thus the employer-employee relationship of the modern times involve a transactional psychological contract which means they are satisfied until they have got â€Å"something in it for them† and as soon as the â€Å"something† is removed, they would opt for an alternative option. T heir relationship is thus much more self-centered rather than familial (Pilbeam & Corbridge, 2010, pp. 2-29). Answer 3- The changed work patterns of the present era showcases some basic trends which are- Easy acceptance of technological changes Strong prejudice regarding minority groups Willing to acquire a work-life balance greater than their previous generation Inclination towards strong ethical practices within the organization Influenced by a global viewpoint Intolerance towards tight and bureaucratic control system Easy dealing with job insecurity (Taylor, 2005, p.46) Answer 4- Generally the hiring decision of an employer is greatly affected by uncertainty as the productivity of the applicant cannot be measured directly. In such situation the employer gets interested in getting information that would serve as the ideal statistic for the applicant’s work potential. As per Spence (1973), â€Å"signals and indices are terms used to determine his assessment of an

Monday, September 9, 2019

Policing in a Democratic Society Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Policing in a Democratic Society - Assignment Example Finally, the essay will explore some ideas for eradication of the weaknesses encountered in the police structure. Following a rising rate of crime and threats to national and international security, the role of the police has been repeatedly questioned by the public. This questioning of the role played by the police is quite natural. This is because the police structure is supposed to protect the public. This is the entire social purpose of this structure. Usually, it is thought that the principle or objective of the police structure is criminal law enforcement. But, it is forgotten that most of the duties are related to order maintenance (Walker & Katz, 2012, p. 4). This is why both good protection of public interests and enforcement of law should translate into a dwindling rate of crime and threats. But, the real situation is opposite which is largely due to the fact that power is often not exercised in accordance with democratic principles. More attention is focused on reinforcing the crime-fighter image than maintaining order in society. The police do so to create this impression on the pub lic that â€Å"they, and they alone, could control† (Walker & Katz, 2012, p. 7). One of the most important principles of democratic policing is to use the authority delegated to the police by the state in the best interests of common people. When power is used by the capitalist class to control the working class or to monopolize their resources, democracy is threatened. Any problem brought to the police by a common person should be valued and addressed just as much as a problem brought by a person in high position. Unfortunately, this does not happen actually which is a great weakness of the police structure. More importance is attached to influential people by the police than to common people who lack resources. Also, more people with disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds are put

Sunday, September 8, 2019

A Worn Path by Eudora Welty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A Worn Path by Eudora Welty - Essay Example of an ordinary day in the life of an old woman however, looking deeply into the symbolisms and details in the story, there are a lot of theories one could delve into. The title of the story for one attracts readers to analyze why it has been entitled so. As the story unfolds, it is understood that the travel on that day was not a first for Phoenix instead, it seemed like a regular trek she took as revealed by the nurse in the hospital she visited in the city. Thus, it could be a description of the travel the old woman took from time to time, making her path a very familiar one. The hunter she met along the way assumed she was a hundred years old and her encounters with the scarecrow, the dog and the nurse in the hospital show that her mind was failing as she claimed it herself. Thus, walking the familiar path was like to her, doing routine chores, knowing where to rest, where to cross or where not to go to so that one would think that it was not a purposeful trip as the main character believed. Her musings to herself pictures an old woman suffering from dementia and this idea is even more established when the final part of the story is pointed ou t. In earlier parts of the story, readers were informed that the old woman was left with an only grandson however, when she took the two nickels, she thought of buying his son a present, a little paper windmill. Surely, she would not have a four year old son yet she thought of buying him a paper windmill, fit for a child; showing the old woman has problems with her memory. The worn path could also be referred to the circumstances that happened to the old woman that day, showing that such events happen daily in different lives with people of different status and race. Dishonesty, ridicule, goodness, help and giving are common ways in life that are encountered daily making it a worn path. Choosing a black woman as the main character, the author might have considered her to be a representation of centuries old prejudice

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Having good study skills can improve student Essay

Having good study skills can improve student - Essay Example There are various good studying skills and these skills are of utmost importance as they can lead to provide for betterment in the student with regard to their education. An important studying skill that students should know is that they should choose the most comfortable location for their studies. It is essential that students are easy and relaxed while studying and thus they should choose their spots of studying as per their requirements. An individual should consider his spot according to his own comfort level rather than trying to choose spots where their peers can study well. This is because every individual has his own way of studying and to try to accommodate oneself in a spot where others are comfortable may not be a very suitable option. A perfect example to support this stand is the library. Many students find it easy to study in the library owing to their liking of the studying environment. On the other hand, some students find it very difficult to study in the library as they get distracted by the new people who enter the library or because they feel more comfortable while studying at home. Thus, it is important for a student to choose his specific spot of studying as per his own needs and requirements. ... In this way, the student would be able to stay in pace with the teachings in the class and he would also be able to understand what is required from him during lectures and in his assignments. There are a few students who hesitate to contact their teachers out of fear that their teachers would look down upon them and consider them to inattentive and slow. This is extremely wrong and it further worsens the educational level of an already struggling student. Thus, an important skill of studying is to have a good communication with the instructor. Organization in studying is also a very essential skill that can help students to improve in their studies. Students should not only organize their studying times but they should also organize the way in which they study. Organized schedules allow students to dedicate the required time to their studies. A student should create his timetable by devoting the maximum time to the subjects that he is weak in. In this way, he would be able to concen trate more on his weaknesses and hence improve his performance in those subjects. Apart from creating timetables for studying times, students should organize their study pattern. Haphazard studying leads to more confusion and the students are not able to retain what they study. An easier way is to study the most difficult and important topics and highlight the important points. Very important points that may help at the last minute before an exam can be written down in a notebook for later revision. In this manner, a student can revise his work easily and go through the highlighted sections and the notebook for overviewing the important points. Thus, time organization as well as organizing the study

Friday, September 6, 2019

Plug-in Hybrid vs. Pure Electric Cars Research Essay Essay Example for Free

Plug-in Hybrid vs. Pure Electric Cars Research Essay Essay This world has prospered with gasoline cars since the late eighteen hundreds and nineteen hundreds. In fact, the world we live in today cannot stand without the benefits of gasoline-powered vehicular travel. Since the modernization of travel, the public can drive cars anywhere, including other countries, cities, streets, houses, or even backyards. The mass want of private automobiles has led to more drivers, then a huge amount of pollution, and then that familiar phrase: Global Warming. This is why we need a new alternative to the combustion engine, and there are very many ways to achieve this including plug-in cars and pure electric cars. But, to fully prevent Global Warming, our economy must run on pure clean energy. Plug-in hybrid cars have their benefits, including the ability to revert to an internal combustion engine when the battery dies, but pure-electric cars are the way to go because the battery has a much larger store of electricity and electric cars do not run on harmful gasoline; they run on clean energy. The pros of hybrid plug-in cars do not match the pros that the pure-electric car boasts. Although, there are some so-called experts who disprove this theory, and say that hybrid cars are the best way to go. A pro in the mind of Philip Dunn, a hybrid car advocate, is that â€Å"at higher speeds above forty miles per hour the gas motor kicks in and gives that peppy feel so many car owners look for when driving on the highway. † Another pro is that the hybrid car can â€Å"already get one-hundred mpg on fifty-five-mile trips using cobbled-together PHEVs,† (Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle) says Ben Hewitt, another advocate of hybrid cars. The hybrid vehicle also does not produce any Carbon-Dioxide from a stop, and does not produce any Carbon-Dioxide moving at less than under forty miles per hour. These pros, nonetheless, are better than a pure-gas engine, which compares with an average 21 mpg (estimation courtesy of EPA), and produces Carbon-Dioxide all of the time that it is running. But, these pros do not scratch the surface of the pure-electric car and its wonders. The cons of the plug-in car are various. The plug-in car costs â€Å"anywhere from three-thousand dollars to eight-thousand dollars more than conventional automobiles† (Watson), but these prices will go down as manufacturers start developing more hybrids and create more competition. Until there is more research, hybrids also use up the electric engine in under five-hundred uses, which leads to more money spent replacing the un-chargeable battery. Adding onto the list is the fact that hybrid cars will still use gasoline. In order to clean up Earth, hybrid plug-in cars and their problems shall not be created. Hybrid cars are also weighed down by both engines. The two engines also instigate the problem of maintaining two engines instead of one, which will make repair cost more than gas-powered cars in certain circumstances such as a car crash that damages both engines. Both pros and cons of the hybrid plug-in do not reach the level of pure electric cars. Few cons are tacked onto the pure electric car, but those few are important. Pure-electric cars cannot drive long distance road trips without being recharged. This can take up to three-and-a-half hours in some electric cars, which isn’t good for being late to work or a party. The beneficial trend toward more environmentally friendly vehicles has had the unintended effect of placing the blind and other pedestrians in danger, said Rep. Edolphus Towns (D-New York, 10th) in introducing The Pedestrian Safety Act of 2008 that would protect the blind from electric cars, which are silent. These cars are also pricy, with the Tesla Roadster reaching over one-hundred thousand dollars. These cons come with a reward, though. The pros of having a pure-electric vehicle are heavier than that of its cons. With an average of 220 mpc (miles per charge [based on EPA combined city/highway cycle]), the pure-electric car can cover the average daily driver’s commute and then some. The pure-electric Tesla Roadster can reach up to â€Å"125 mph and has a 0mph-60mph in less than 4 seconds† (Tesla Motors – Tesla Roadster). Also, whenever the brakes are used to stop, you charge the engine. Another thing is that, when stopped, the car does not consume any energy. All of this and zero-emissions boost the pure-electric car to the top of the list of daily drivers and high performance gas-guzzlers. Both types of car oust that of the gas-guzzlers on the road today. Although, to provide a cleaner and more-efficient future for Earth, humans must set aside fossil fuels and use clean electric energy, which a pure-electric car uses. The public cannot make a huge change into hybrid plug-ins and then switch to full electric power; just look at the Digital Television switch that has been postponed twice because people are too lazy to go out and get a free digital cable box. The people are slow to change, which means that in order to switch before humans destroy the world, humans must first change to pure-electric energy. If humans are ready to start the massive change to clean up Earth, those humans must first stop making a new mess. Works Cited Dunn, Philip. Hybrid Cars Pros and Cons. (2006) 4 Apr 2009 . Hewitt, Ben. Plug-in Hybrid Electric Cars: How Theyll Solve the Fuel Crunch. May 2007 4 Apr 2009 . Watson, Jerry. Hybrids pros and cons. (2005-2009) 4 Apr 2009 . http://www. teslamotors. com/performance/perf_specs. php Towns, Edolphus. Introduction of Pedestrian Safety Act of 2008, April 9th, 2008.