Thursday, October 31, 2019

Labor Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Labor Law - Assignment Example The core of OSHA is its responsibility for infection (Peterson & Cohen, 1996). Its inspectors conduct inspections and investigations to determine the compliance status with safety and health regulations and standards. If a work cite is detected with non-compliance, then the employer faces a penalty. Following its inception, OSHA has been a centre of controversies, with businesses complaining of too rigid, bureaucratic, and hard to comprehend regulations, making compliance difficult. According to Lombard & Pynes, 2011, the Human resource Department plays an important duty in ensuring employee safety and health as they understand the workplace and the employee demands. They should know how and when to use existing resources to take action to employee concerns. They should co-operate with healthcare professionals by participating in the compliance process. The department should recommend that the health organization’s procedures and policies address areas of special concern as highlighted in the OSHA law. Many of these areas fall in their department including risks such as billing of services and items not rendered, up coding, providing medically needless services, unbundling, and outpatient services offered in correlation with inpatient stays. To achieve compliance, HR department should implement policies and procedures which ensure that billing and coding are based on timely and accurate medical records, and that there is a process for reporting actual violations by health practitioners so that any deliberate life risks can be well traced (Peterson & Cohen, 1996). The department should also educate the employees on their rights to communicate so that there is a reduction of any potential abuse, waste, and fraud. The communication culture can be encouraged by: announcing to workers that they report incidents of fraud through company policies addressing anonymity, confidentiality, and non-retaliation, sufficiently

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Critical Nature of Water Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Critical Nature of Water - Essay Example The fireweed has only recently been observed and has been analyzed at the University of Queenslands marine botany lab by scientist Judith ONeil. Fireweed is a hairy strain of ancient bacteria that flourished on earth 2.7 billion years ago. The poisonous weed, cyanobacteria, has appeared in at least a dozen locations around the globe. According to Weiss, the bacteria has devolved in response to the pollution of the worlds oceans. In an evolutionary sense, bacteria are very adaptable and can quickly mutate to adapt to new conditions (Campbell & Reese 2002 p.340). It is a result of "...overdosing the oceans with basic nutrients--the nitrogen, carbon, iron and phosphorous compounds that... wash into the sea from fertilized lawns and cropland, seep out of septic tanks and gush from sewer pipes". These are not the deadly carcinogens such as dioxin or PCBs. These are the basics of life and demonstrates the critical balance of the quality of our water supply. According to Goudie (1994), this will eventually lead to severe oxygen depletion and result in massive fish kills (p.214). Further destruction is evident in the coral beds of the Caribbean where as much as 80% have been lost in recent years. Weiss says that this "quiet creep of environmental decay" has gone unchecked and largely unnoticed for decades. Scientist Jeremy Jackson stated that, "Were pushing the oceans back to the dawn of evolution, to a half-billion years ago when the oceans were ruled by jellyfish and bacteria". Biology has discovered the problem and biology can prescribe the remedy. The article was a factual account of the destruction of the oceans water. It drew from first hand experiences and quoted biology experts that had researched the problem.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Introduction Of Company Petronas Commerce Essay

Introduction Of Company Petronas Commerce Essay PETRONAS is the acronym for Petroliam National Berhad. PETRONAS not only focused on oil and gas, and provide education. PETRONAS is an incorporated public organization and has it separate legal entity. PETRONAS was incorporated on the 17th of August 1974 and was owned and controlled by the government of Malaysia. PETRONAS has a set of vision, mission and values. PETRONAS is a well known worldwide company that has ventured into 32 countries including Argentina, Russia and Egypt. PETRONAS practices a culture that stresses mainly on being environmental friendly and people orientated. It currently employs over 30, 000 employees of 38 nationalities. PETRONAS with the fully integrated oil and gas multinational, it has involved the entire petroleum activities. From managing the sharing contractors of the foreign production, we have been change into developing our own capabilities in the upstream sector allow us to take the lead in the exploration and production of the nations oil and gas resources. Besides that, we also ventured into downstream activities. We seek to maximize value creation and strengthen of our operations all the way down the value chain. The range of our downstream activities includes oil refining, gas processing and liquefaction, gas transmission pipeline operations, petrochemical manufacturing and marketing, property investment, shipping, marketing of liquefied natural gas, marketing and distribution of petroleum products, and trading. Furthermore, PETRONAS has operated service station in Malaysia, South Africa, Sudan, Thailand and Indonesia. It has distribution of automotive and industrial lubricants globally, including the PETRONAS Syntium and Sprinta premium grade engine oil. Internal Environment There is a high level of interdependence between an organisation and its internal environment. The internal environment comprises elements that have a direct influence on the day to day operations of the organisation. They have an impact on the achievement of the organizations goals. The Micro forces of the environment are: Vision and Mission PETRONAS is a big organization and a corporation which is widely known to the world as its a company that exports Malaysian oil. Being a big organization, PETRONAS has of course its very own vision and mission to achieve its common goal and to serve its customers the best service they can provide. As we all know vision is a long-term plan that almost every company or organization has. PETRONASs vision statement is to be a leading oil and gas multinational of choice. As an organization they are hoping to become a worldwide known organization and to become the first choice among all other oil companies present so far. Their mission statement, on the other hand, is as follows: We are a business entity. Petroleum is our core business. Our primary responsibility is to develop and add value to this national resource. Our objective is to contribute to the well-being of the people and the nation. (intext citation) Their mission and vision we believe has made them grow tremendously since they were incorporated in the month of August on the 17th in the year 1974. PETRONAS has become a fully-integrated oil and gas corporation and is ranked among FORTUNE Global 500s largest corporation in the world. They have now ventured globally into more than 32 countries worldwide in its aspiration to be a leading oil and gas multinational of choice. Organizational structure Organizational structure is the internal, formal framework of a business that shows the way in which management is linked together and how authority is transmitted. (Stimpson, 2006) structure.jpg Figure 1: The Corporation Organisational Structure of PETRONAS (Picture taken from PETRONAS adopts the functional organization structure. It enables specialization, allowing employees to focus on their respective areas. There is cross functional bonds between the respective divisions and departments. It is the bond and process of specialization that has led to the success of the organisation. Team work is encouraged, all the departments work together to achieve the companys goals and targets. This has proved to rewarding for the organization as a whole and the employees, customers, suppliers and the community as a whole. The line of authority is clearly drawn, orders are sent from the top most level, the president and the CEO. PETRONAS has also hired consultants to improve business and organization results. Functional Strategies    Human Resource  division Its main objective is to meet the organizational needs of the company it represents the needs of the people hired by that company. The most important function of the human resource department is recruitment, selection and training of employees among others. PETRONAS selects the best and brightest of employees through talent searches amongst local and overseas graduate. PETRONAS trains and molds its own employees through technical training and innovative program provided in University Technology PETRONAS. Finance division The Finance Function provides the company with its accounting and financial reporting backbone of the company. Its role is to identify financial sources willing to finance the operations of the company and to locate profitable areas where the business can invest their money to get higher returns. PETRONAS is involved in the sports world through its investment with Mercedes F1team. PETRONAS has also contributed towards the development of Turkmenistan economy, by investing US dollar $ 1.8 billion in the oil and gas industries. Corporate Planning and development division This division plans long term and short term business strategies which lead to the development of the organisation. Technical Services division This division is set up to drive and manage the technological activities of PETRONAS. Education division This division undertakes the responsibility of all the educational activities PETRONAS is associated with. It involves the scholarships provided by University technology PETRONAS and the education programs provided to the underserved community. Shareholders Shareholders of a firm can directly influence its policies and activities. PETRONAS shareholder is the government. It generates income and value for its shareholder. PETRONAS gave the government RM 52.3 billion from its RM86.8 billion pre-tax profit, in the form royalty, dividends, corporate tax, income tax and export duty. PETRONAS provides shareholders with the opportunity to gain first hand exposure on the Companys operations by organizing several visits to its Gas Processing Plants. Such two-way communication increases corporate transparency and helps shareholders take a longer term view of their investment based on a better understanding of the companys corporate strategy and operation PETRONAS recognizes the importance of timely and equal dissemination of information to shareholders. Therefore they arrange the Annual General Meeting (AGM) which is a crucial mechanism in shareholders communication. Employees PETRONAS must be committed to enhancing the capability of its employees, as a corporation is only as good as the people who work for it. This phrase is from PETRONAS mission statement. Employees are the most important asset of an organisation, since it is the dedication, motivation and skills of an employee that make a business successful. PETRONAS highly values its employees and understands the importance of their motivation. Therefore PETRONAS arranges various programmes to encourage and support its employees by involving them in voluntary work. Programmes such as Sentuhan Kasih and Jalinan Insan allow our employees to contribute directly to homes for disadvantaged children and orphans in the areas of their operations. These programmes provide the employees with job satisfaction, which in return highly motivates them to perform better. Community Lord Holme and Richard Watts used the following definition. Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large The culture now is to be generous by giving back to the community. Therefore organisations have certain responsibility towards the community they work in. PETRONAS is a responsible citizen of the community, thus is has successfully imitated and supported various social, environmental and community projects. PETRONAS and Education PETRONAS is committed is developing the people and they operate in by providing education particularly in the field on science and technology. They are determined to create a skilled human resource base for Malaysia through various schemes. Scholarships University technology PETRONAS (UTP) Provides hands on technical training and innovative programs to help employees build skills and competencies. PETROSAINS provides a rich and stimulating environment for the public to learn about science and technology PETRONAS benefits from this program since they are molding their own workforce, by educating them in standards which are important to PETRONAS. PETRONAS and Environment PETRONAS recognizes the importance of conserving biological diversity in order to ensure people, animals and plants. Therefore they developed the KUALA LUMPUR CITY CENTRE (KLCC) PARK, to balance the challenging demands of growing urban populations, with the environmental conservation. A much needed public park and green lung for the city of Kuala Lumpur. External Environment External environment refers to the factors that happen outside the business which cannot be controlled by the business. These factors will influence the internal functions of the business and its strategies to adapt itself to the changing environment. Political Environment The Malaysian government chose to create a state company, rather than using taxes, production limits, leasing, or other familiar instruments of supervision. The government sought to assert national rights over the use of the countrys resources. A state company, having both supervisory powers over the majors and production activities of its own, was a workable compromise between allowing the majors full rein and excluding them, along with their capital and expertise, altogether. Petronas is given fulltrust by Malaysia government to conduct business independently from the government. Government holds 100% of Petronas and formulates and implements energy policies including oil gas. The company cooperates with the government for the common purpose to develop the country to achieve the level of advanced countries. Regarding the relationship between Petronas and the government, one executive at Petronas said, There is a world, especially in the Third World, where only the government and the government (GG) can open the first door. He claimed that there is the world which does not function well with the absence of mutual trust between the government and NOC. Legal Environment PETRONAS is a multinational organisation. Therefore the company is subjected to laws in all of its host countries, such as taxation and consumer rights. Government taxation A large sum of the profit is usually paid off to government in the form of income tax, dividends etc. Despite the lowered net profit, PETRONAS paid RM 30.0 billion as dividends, RM20.3 billion as income tax, RM 9.1 billion as corporate income tax, RM 2.2 billion as export duties and RM 6.2 billion as royalties. Health and safety at work This aims to protect the workers from any kind of physical injuries. It requires the working environment to be safe with adequate equipment and sanitation. These requirements usually add up to the business cost. Consumer rights This law protects the consumer from products that do not reach a reasonable level of safety. PETRONAS sternly practices this as to ensure maximum popularity amongst other oil and gas company as well as looking after customer satisfaction. It generates income and value for its shareholder. PETRONAS gave the government RM 52.3 billion from its RM86.8 billion pre-tax profit, in the form royalty, dividends, corporate tax, income tax and export duty. Economical Environment Economical environment refers to the economic factors that affect the business in terms of recession, interest rates, exchange rates and global economic factors. Recession Recession results in the fall of demand for certain products, as income is reduced. To keep the demand on going, the prices of products is lowered. PETRONAS has net profit declined by 13.9% due to high production costs and low oil price that has been caused by the recession. Interest rates During inflation, there will be increase in the supply of money associated to the amount of goods available. This will result in a rise in prices of goods and services in the economy over a period of time. The high interest rates and fall of purchasing power would consequently affect the cash flow of the organization. Globalisation Technological Environment In order to adapt itself to the rapid growing technological environment, an organisation has to be versatile and recognises the value of technology to its business growth. PETRONAS is a technology dependent organisation that promotes and uses technology vastly for research and development. PETRONAS focuses its technology on advancing operational excellence through better plant and Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) performance. It also aim to create niche technologies to improve the performance of its core businesses. In the upstream sector, PETRONAS focuses on technological development to increase hydrocarbon resources and to enhance productivity and recovery of its fields. On the other hand, downstream, PETRONAS maximises yield in oil, gas and petrolchemical operations by applying appropriate technology. It also creating a renewable energy lab to enable itself to move further forward and become a technology-driven company. Competition PETRONAS PRIMAX 3 is designed to provide maximum protection and performance for your car. Based on comprehensive tests,  PETRONAS PRIMAX 3 unique cleaning formulation will  starts to work right from the first time you fill it up, ensuring that your engine is always at its most powerful. By formulating with unique additive components, PETRONAS PRIMAX 3 efficiently protects your engine against injector fouling and corrosion, reinstating your car to its peak performance to  improve fuel economy. However, Shell is the leader in developing high  quality fuels. Shell Super with fuel economy formula is specially designed by Shell experts to give you extra miles at no extra cost. It is formulated with Shells Synthetic Viscous Friction Improver, designed to reduce friction in this crucial part of your engine, helping to improve its efficiency. On the other hand, all Caltex petrols now include technologically-advanced, patented fuel ingredient, Techron ®. Caltex Techron with cleaning agent is unsurpassed at keeping engines clean and cleaning up deposits to help reinstate original performance. It contains powerful detergents which help in removing deposits from fuel injectors intake ports and valves. The key benefits for using Techron ® are improved performance, enhanced reliability, smoother drive, restored fuel economy and lower emissions. Social culturePressure group Sponsorship Programmes: PETRONAS will offer academic sponsorships to deserving students for studies in secondary schools and institutions of higher learning every year. There are more than 19,000 students have benefited from PETRONAS   tertiary education sponsorship programmes at the Foundation, Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels. Besides that, more than 11,000 secondary school students have received sponsorships from PETRONAS. Students can get the sponsorships by obtaining excellent results in the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) examinations for undergraduate studies at established universities, both in Malaysia and overseas. On the other hand, students can choose to pursue technical and non-technical courses that are related to the industry. In addition, scholarships are offered to Malaysian secondary school students. Employees and Community: In reaching out to society, PETRONAS promised to serve disadvantaged groups and communities around the world goes the extra mile with the proactive participation of their employees at the grassroots level as volunteers. PETRONASs employees dedicated their time and energy to help ease the needs of the disadvantaged communities in Malaysia and abroad. Group-wide, PETRONAS organized different programmes to encourage their employees in their voluntary efforts to connect with the communities that need help the most. PETRONAS organized annual programmes like  Sentuhan Kasih  and  Jalinan Insan  for allowing their employees to contribute directly to homes for disadvantaged children and orphans in the areas of PETRONASs operations. In addition, the  PETRONAS Volunteer Opportunity Programme  works together with selected NGOs and relevant parties to scout for volunteer opportunities and provide necessary training, direction and support to develop skills useful in programmes such as disaster rehabilitation and education outreach activities. Conclusion PETRONAS has managed its business environment well because it is now has ventured to 32 countries. Therefore, PETRONAS has to be innovative and creative to adapt the dynamic environment of business in order to maintain and expand its business. As the result of well planning and well utilizing of technology, PETRONAS has grown to become a massive power to succeed in petroleum industry from the past to the present. Great organisation of power and technology had become the main factor of this success. With the strategy of integration, adding values and globalization, PETRONAS has the new routes to deliver excellent performance to the stakeholders, employees, nation, and host countries and communities where PETRONAS operate. PETRONAS will continue to develop the businesses in Malaysia and overseas as the journey towards comprehend our vision To be a Leading Oil and Gas Multinational of Choice.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Vygotsky And The We-Function Essays -- Biology Essays Research Papers

Vygotsky And The We-Function The room is bare with the exception of the long, glass table, six wooden chairs, and a blackboard, but one hardly notices this fact. Instead, the first thing that outsiders notice is the energy in room created by the dynamic of the six women seated around the table. As they share ideas and frantically sketch diagrams on the board, the problem they are attacking is simplified again and again until it is solved. Amid pats on the back and "Good job!" comments, each woman thinks to herself how impossible the problem had seemed while she was alone, but now, in this group, the solution had come so quickly. Over the past century, the idea of learning theory and society has become a prominent field in neuroscience and education. Neurologically, several theories exist concerning the actual processes of learning on an individual basis. The most significant aspect of these theories, perhaps, is the idea that learning can occur both consciously and unconsciously. In other words, humans are capable of learning without even being aware of the fact that the process is occurring. In the terms of Biology 202, it is possible for the brain to recognize patterns in a game, for example, without the I-function even realizing that there is a pattern or its structure (1). On a higher level, as well, similarities exist within the theories presented by different psychologists and neuroscientists. Virtually every theory, for example, relies on the existence of the usefulness of learning tools, such as toys or games, in the process of cognitive development. It is in the identity of these tools, however, that significant differences may begin within the various theories of learning. In particular, the ideas of Lev Semy... ...tion to Vygotsky's Theory 3)Social Development Theory, Vygotsky's Social Development Theory 4) Zone of Proximal Development , Summary of Zone of Proximal Development 5) Vygotsky's Cultural/Cognitive Theory Of Development , Tutorial on Vygotsky 6) Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky , Education Implications of Vygotsky's Theory 7) Three Stages of Speech Development , The Role of Language in Vygotsky's Theory 8) Neurobiology and Behavior 2001 , Class Notes for Biology 202 at Bryn Mawr College

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Cultural Practices that Affect Health Essay

The Community Health Nurse (CHN), an individual who works outside of the hospital setting and typically with a specific community to provide basic health care systems (All Nursing Schools, 2009) can be perceived as the bridge to address the gap between western medicine and cultural traditions. In cases when cultural practices cause physical harm and health risks, the CHN can be the tool to provide information and educate individuals to inform them of the tangible health risks and often permanent damages caused by such practices. What is also important to acknowledge is that there is an imminent health risk that needs to be addressed. According to Megan Costello (2004), in an article about female circumcision, sometimes making a practice illegal does not serve as a good enough deterrent. Costello (2004) explains that what people need is more information to understand the health risks and the unwarranted, in terms of perceived health benefit, practice. In North African countries, an average of 94 percent of women are subjected to female circumcision (Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 2008). In the United States there are an estimated 228,000 girls and women at risk of female circumcision (Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 2008). The CHN through community agencies or organizations can work to create care systems that will facilitate the dissemination of information. The CHN can effect policy change that will bring health care to the disadvantage populations or minority groups, such as refugees, who may have little understanding of western health care systems. Essentially, to address the gap between large health care institution and individual members of small communities, the CHN has the task of developing a system that will inform members of these groups of the serious harm caused by their practices. Similarly, the CHN through the same system can protect the young adults often subjected to these traditional practices. In the case of female circumcision, Bien Aime of Equality Now (quoted in Costello, 2004) says, â€Å"†¦ people need education. We need people on the ground who have access to girls and young women at risk, to help them understand that not only is this procedure against the law, but also that there are harmful effects. † As more and more cultures and ethnic backgrounds are assimilated through migration activities there is a need to provide health care that is culturally competent. The CHN becomes integral in the task of providing adequate care to all individuals with equity regardless of cultural or ethnic backgrounds through a sensitive approach. In cases where the cultural practice causes permanent injuries and prolonged negative complications to health the CHN can contribute to changing these practices. References All Nursing Schools. (2009). Become a Community Health Nurse. All Nursing Schools. Retrieved March 7, 2009, from http://www. allnursingschools. com/faqs/community-health-nurse. php Brigham and Women’s Hospital. (2008). African Women’s Health Center. Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Retrieved March 7, 2009 from http://www. brighamandwomens. org/africanwomenscenter/FGCprevalence. aspx and http://www. brighamandwomens. org/africanwomenscenter/education. aspx? subID=submenu4 Costello, A. (2004, February 19). Two in U. S. Accused of Genital Mutilation. Women’s E News. Retrieved March 7, 2009 from http://www. womensenews. org/article. cfm/dyn/aid/1718

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Commodity Barley for the Production of Beer

Barley is the basic ingredient of Beer and therefore, it would be pertinent to familiarize with this commodity. Its biological name is Hordeum Vulgare and it is a member of the grass family Poaceae. It is a major food and animal feed crop. It is mainly starch or carbohydrate source from nutrition considerations.It contains close to 60% starch. In 2005, barley ranked fourth in quantity produced and in area of cultivation of cereal crops in the world, with total production being approximately 137 Million Metric ton and area under cultivation was approximately 560,000 square kilometers (wikipedia).It is cultivated mainly on land too lean or two cold for wheat cultivation. It is used primarily as animal feed for beef cattle, dairy cattle, swine and poultry. The entire barley kernel is rolled, ground or flaked for preparing animal feed. To some extent, it is also used as human food, for that the barley is pearled i. e. its hull is removed by using abrasive rollers. However, the major use of Barley for human consumption is in the form of Malt. Malt is used in beer, liquor, malted milk and flavored food.Approximate chemical composition of Barley is given in following table. Barley was one of the first domesticated cereals. It originated, most likely in the Fertile Crescent area of the Near East. Many references to barley and beer are found in early Egyptian and Sumerian writings that are more than 5000 years old. Archaeological evidence of barley cultivation has been found dating back to 8000 BC in Iran. There is now considerable evidence that the initial cultivation of barley in China and India occurred at a later date.Cultivated barley is one of 31 Hordeum species, belonging to the tribe Triticeae, family Poaceae. It is an annual diploid species with 2n=14 chromosomes. The genetic system is relatively simple, while the species is genetically diverse, making it an ideal study organism. Molecular evidence has revealed considerable homology between barley, wheat, and r ye. Among the wild Hordeum, there are diploid, tetraploid, and hexaploid species. Many are perennial. The species are native in various parts of the world. Barley has a single floret in each spikelet.There are three spikelets at each node, alternating on opposite sides of the barley head or spike. In two-rowed barley, the central floret is fertile and the two lateral florets are sterile, resulting in a single seed at each node, giving the head a flat appearance (picture below). In six-rowed barley, all of the florets are fertile (picture below). The central seeds are round and fat, but the laterals tend to be slightly asymmetric. A single head of barley can produce up to 80 seeds. Currently the wild ancestor of barley (H. vulgare subsp.spontaneum) is thought to be a subspecies of cultivated barley, and cultivated barley is classified in the subspecies vulgare. Wild barley has a brittle rachis and occurs only in the two-row form. Cultivated barley has a nonbrittle rachis and may be t wo-rowed or six-rowed. H. vulgare subsp. spontaneum may be a transitional form between the true progenitor of barley and the cultivated species. Barley generally has several stems or tillers. The Barley tillers are round and erect, with conspicuous nodes and internodes. Like many grasses, the stem is hollow. The straw of barley is generally weaker than wheat.The ability of the barley plant to send up new tillers in response to favorable environmental conditions is a useful mechanism for adapting to changes during the growing season. Two-rowed varieties usually have a higher number of tillers per plant and larger, heavier seed than six-rowed varieties. Six-rowed varieties on the other hand, usually have more seeds per inflorescence. Thus the compensatory effects of yield components lead to similar levels of yield potential. When one talks about the wide adaptability of various cereal crops, barley is the champion.It is grown in a range of extreme environments that vary from northern Scandinavia to the Himalayan Mountains to monsoon paddies. It is particularly noted for its tolerance to cold, drought, alkali, and salinity. Its rapid growth enables it to compete well with weeds and other grasses. It is earlier in maturity than wheat and other cereal crops. It is not well adapted to acid and wet conditions. Requirements for inputs, particularly nitrogen, are relatively low. Barley should be grown under moderate nitrogen fertility conditions because high fertility will reduce kernel plumpness and increase lodging.The grain protein target for malting barley is 11. 5% to 13%, which must also be considered in determining appropriate nitrogenous fertilizer levels. Barley favors cool production conditions (15-30 Â °C) and moderate rains (500 – 1000 mm annually). Cultivars that are photoperiod sensitive require long days to flower. Both winter and spring habit types exist. For winter barley, a vernalization period of two to ten weeks below 50 Â °F is necessary. In general, spring barley genotypes are not as cold hardy as winter wheat.Highest commercial yields tend to come from central and northern Europe, where yields of 10 t/ha can be obtained under intensive management. No barley variety is adapted to all environments and, in fact, very different gene pools have evolved in the major barley production areas of the world. The gene pools may be defined by essential physiological parameters that determine adaptation to a production environment – such as vernalization and/or photoperiod response – or they may be defined by evolutionary bottlenecks and the accidents of history, such as regional preferences for two-rowed or six-rowed varieties.2. 1 Types of barley The barley can be classified on different basis like no. of rows of grains or seeds, based on the type of hull the grains have, appearance, color, grain size etc. Some commonly talked of types are listed below. Feed and malt types: This classification is based on end use of the barley. The feed barley is consumed by beef cattle, poultry and swine. This has less plump content than the malt barley, which is used for malt production. Malt is a value added product from barley and used mainly for beer production and other food products for human consumption.Among the growers there is tendency to produce more of malt barley as it fetches more than 65% price over the feed barley. Hulled and hulless varieties Hulled types – In hulled barley the lemma and palea remain attached to the seed at maturity Hulled barley is the predominant type in the US and many other parts of the world. Hulless types – the seed threshes free of the lemma and palea (hull). Hulless barley is produced for various food and beverage uses in East Asia mainly in China, Japan, and Korea.This barley is an important subsistence crop in the Andes and Himalayan regions and in Ethiopia. In Canada, hulless varieties are commonly grown as feed for swine. Awned types predominate R ough and smooth awn types Hooded (modified awns) are used for silage and green chop Awnless types exist Aluerone color variations Colorless, white, yellow, blue Waxy starch type (100% amylopectin) used for specialty food and feed Dwarf types are common; Taller types are used in rain-fed production regions

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The eNotes Blog eNotes Quizzes Your Gateway to StudySmarter

Quizzes Your Gateway to StudySmarter Did you know? offers quizzes designed to test your knowledge on thousands of literature, history, science, and math topics. Check it out today to test your knowledge on everything from  Animal Farm  to  Wuthering Heights! Read on for a walk-through on how to find the quizzes youre looking for, plus how you can earn a complimentary premium pass just by taking these quizzes. We now have  over 950 quizzes  to help you study a wide range of topics and works, and that number grows every day. Whats the best way to use them? Let us walk you through: Head to /quizzes  for the days featured quiz, to create a quiz, or access Your Quizzes. You can find the lists of most popular and newest quizzes at the bottom of this page. Looking for quizzes on a specific work? Simply use the sites search bar to find what youre looking for. Once youve reached the study guide you want, click More on the guides navigation bar to access the works quizzes: This will show you the list of all of that works quizzes. Of the titles that have quizzes, all have an overview quiz that covers the work as a whole, and most have chapter and character quizzes to question you on more specific portions of the work. With this many ways to test your knowledge, theres nothing stopping you from being prepared for your next test or essay! Check back often as new quizzes are added all the time, many from our valued educators. This means the same teachers and professors who test you in the classroom are on hand to prep you for your tests, from the comfort of your very own computer. So how much does all this above and beyond homework help cost? Absolutely nothing. quizzes are 100% free to access for all users. Even better, you can now earn a premium pass by taking quizzes. Reach the Quiz Master badge by taking at least 100 quizzes and achieving 60% accuracy or better, and well give you a complimentary premium pass. Premium pass holders have access to thousands of study guides and ask questions of our experts in Homework Help area. Further proof that quizzes are your gateway to study smarter. Want quizzes on the go? The iOS app has quizzes to fit in the palm of your hand! Check it out on the App Store today.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Outline the Operations Processes Relevant to Transformations. Describe and Explain the Impact of the 4’s on the Transformation Processes. Essay Example

Outline the Operations Processes Relevant to Transformations. Describe and Explain the Impact of the 4’s on the Transformation Processes. Essay Example Outline the Operations Processes Relevant to Transformations. Describe and Explain the Impact of the 4’s on the Transformation Processes. Essay Outline the Operations Processes Relevant to Transformations. Describe and Explain the Impact of the 4’s on the Transformation Processes. Essay Outline the operations processes relevant to transformations. Describe and explain the impact of the 4? s on the transformation processes. Operations refers to those ongoing cyclic activities involved in the running of a business for the purpose of producing value for the stakeholders. Operations includes the conversion of inputs (resources) into outputs (goods and services). This conversion is known as transformation. Thus, operations processes are those processes involved directly with transformation. Operations processes entails different processes relevant to transformations. Sequencing and Scheduling are two essential aspects that assist with structuring and ordering the transformation processes. Sequencing refers to the order in which activities in the operations process occur. Scheduling refers to the length of time activities take within the operations process. The two main scheduling tools are Gantt charts and Critical Path Analysis (CPA). An understanding of both sequencing and scheduling is necessary for operations managers. As well as operations, technology is another aspect of the operations process which is relevant to transformations. Business technology involves the use of machinery and systems that enable businesses to undertake the transformation process more effectively and ef? ciently. Business technology may include a computer, keyboard and mouse, mobile telephones, printers etc. Manufacturing technology includes robotics, computer-aided designs (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM). Task Design is relevant to transformations as it involves classifying job activities in ways that make it easy for an employee to successfully perform and complete a task. It overlaps the employment relations function of job analysis, job description and person speci? ation. A plant layout is the arrangement of equipment, machinery and staff within the facility (either a factory or of? ce). The plant layout have an impact on the ef? ciency of the operations function. Plant layouts ensure enough physical space for production, effective use of equipment, the use of appropriate technology, and a good work environment, to n ame a few. All operations processes should be monitored for their effectiveness. Monitoring is the process of measuring actual performance against planned performance. As well as monitoring, the main transformational process should be subject to control. Control occurs when KPIs are assessed against predetermined targets and corrective action is taken if required. This requires effective monitoring and focus on continuous improvement. Monitoring and control lead to improvements when there is a focus on quality and standards. Improvement refers to systematic reduction of inef? ciencies and wastage, poor work processes and the elimination of any bottlenecks. Monitoring, control and improv Transformation processes are in? uenced by volume, variety, variation and visibility. That is, the four V? how much of a product is made, the range of products made, the amount of a product desired by consumers and the nature and amount of customer contact. The in? uence of volume has a strong impact on the transformation process. Volume refers to how much of a product is made. Volume ? exibility depends on the increase or decrease on the demand of a product. An example of a business which used volume as an in? uence for the transformation process is the manufacturers of Leapfrog Leapster Explorer. In 2010, the console became available for sale. However, there were more far more games than actual consoles. This meant that retailers had a shortage of consoles in comparison to games. This is a prime example of a situation caused by a supplier with an incorrect perception of volume. The in? uence of variety is the second ? V? that impacts strongly on the transformation process. Variety is the mix of products made, or services delivered through the transformation process. It is sometimes referred to as mix ? exibility. Mix ? exibility is known by customers as product range or variety of change. The in? uence of variety on transformation processes is the greater the variety made, the more the operations process needs to allow for variation. An example of a business that considers variety is Electrolux. Electrolux make Simpson, Chef, Dishlex and Westinghouse brands. These brands are attached to a range of whitegoods such as fridges, washing machines, ovens, dishwashers and dryers. In this way, the company can sell a variety of products made with largely similar production processes. A variation in demand can impact signi? cantly on transformation resources. Increases in demand will require increased inputs from suppliers, increased human resources, increased energy use and increased use of machinery and technology. The fourth and ? nal V that impacts the transformation process is the in? uence of visibility. Visibility is important in the transformation as it is the nature and amount of customer contact (feedback). Direct customer contact may include customer feedback given through surveys, interviews, letters, blogs and verbal contact. Indirect customer contact comes from a review of sales data that is an analysis of customer preferences. As businesses seek to maximize sales, customer contact is essential and ultimately shapes the transformation process.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Biography of Eloy Alfaro, President of Ecuador

Biography of Eloy Alfaro, President of Ecuador Eloy Alfaro Delgado was President of the Republic of Ecuador from 1895 to 1901 and again from 1906 to 1911. Although widely reviled by conservatives at the time, today he is considered by Ecuadorians to be one of their greatest presidents. He accomplished many things during his administrations, most notably the construction of a railroad linking Quito and Guayaquil. Early Life and Politics Eloy Alfaro (June 25, 1842 - January 28, 1912) was born in Montecristi, a small town near the coast of Ecuador. His father was a Spanish businessman and his mother was a native of the Ecuadorian region of Manabà ­. He received a good education and helped his father with his business, occasionally traveling through Central America. From an early age, he was an outspoken liberal, which put him at odds with staunch conservative Catholic President Gabriel Garcà ­a Moreno, who first came to power in 1860. Alfaro participated in a rebellion against Garcà ­a Moreno and went into exile in Panama when it failed. Liberals and Conservatives in the Age of Eloy Alfaro During the Republican era, Ecuador was only one of several Latin American countries torn apart by conflicts between liberals and conservatives, terms which had different meaning back then. In Alfaros era, conservatives like Garcà ­a Moreno favored a strong connection between church and state: the Catholic Church was in charge of weddings, education and other civil duties. Conservatives also favored limited rights, such as only certain people having the right to vote. Liberals like Eloy Alfaro were just the opposite: they wanted universal voting rights and a clear separation of church and state. Liberals also favored freedom of religion. These differences were taken very seriously at the time: the conflict between liberals and conservatives often led to bloody civil wars, such as the 1000 days war in Colombia. Alfaro and the Liberal Struggle In Panama, Alfaro married Ana Paredes Arosemena, a rich heiress: he would use this money to fund his revolution. In 1876, Garcà ­a Moreno was assassinated and Alfaro saw an opportunity: he returned to Ecuador and began a revolt against Ignacio de Veintimilla: he was soon exiled once again. Although Veintimilla was considered a liberal, Alfaro did not trust him and didn’t think his reforms were sufficient. Alfaro returned to take up the fight again in 1883 and was again defeated. The 1895 Liberal Revolution Alfaro did not give up, and in fact, by then, he was known as â€Å"el Viejo Luchador:† â€Å"The Old Fighter.† In 1895 he led what is known as the Liberal Revolution in Ecuador. Alfaro amassed a small army on the coast and marched on the capital: on June 5, 1895, Alfaro deposed President Vicente Lucio Salazar and took control of the nation as dictator. Alfaro swiftly convened a constitutional Assembly which made him President, legitimizing his coup. The Guayaquil - Quito Railroad Alfaro believed that his nation would not prosper until it modernized. His dream was of a railroad which would connect Ecuador’s two main cities: the Capital of Quito in the Andean highlands and the prosperous port of Guayaquil. These cities, although not far apart as the crow flies, were at the time connected by winding trails that took travelers days to navigate. A railroad linking the cities would be a great boost to the nation’s industry and economy. The cities are separated by steep mountains, snowy volcanoes, swift rivers, and deep ravines: building a railroad would be a herculean task. They did it, however, completing the railroad in 1908. Alfaro in and out of Power Eloy Alfaro stepped down briefly from the presidency in 1901 to allow his successor, General Leonidas Plaza, to rule for a term. Alfaro apparently didn’t like Plaza’s successor, Lizardo Garcà ­a, because he once again staged an armed coup, this time to overthrow Garcà ­a in 1905, in spite of the fact that Garcà ­a was also a liberal with ideals nearly identical to those of Alfaro himself. This aggravated liberals (conservatives already hated him) and made it difficult to rule. Alfaro thus had trouble getting his chosen successor, Emilio Estrada, elected in 1910. Death of Eloy Alfaro Alfaro rigged the 1910 elections to get Estrada elected but decided he would never keep hold of power, so he told him to resign. Meanwhile, military leaders overthrew Alfaro, ironically putting Estrada back in power. When Estrada died shortly thereafter, Carlos Freile took over the Presidency. Alfaro’s supporters and generals rebelled and Alfaro was called back from Panama to â€Å"mediate the crisis.† The government sent two generals- one of them, ironically, was Leonidas Plaza- to put down the rebellion and Alfaro was arrested. On January 28, 1912, an angry mob broke into the jail in Quito and shot Alfaro before dragging his body through the streets. Legacy of Eloy Alfaro In spite of his inglorious end at the hands of the people of Quito, Eloy Alfaro is remembered fondly by Ecuadorians as one of their better presidents. His face is on the 50-cent piece and important streets are named for him in nearly every major city. Alfaro was a true believer in the tenets of turn-of-the-century liberalism: the separation between church and state, freedom of religion, progress through industrialization, and more rights for workers and native Ecuadorians. His reforms did much to modernize the country: Ecuador was secularized during his tenure and the state took over education, marriages, deaths, etc. This led to a rise in nationalism as the people began to see themselves as Ecuadorians first and Catholics second. Alfaros most enduring legacy- and the one that most Ecuadorians today associate him with- is the railroad that linked the highlands and the coast. The railroad was a great boon to commerce and industry in the early twentieth century. Although the railroad has fallen into disrepair, parts of it are still intact and today tourists can ride trains through the scenic Ecuadorian Andes. Alfaro also granted rights to the poor and native Ecuadorians. He abolished debt passing from one generation to another and put an end to debtors prisons. Natives, who had traditionally been semi-enslaved in the highland haciendas, were freed, although this had more to do with freeing up the workforce to go where labor was needed and less to do with basic human rights. Alfaro had many weaknesses as well. He was an old-school dictator while in office and firmly believed at all times that only he knew what was right for the nation. His military removal of Lizardo Garcà ­a- who was ideologically indistinguishable from Alfaro- was all about who was in charge, not what was being accomplished, and it turned off many of his supporters. The factionalism among liberal leaders survived Alfaro and continued to plague subsequent presidents, who had to fight Alfaros ideological heirs at every turn. Alfaros time in office was marked by traditional Latin American ills such as political repression, electoral fraud, dictatorship, coup dà ©tats, rewritten constitutions, and regional favoritism. His tendency to take to the field backed by armed supporters every time he suffered a political setback also set a bad precedent for future Ecuadorian politics. His administration also came up short in areas such as voter rights and long-term industrialization. Sources Various Authors. Historia del Ecuador. Barcelona: Lexus Editores, S.A. 2010

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Importance of Studying Abroad Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Importance of Studying Abroad - Essay Example Additionally, most of the students who go for studies in America and other English speaking countries speak English as a second language. Developed countries have a wider variety of learning opportunities. For example, America is branded as the land of opportunities since it has diversified learning opportunities. There are many colleges and universities offering virtually all learning opportunities. Therefore, students are much more likely to get learning opportunities to explore fields of learning that may not be available in their country (Dwyer and Peters web). Notably, English-speaking countries such as America offer a good opportunity for language development especially for students who are learning English as a second language. Most importantly, developed countries have developed cultural, social, intellectual, infrastructural, and technological systems. Therefore, students who go to study in these countries get an opportunity to explore new dimensions of life. This makes stud ying abroad particularly important for students (Ziegler 1-4). ... It is an opportunity to explore new fields of learning that are otherwise, not offered in the home country. In addition, the students are exposed to new and diverse cultures. When students interact with people from the different cultural background, they are able to learn the different ways of life (Kendall 112-115). They get to understand people and the world in different dimensions thereby diversifying their horizons. Additionally, students studying abroad are able to visit new places that they have never visited before. In the process, they are able to meet many people. The increased interaction with many people increases the opportunity to learn new things and therefore, broaden their horizons. Although many students go back to their native countries after studying abroad, it is true that quite a number get job opportunities abroad after their education. Therefore, it can be claimed that studying abroad broadens job horizons for such students. Studying abroad is important since d evelops a student’s abilities. Different students have different abilities and talents. However, their native countries may not offer the best platforms and avenues in which to develop these talents and abilities. Therefore, studying abroad becomes particularly important in offering opportunities in which talented and students with special abilities can explore their talents. For instance, America has many art schools and colleges that are specifically suited to developing special abilities. Hence, students from different countries seek for admission to these art schools in order to develop their talents and abilities.  Ã‚  

Friday, October 18, 2019

Egan's Clothiers Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Egan's Clothiers - Term Paper Example This made the employees want to sell as much items as possible in order to be ranked at a higher level of productivity. This appraisal system did not perform at it best though, the sales of the firm increased. At one time, the store manager acknowledges that the performance of the employees got worse because they did not respect customers. They would harass them in order to make more sales. Performance appraisal is one of the major tools that are used to improve the productivity of workers at their place of their work and to be effective. In order for an organization to attain its stipulated goals, appropriate performance appraisal tools should be put in place in order to increase workers performance. Most organizations perform below the required level, making very little sales per day since their workers are not encouraged to perform better and to work harder. If an organization does not invest in to the welfare of the workers, problems are bound to happen such as low morale and pro ductivity and low level of commitment at work. Attractive systems of appraisal are set up in order to motivate workers to work harder and recognized through promotions and rewards (Selden & Sowa, 2011). For instance, Egan Clothier uses a promotion strategy that is based on the productivity of the workers. The workers are encouraged to sell as much as possible. The retailers made more sales as compared to its competitors because the Egan’s Clothiers hired employees based on their past experiences. The employees would then undergo through a retail selling skills training and customers services training. This put the Clothier ahead of its competitors who hired inexperienced students from high schools (Snell & Bohlander, 2011). Although, the training program cost the Egan’s approximately 750, 000 dollars, the management thinks it was worth the cost because the workers would perform at their best making more sales and hence more revenue in the long run. On the other hand, t he Egan’s associates rewarding of the workers based on their performance. Their on-going sales would be recorded and used to categorize the workers. The firm would then use the categories to promote the workers within the firm. This activity ensured that the workers sold as many items as possible hence increasing the overall sales turn out of the form. This appraisal system was ineffective because the workers would do everything possible to hit the set individual targets. They would even beat up their customers in order to sell. Are there other performance effects directly and/or indirectly caused by the appraisal system? Appraisal system used by Egan Clothiers had several effects, both directly and indirectly. For instance, the system is not effective in reducing cost of labor instead the worker’s productivity is worsening. According to Paul Kelly, the store manager, the workers are beating up the customers in order to make a sale. Peter Drucker, on the other hand say s that establishing effective decision making is important at every level of the employees. Egan failed to acknowledge the satisfaction of the workers based on the appraisal system used. Egan Clothiers only took the first of improving performance of the workers and neglecting other aspects that affected the performance of the organization. An organization should use successful criteria of evaluation. The criteria based on the performance o

America Civil Aviation Authority Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

America Civil Aviation Authority - Essay Example The authority is housed within the America Airports Authority (AAA) head office. It is around 18km from the city centre and about 20-25 minutes ride depending on the traffic. The authority’s broad key functions are to regulate the aviation industry in America, to provide air navigational services within America’s Flight Information Region (FIR) and to offer training for aviation personnel. The company provides an air transport reimbursement facility to those employees who incur expenditures in flight ticketing, which means that the expenditure incurred by employees in air ticketing is compensated by the company. The process described above has been automated by a system and some IT infrastructural resources and assets that depend on IT for a complete transaction or operation. The average users of the system include the staff, the IT administrators and the finance employees. The staff members require the following IT requirements: a computer networked with the organizati on’s server in the server room. The computer should be able to remotely connect to the server in the server room in order to access the system remotely. The server is able to identify the users with specific IP addresses. The server then filters the addresses and initiates an access control procedure. Access to the system is controlled on the basis of the users’ IP addresses. Once the server identifies the IP address, it displays the appropriate interface to the user. The IT administrators are the technical users of the system. They handle all processing of applications by other staff members. They also ensure that the system is available to all users 24 hours a day 7 days in a week. The finance staff members, on the other hand, only verify the identification of the employees who are to be compensated. The reporting structure of the organization and the senior IT group are as shown below: ACAA Infrastructure The following diagram shows the organizational structure of t he America Civil Aviation Authority starting from the chief information officer (CIO) to the other departments within the organization. It is one of my duties as the CIO of ACAA to protect all the information regarding ACAA as an organization as well as an enterprise. All the ACAA IT functions are overseen by me. In addition, I also ensure ACAA data integrity is protected. Given that ACAA treats IT as an organizational asset, it is my duty therefore, to make sure that IT is perfectly aligned with the ACAA business goals. Such duties as the establishment of technical service centers, data centers, scheduling production, communication networks, the development of computer programs and employee training are tasked to me. I am privileged with the ability to make and take strategic decisions regarding IT given the availability of large amount of information associated with my position. I, however, work closely with the executive management, CEO, stakeholders and Board of Directors in the decision making process. It is my duty to ensure that complete and accurate data are obtained by both the ACAA internal and external customers in a timely manner. This is achieved through research and implementation of the latest developments, technologies and trends. I make sure my IT staff is innovative in order to be able to convert the organization’s opportunities to its strength.  

Brain Cancer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Brain Cancer - Research Paper Example The growth of cancer cells in the brain tissue is termed as brain cancer. A tumor or mass of cancer tissue is formed by the cancer cells. These tumors affect the functions of the brain, such as memory, muscle control and memory. Tumors are classified as malignant, when they are comprised of cancer cells. On the other hand, tumors consisting of non – cancerous cells are termed as benign (Davis & Stoppler, 2013). Furthermore, cancer cells resulting from brain tissue are termed primary brain tumors; whereas the cancer cells that spread to the brain from other sites in the body are termed as metastatic brain tumors. It has been projected, by the available statistics that brain cancer could develop in approximately 22,000 individuals per year. Moreover, 13,000 deaths could occur due to cancer (Davis & Stoppler, 2013). Symptoms Individuals with glial origin tumors depict general, non – focal signs and symptoms, or focal manifestations pertaining to the specific region of the brain where the tumor is located. The most frequently observed symptoms among such individuals include headache, nausea, vomiting, generalized seizures and alterations in the level of consciousness. Headache tends to accompany several instances of brain tumors; nevertheless, only a few individuals with headache have a brain tumor (Pan & Prados, 2003). Headache tends to be the sole symptom in a fifth of the patients with brain tumors. Such headaches vary between moderate to severe, tend to be intermittent, and pronounced to a greater degree in the early morning, or increase with coughing and other actions that enhance the intracranial pressure. Headaches that are associated with increased intracranial pressure tend to be generalized, non – focal and non – lateralizing to the location of the tumor. Furthermore, tumors can be localized by headaches that are not associated with enhanced intracranial pressure (Pan & Prados, 2003). In 15% of the cases, the initial manifestat ions of brain tumors are seizures. In addition, 30% of the individuals with brain tumors could develop seizures in the long run. Usually, seizures transpire along with the slower developing and superficial tumors that involve the sensorimotor cortex (Pan & Prados, 2003). Some of the rapidly developing brain tumors may not present seizures as a distinguishing feature, but may do so eventually. With respect to adults, the onset of a new seizure necessitates neuroimaging, so as to eliminate the presence of a brain tumor as the underlying cause. Brain tumors have been seen to prevail to the extent of 10% among patients suffering with generalized seizures (Pan & Prados, 2003). With regard to children, seizures had been observed to result from intracranial tumors in less than a hundredth of the instances. This could be indicative of the fact that the majority of the central nervous system lesions in children transpire infratentorially. All the same, if a child exhibits seizures that tend to be difficult to control, then magnetic resonance imaging techniques have to be used, in order to evaluate the condition. In general, the brain tumors that cause seizures in children tend to be slow growing neoplasms (Pan & Prados, 2003). Increase in intracranial pressure can cause vomiting in a patient with glial tumors. On rare occasions, such vomiting can be due to invasion by the tumor of the vagal nucleus in the posterior fossa. Sometimes, a rapid

Thursday, October 17, 2019

MGT540 - Management of Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

MGT540 - Management of Change - Essay Example Change is an important and vital aspect of almost every company. To exists in the fast moving and ever changing world the companies have to bring change in its operations. For example with the invention of computer and information technology, almost every company has to incorporate the use of information technology to compete in the changing business situations. Change often makes the member of the company to shift from their comfort zone to adopt the change brought in the organization. This often makes the employees to resist the new change. Thus the change brought in the organization has to be managed in a proper way so that the change can be implemented in the organization by dealing with the resistance in a tactical and planned way. In this project the change management done by ICICI bank during 1997 and after the merger of Bank of Madura has been analyzed. Change management theory Change is a constant ingredient of the organization. Every organization passes through two types of change during its life time. One is the continuous change and the second one is the radical change. Continuous change faces very little resistance and is managed by the manager or the supervisors effectively. The major concern for the company is to manage the radical change which faces the maximum resistance. The organizations are quite complex, therefore the organizational problems related to the human factor is also quite difficult to handle. The first thing which the organization faces when any change is brought in the organization is the resistance created by the attitude, personalities and incompetency of the employees. More over if any transfer of power takes place due to the change brought in the organization, can cause the employees to resist the change (Bolman and Deal, 2011, n.d.). Therefore this change has to be managed in a planned way. Every organization has to bring change for some or the other reasons. There are various internal and external reasons which initiate ch ange in an organization like change in market conditions, change in technology, change in type of competition, change in organizational ideas etc (Kanawaty, 1991, p.4). Change in an organization can also be brought in an organization due to some internal factors which are solely related with the organization. These factors can range from change in the organizational strategy or the business to change in managers or change in employees profile or attitude or change in equipments used by the employees. Among all the internal changes, change in business strategy is a reason which gives a major domino effect. If the strategy of a business changes then to implement that strategy many changes has to be brought in the organization which may include change in equipments, change in managers, change in the number of employees or/ and change in profile of the employees. In the early 90s the change which was brought in the ICICI was due to change in strategy. Change in an organization can also be a result due to change in government policies and globalization. Globalization can affect the organization’s policy to a greater extent initiating a major change in the organizational strategies of the business. Suppose an organization has major market share in a country but due to the entrants of the foreign companies in the market the company has to deal and compete with those firms too therefore the company has

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Smythe Family - Rupert Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Smythe Family - Rupert - Essay Example From the family’s financial problems, it became extremely difficult for Rupert to adjust to the entire situation. Rupert’s situation can only be understood through highlighting factors anti-discriminatory practice and empowerment, psychological factors, health promotion and communication, multi-professional working and Sociology of health and illness. Anti-discriminatory practice and empowerment Rupert seems to be undergoing stigma and isolation in an attempt to deal with the family situation. Aymer & Okitikpi (2009) state that, feelings of stigma and isolation for extensive periods emanate from the fact that the individual has been through stress and depression. On the other hand, Parker & Penhale (2007) indicate that feelings of stigma and discrimination in society are the result of Rupert’s withdrawal symptoms from other persons in the society. It is justified to argue that Rupert is undergoing segregation from his friends of his former social class and findin g his way within another social class has proven to be an uphill task. Consequently, Rupert is developing issues with his social skills and perceives everything in society as negative. In response, Rupert cuts down on communication with his parents and is completely alienated from his family’s life. ... At the family level, Rupert feels that he is the ‘black sheep’ and leading a secret life; in his perception it is the best solution to his predicaments. Rupert should be empowered to go beyond his feelings of disappointment and act towards making his life better. Empowerment has been credited for its ability to direct individuals towards moving beyond their stressors to achieving their goals and objectives as supported by Jones (2004). Psychological factors Psychological factors are useful in the explaining of Rupert’s changed behavior. Durand & Barlow (2011) indicate that individuals are rational beings who have the ability to weigh options before embarking on any move. In addition, Shumake, Ockene & Riekert (2008) argue that it is almost obvious that individuals act in accordance with their own interests. The move by Rupert to alienate himself from his family is simply an irrational decision. Studies done by Salk (1914) on cognitive simplification process in dec ision making indicate, that most individuals are prone to error in making choices. In this case, it is vital that individuals weigh all options before making the final decision regarding dilemmatic situations. Salk also suggests that life is an error-making and an error-correcting process. Emotions, according to psychologists, play a great role in influencing an individual’s decision making. Schneider (2010) indicates that if a person is in a low mood, they tend to make unreasonable decisions that at most extreme circumstances can cost them their life. In this case, Rupert made has used poor judgment into making decisions that makes him more vulnerable than previously. He has in turn resulted into indulgence

MGT540 - Management of Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

MGT540 - Management of Change - Essay Example Change is an important and vital aspect of almost every company. To exists in the fast moving and ever changing world the companies have to bring change in its operations. For example with the invention of computer and information technology, almost every company has to incorporate the use of information technology to compete in the changing business situations. Change often makes the member of the company to shift from their comfort zone to adopt the change brought in the organization. This often makes the employees to resist the new change. Thus the change brought in the organization has to be managed in a proper way so that the change can be implemented in the organization by dealing with the resistance in a tactical and planned way. In this project the change management done by ICICI bank during 1997 and after the merger of Bank of Madura has been analyzed. Change management theory Change is a constant ingredient of the organization. Every organization passes through two types of change during its life time. One is the continuous change and the second one is the radical change. Continuous change faces very little resistance and is managed by the manager or the supervisors effectively. The major concern for the company is to manage the radical change which faces the maximum resistance. The organizations are quite complex, therefore the organizational problems related to the human factor is also quite difficult to handle. The first thing which the organization faces when any change is brought in the organization is the resistance created by the attitude, personalities and incompetency of the employees. More over if any transfer of power takes place due to the change brought in the organization, can cause the employees to resist the change (Bolman and Deal, 2011, n.d.). Therefore this change has to be managed in a planned way. Every organization has to bring change for some or the other reasons. There are various internal and external reasons which initiate ch ange in an organization like change in market conditions, change in technology, change in type of competition, change in organizational ideas etc (Kanawaty, 1991, p.4). Change in an organization can also be brought in an organization due to some internal factors which are solely related with the organization. These factors can range from change in the organizational strategy or the business to change in managers or change in employees profile or attitude or change in equipments used by the employees. Among all the internal changes, change in business strategy is a reason which gives a major domino effect. If the strategy of a business changes then to implement that strategy many changes has to be brought in the organization which may include change in equipments, change in managers, change in the number of employees or/ and change in profile of the employees. In the early 90s the change which was brought in the ICICI was due to change in strategy. Change in an organization can also be a result due to change in government policies and globalization. Globalization can affect the organization’s policy to a greater extent initiating a major change in the organizational strategies of the business. Suppose an organization has major market share in a country but due to the entrants of the foreign companies in the market the company has to deal and compete with those firms too therefore the company has

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Personalized Nutrition And Exercise Plan Essay Example for Free

Personalized Nutrition And Exercise Plan Essay For as long as I can remember, I have always had some sort of struggle with my weight. When I was younger, I was a top ranked gymnast and it was extremely important for me to maintain a low, yet healthy weight. I managed to be successful with that for years up until the time that I got severely injured ultimately forcing me to quit competing. Upon quitting gymnastics, I hit puberty, my body drastically changed, and access weight has been an issue ever since. The birth of my two children has not helped my struggle with weight as I had gained 40 pounds with each pregnancy. As you can see, my outstanding weight issue is what will be discussed in this paper. Up until now my diet has consisted of whatever and how much of whatever I chose to eat. I have never paid attention to calories, nutritional facts, or the size of portions. I have always just eaten what I wanted to eat until I had felt like I had had enough. Although I struggle with my weight, I have never been considered â€Å"fat† by those around me. My height is 5 feet 4 inches and my weight is 175 pounds. When I enter this information into a BMI calculator it gives me the body mass index of 30 which is considered moderately obese. Just hearing the word obese gives me a horrible feeling and makes me want to cry. I have never considered myself obese. However, at the same time I am constantly disgusted with my body. Throughout my journey through this class I have been able to think of many goals to set for myself to allow me to be healthier. First, I will start with my nutritional goals. The first nutritional goal I will talk about is my daily caloric intake. From now on, I plan to limit my daily calories to 1200 making sure I do not fall below the 1200 count. I realize how important it is to consume at least 1200 calories a day; falling below the 1200 calorie count can lead to dangerous, unhealthy weight loss as well as poor nutrition. My second nutritional goal is to pay attention to the percentages of each thing I am supposed to include in my diet such as protein, fiber, vitamins, and so on. For example, I want to make sure I consume the recommended 45 grams of protein and be careful that I do not exceed this amount. Staying within my recommended nutritional needs is important for a successful weight loss. Next, I will move on to the goals I have set for myself when it comes to exercise. As mentioned in a previous assignment, I usually try to take Zumba classes twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays. These classes are a minimum of an hour in length. I have talked to my instructor and found out that Zumba burns a minimum of 500 calories an hour for the weight range that I am currently in. Burning 500 calories in an hour is amazing and definitely helpful when it comes to losing unwanted weight. I plan to stick with my two Zumba classes a week. My second exercise goal is to spend 30 minutes each morning, just after waking, doing some sit-ups, push-ups, and crunches. My husband, who is a huge health and workout fanatic, has informed me that doing a short workout first thing in the morning helps kick up your metabolism. Lastly, the most important goal I could possibly set for myself would be to increase my water consumption. I have never been a fan of water because I have always thought of it as something will a dull taste. There are weeks when I can go without drinking any water. It seems as though I get my hydration from foods, some juice, but mostly soda pop. Soda pop is, by far, my worst addiction. Every time that I eat I feel as though I need to drink a pop with my food. I plan on eliminating pop from my diet and replacing it with water. Certain actions will be required to ensure I reach my goals. I will start planning out meals and making sure they have the appropriate amount of calories needed. When it comes to shopping for groceries and ingredients, I will take the extra time needed to carefully organize a shopping list that way I can avoid buying compulsively. This will make it easier to not only eat healthier, but buy healthier so that I do not have any high calorie, diet blowing snacks hidden in the house. With any goals that you set in life there will always be times when you run into complications. When it comes to my exercising goals I feel as though my family and children may complicate some of my plans. I cannot necessarily attend a Zumba class while my husband is at work and a sitter cannot be found. There may also be times when we are on the run and healthy food just is not an option at the time. Holiday meals are also a time when my caloric intake may be higher than normal. I just have to realize that even if I do mess up every now, or choose to splurge, I must continue on and not give up or lose motivation to complete my goals. In order to determine whether or not I succeed with my goals I will need ways to measure the success. I will start out by taking measurements of my body including areas like my waist, hips, thighs, arms, and chest. Even though I may not see a huge difference on the scale the inch measurements taken will be the deciding factor. I will also plan to include my husband and family in my goals so that they are informed about them and can help aid me in the journey of completing them. If friends and family know it will make it easier to stay motivated. Failure to truly commit myself to this plan can lead to morbid obesity. There are so many health risks that include heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, gallbladder disease, gallstones, osteoarthritis, gout, and breathing problems such as sleep apnea and asthma. Staying healthy is so important to me now more than ever. I want to live long healthy lives and be able to watch my children grow up, graduate, get married, and have my grandchildren. Obesity is such a serious problem and surprisingly it affects over 34% of American adults (Hellmich, 2010). That number is astonishing to me! I feel as though this plan will work out great for personal weight loss. Experts have spoken about how weight can be loss with simply dieting, however, they have also pointed out the dieting accompanied with exercise will increase your results (Exercise and Weight Loss, n.d.). By decreasing my caloric intake and increasing the amount of physical activity I can be sure that I will shed some, if not all, of the unwanted pounds, not to mention, live a healthier life. With some exercise and diet plans changing circumstances can force you to make alterations to your plan. Many people may include physical activity that can only take place outdoors; however, I have set goals that can be performed either inside or outside all year long. The changing seasons will not have an effect on the diet and exercise plan I have laid out for myself. The only circumstance that may slightly affect my diet and exercise plan would be pregnancy. My husband and I have discussed the possibility of having another child sometime within the next two years. If pregnancy does arise then I will have to make alterations to my plan such as adding 300 calories to my diet a day as well as avoid doing sit ups because of the possible damaging effects to the abdomen. I can, however, still participate in my Zumba classes which will be an outstanding exercise. In conclusion, as outlined above, I have set forth an easy yet effective nutritional and exercise plan. I truly believe that if I alter my diet to eating the recommended 1200 calories a day and increase my physical activity I will be successful in my weight loss. It is important for me to keep in mind that the 1200 calories should consist of healthy foods not exceeding my recommended protein, fat, and other intakes. I have my heart set on losing weight and finding a healthier me and with this mindset I know I can succeed! References BMI Calculator Plus: Personalized BMI for Your Body Type and Metabolism. (2008, November 26). WebMD Better Information. Better Health. Retrieved May 12, 2011, from Exercise and Weight Loss. (n.d.). WebMD Better Information. Better Health. Retrieved May 12, 2011, from Hellmich, N. (2010, January 13). U.S. obesity rate leveling off, at about one-third of adults News, Travel, Weather, Entertainment, Sports, Technology, U.S. World Retrieved May 12, 2011, from Obesity, Cholesterol, and Heart Disease Weighing Your Risks. (n.d.). Retrieved May 12, 2011, from

Monday, October 14, 2019

Exploitation of Workers in Developing Countries

Exploitation of Workers in Developing Countries Since the time, plans were being made to implement free trade we were guaranteed it would be a win/win situation.This was one of the very important step for the pioneering of Globalization. First world consumers, manufacturers,industrialists, farmers, laborers everyone would benefit. Not only the first world countries, the whole world would benefit. It would pull the developing world up because there would be plenty of good, well-paid jobs that would be created . When borders opened to the free flow of goods and services, consumers would have more variety, and at cheper prices. Even agricultural goods could move around the world to new markets, sluggish farm prices would also rise. The farmers in developing countries would now have new markets for their goods, and they would bow out of piteous poverty.It seems like the perfect idea and sounds great too, doesnt it? But like most things that sounded too good to be true, it quiet was. The American/British/European workers who had jobs that paid pretty well in the scheme of things found that their employers could clear up the factories and move to a country where the workers werent so well paid. A country where there are no tariffs, so goods could be shipped back into the First world countries and sold, often cheaper than when they were made in the rich countries. Not only was labor cheaper, but environmental laws were generally more lenient in, say, Mexico, India or China. The companies could use child labor too and there were no laws forcing a 40-hour workweek.Drive your workers to the point of exhaustion and pay them as little as possible. If they complain, replace them-This is the formula adopted by all the third world factory bosses for success. All the consumers care for is low prices from their favorite clothing stores and supermarkets. So is this what Globalization called for ? To exploit the labour in third would countries all for the benefit of the rich countries like America , Europe,etc.Consumers in th e first world countries found goods were economical when they were made overseas. The foreign workers did not have the high-paying jobs as promised. They had poverty-wage jobs and the sweatshop was back. They were under paid and working in poor conditions with masses of eager workers waiting in line for them to quit. My argument in the essay is How Globalization has resulted in Labour Exploitation and Child Labour in many third world countries. An International Confederation of Free Trade Unions report said, MULTINATIONAL corporations remained the main beneficiaries of globalisation as more than 1,3-billion people around the world lived on less than $1 a day.(Globalisation: the plight of billions stressed ,By Reneà © Grawitzky, Business Day, 30 March 2000) The widening inequalities should be addressed as part of a broader strategy by unions in dealing with the effects of globalisation. What does globalization mean to working people? Ask a member of UNITE and shell talk about the thousands of good paying jobs that were taken overseas. Talk to the young woman in Bangladesh who gets 20 cents for making a shirt that sells for $30 at The Gap. Ask the 14- to 16-year-old women in Central America who are forced to swallow birth control pills in front of their bosses so the company can keep them on the job, since it doesnt pay for health care. Ask the laid-off steelworker about the foreign imports, made by U.S. corporations abroad and exported to the U.S. because they make more profits. Or ask Iqbal Masih, the 12-year-old rug maker from Pakistan who was enslaved from age 4 and forced to learn a trade. (What globalization means to working people, John Gallo, Peoples Weekly World, 20 April 2002) .What is the reason for all this wretchedness ? Everywhere, the lives of working people are degenerating. If theyre not working from dawn to dusk,Slogging all day, for not enough to live on, they are made dispossessed and being bombed. Is it due to globalization, or greed, or laziness? Or is there something more fundamental, something less obvious, behind the worlds current problems.(What globalization means to working people, John Gallo, Peoples Weekly World, 20 April 2002). In the name of competition, employers try to produce cheaply in bulk and sell larger volumes. One way to put together cheaper labour and still make greater profits is by keeping salaries as low as possible -by any means necessary. Since all wealth is produced by human labor, the fruits of that labor, or value, go either to the workers or the owners. The less workers get, the more the owners get. That accounts for the long, brutal history workers have faced when trying to form unions or improve their livelihood. (What globalization means to working people, John Gallo, Peoples Weekly World, 20 April 2002) The third world Countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, India and Brazil have become more capitalized. The small farmers in these countries now work in factories and mills. They have become workers and in a number of ways find themselves similar to U.S. workers 70 years ago. As poor as they had been, these new workers now have less. They are concerned in trying to form unions to fight to improve their wages and working conditions.They are no more cut off in their country and continue to making ties of solidarity with their fellowmen all over the world. They are the workers who will change the face and the power of the working p eople in the world. Globalization has impulsed a number of interrelated concerns with respect to its social repercussions. The impact on labour employment, income distribution and labour standards are some of the issues included. Global competition has led to job losses or flexible job arrangements in many countries. Compared to the regular jobs these are often less secure and provide fewer social benefits. Economies all across the globe are more volatile now because of short term capital movements. This has resulted in severe economic and financial crises that further leads to unemployment and poverty. All these have created a sense of diffidence among workers and created resistance to globalization from various quarters. A well designed system for social protection is critical for long term growth prospects in open economies. The extent of social protection remains low in Asia, Africa and Latin America. In terms of social protection, there are increasingly unpredictable and fragmented employment relat ionships that lead to more and more workers not being covered by cash sickness benefits. There has been establishment of global labour standards by organizations like International Labour Organization (ILO) which work to promote rights at work, enhance social protection and encourage decent employment opportunities. But can these regulations actually improve lives of workers in LDCs? Will the anti sweatshop campaigns raise labour standards ? Will WTOs imposing trade sanctions on countries that violate standards actually help ? With economic globalization accelerating in the past few decades these questions have just got more complex and controversial. Trade and investments may not be the best way to pull up and help workers in poor countries. Labour standards and free trade are interdependent rather than competing ways to improve welfare. Unions based in first world countries play a eminent role in the dispute over globalization and labour standards whereas workers in LDCs are rarely heard from. The cause for this gap is that these poor countries, mainly those with non d emocratic governments, do not provide the necessary freedom of association or the legal protections for collective bargaining. If the workers from poor countries had been given little opportunities to protect their own interests and voice their concerns, there would be less need for activists from advanced countries to intercede on their behalf. International labour mobility has also increased due to globalization and the growing economic interdependence of states. This has also resulted in the deregulation and exploitation of labour migration. Even the migrant workmen are devoid of legal protection in the foreign countries. Even though many states have put down strict barriers on the legal entry of labour migrants, there are still a large number of irregular and illegal migrants working in low paid sectors lacking the benefits of a national worker. Most of todays migration presents characteristics that converge with concerns for labor migration policy. In short, most permanent immigrants and refugees as well as migrant workers seek remunerative activity, participate in the labor force, and face discrimination and xenophobia directed at foreigners in host countries. (Globalization, Labor and Migration :Protection is paramount, Patrick Taran Eduardo Geronimi , 22 november 2002) The LDCs face serious social and economic dislo cation associated with persistent poverty, growing unemployment, loss of traditional trading patterns, and what has been termed a growing crisis of economic security. (Globalization,Labor and Migration :Protection is paramount, Patrick Taran Eduardo Geronimi , 22 november 2002) The concerns will only increase because since 1975 the figures have only been doubling, from a 75 million in 1975 to 150 million in 2000, these figures represent the migrants living outside their home countries. The other issue in this article that needs to be focussed on is Child labour in light of Globalization. Apart from labour exploitation, Child labour is a serious concern for the consequence of Globalization. It is a grave and extensive problem in LDCs today. It was revealed in a very recent International Labour Organization (ILO) report (ILO, 2006) that approximately 166 million children in the age group of 5 14 years were classified as child laborers in 2004. That accounts for 14% of all children in that age group. These children are engaged in precarious work which adversely affects their growth, moral development and health. They are concentrated mainly in the developing countries. More than half of these children were from the Asian pacific region . The others being from Latin America and Sub saharan Africa.They work in the carpet marking factories, pornography, glass blowing, fireworks, prostitution,etc. Child labour came under the limelight in the 1990s when the campaigns were started by industrialized worlds on why such large number of children were working when they should be gaining knowledge. In November of 2000, ten children earning around $11 per month burned to death in a garment factory in Bangladesh. The exits from the factory were chained shut. Images of children chained into factories, sold as slaves, or forced into prostitution stain the popular imagination about child labor. Fortunately, while many children work in the developing world, relatively few experience such atrocities.(Globalization and the Economics of Child Labor, Eric V. Edmonds,n.d) Of course the world organizations like UNICEF, ILO and governments initiated policies to check child labour globally. But did it help enough is the big question ? Globalization increases employment opportunities specially in developing countries due to the rapid increase in foreign investment. This therefore surges the demand for local labour and higher wages. These changes in the developing economies springing from globalization could further lead to child labour due to earning opportunities. To illustrate how trade policy and globalization can have an affect on child labour, I would like to take Vietnam as an example on how its increase in the price of rice led to a decline in child labour. Vietnam restricted its exports of rice starting in 1989. These quotas suppressed the domestic price of rice. Between 1993 and 1997, Vietnam gradually relaxed this export quota so that by 1998, Vietnam was completely exposed to the international price of rice. During this period of liberalization, the price of rice increased by 30% relative to the rise in the consumer price index. Rice is an important commodity in Vietnam. It is the primary staple in the V ietnamese diet, the largest single component of household expenditure, and 70% of households produce rice. Moreover, in 1993, before the liberalization of rice prices in Vietnam, 26% of children between 6 and 15 worked in rice production in Vietnam, and rice production was far and away the largest employer of adults. Thus, rice price increases should affect both children and adults.The study finds that rice price increases can account for 45% of the overall decline in child labor that Vietnam experienced in the 1990s. This corresponds to approximately 1 million fewer working children in Vietnam. (Globalization and the Economics of Child Labor, Eric V. Edmonds ,n.d) In India child labour has become an accepted practice. It is believed to be a necessity to overcome poverty. The carpet industry, for example pays these children extremely low wages since adults refuse to do these jobs. Even MNCs exploit child labour in poor countries. Nike is accused of using child labour in countries like pakistan, india, bangladesh, china, etc. These children were all in the age group of 4-5 years. More than 200 children were involved in each production processes. The Nike soccer balls in Pakistan are accused to be stained with the harsh truth of child labour. More than half of the soccer ball production is done in Pakistan and every step of its production has child labour involved. So is a reputed company like Nike helping or exploiting these developing countries? In china, the members of a chinese minority group mainly young girls aged 15-18 were employed in the Longfa Shoe factory in the Guangdong province. Longfa Shoe factory supplies Nike , Inc. These compani es get down to the extent of illegally swapping IDs, making fake birth certificates, illegal migration, etc. Even the chocolate industry is accused of using child labour. In Cà ´te dIvoire,West Africa thousands of children are forced to labour in the production of cocoa. Even the well established companies like Puma, Wal-Mart, Hanes are believed to use child labour. Allegations were made against Harvest Rich factory in Bangladesh, which is a contract supplier to these US and European companies. Young children were found sewing clothes for these companies. There were at least 200 children involved, some as young as 11 years. These children work upto almost 12 hours a day. They were reported to be beaten, slapped and forced to work for 19-20 hours sometimes. They get horribly low wages which could be as low as 6.5 cents per hour. The Firestone Tire and Rubber Company is operating the worlds largest rubber plantation in Harbel, Liberia for the last 80 years. They exploit labour and al so use child labour. The rubber tappers are forced to bring their wives and children, they use toxic pesticides without protection. The children are forced to carry about 70-80 pound buckets of rubber on their shoulders for miles. These laborers live in shacks which exist since 1920s. All these cases, which are just a few to illustrate, include big companies from the developed countries who use child labour only to their benefits. Is this what globalization has called for?

Sunday, October 13, 2019

War in yemen Essay -- essays research papers

Yemen a great desert in the Arabic peninsula , located south to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and left to Oman , has also a shore : mainly on the Red Sea and on the Gulf of Aden. Yemen has some natural resources (oil) but unfortunately it is considered as the poorest Arabic country. Yemen is now The Republic of Yemen because of the reunification made on 22nd May 1990. Before that day Yemen was divided into two separate countries , the first known as the North Yemen Republic which was controlled by tribes so far the worst tribal system in the world , on the other side , the Yemen of the South known as the world’s worst communist regime. But in 1994 , a civil war turned the south and the north against each other. We are going to study this civil war in a chronological order , from where it started to where it ended.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Government of the North was chaired by Colonel Ali Abdullah Saleh , member of EL-AHMAR ,a part of the big tribe : Hached. He was especially interested for the well being of the petroleum and oil present in the north’s soil. Whereas for the South controlled by the communist Ali Salem El-Bide was trying to give the worst soviet image out of it’s self by introducing whatever is soviet-like to the life of everyday : weapons , aircrafts , boats , tanks †¦ When the reunification occurred , the republic of Yemen had to be ruled by one man, but because the citizens of the Ex-north Yemen where twice as much as those of the south , the president was chosen to be Ali Abdullah Saleh. And so the vice president became the leader of the Ex-south : A.S. El-Bide. And the president of the minister’s council was Abu Bakr Haydar El-Attas , who was well known for the liabilities he had in the past (of which : presid ent of the southern Yemen).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Nevertheless reuniting two opposite things is difficult , it was even harder to reunite a communist and a tribal types of governments. And so in the years after the reunification , things were not going very well as the south wanted to keep it’s communist identity and ideology and the north wanted to keep it’s long going tribal system. From there started some fundamentalist movements each wanting what in the past was theirs. Two years were more than enough to distinguish betwe... ...ale , many north Yemeni pupils are open to the outside , for example Chicago counts a great number of Yemenis . The son of the north can adapt him self , and maybe loose his tribal attitude And maybe in some fifty years , all tribes would disappear leaving great and respectful family names. But those of the south , those who’s minds were brain washed by communism , are hardly seen to adapt their selves a liberalist/capitalist type of living, as south Yemen was the harshest communist regime ever known to man , everything was for the state , even truly-merchants were collectivized. The ex regime there applied communism even more than in the USSR under Staline. So far so good , The Republic of Yemen is still in one peace , but will it really stay this way ? would it still be united in 20 years ? I personally don’t think so , because It’s in communism nature to always try to mess things up and the south will never forget it’s communist entity and for sure will have many attempts to win back it’s Ex-south Yemen communist state. It’s been only 10 years since they united , and so it may not be enough. But the true answer to this question is yet to come, we’ll have to wait to find out .