Sunday, October 13, 2019

War in yemen Essay -- essays research papers

Yemen a great desert in the Arabic peninsula , located south to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and left to Oman , has also a shore : mainly on the Red Sea and on the Gulf of Aden. Yemen has some natural resources (oil) but unfortunately it is considered as the poorest Arabic country. Yemen is now The Republic of Yemen because of the reunification made on 22nd May 1990. Before that day Yemen was divided into two separate countries , the first known as the North Yemen Republic which was controlled by tribes so far the worst tribal system in the world , on the other side , the Yemen of the South known as the world’s worst communist regime. But in 1994 , a civil war turned the south and the north against each other. We are going to study this civil war in a chronological order , from where it started to where it ended.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Government of the North was chaired by Colonel Ali Abdullah Saleh , member of EL-AHMAR ,a part of the big tribe : Hached. He was especially interested for the well being of the petroleum and oil present in the north’s soil. Whereas for the South controlled by the communist Ali Salem El-Bide was trying to give the worst soviet image out of it’s self by introducing whatever is soviet-like to the life of everyday : weapons , aircrafts , boats , tanks †¦ When the reunification occurred , the republic of Yemen had to be ruled by one man, but because the citizens of the Ex-north Yemen where twice as much as those of the south , the president was chosen to be Ali Abdullah Saleh. And so the vice president became the leader of the Ex-south : A.S. El-Bide. And the president of the minister’s council was Abu Bakr Haydar El-Attas , who was well known for the liabilities he had in the past (of which : presid ent of the southern Yemen).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Nevertheless reuniting two opposite things is difficult , it was even harder to reunite a communist and a tribal types of governments. And so in the years after the reunification , things were not going very well as the south wanted to keep it’s communist identity and ideology and the north wanted to keep it’s long going tribal system. From there started some fundamentalist movements each wanting what in the past was theirs. Two years were more than enough to distinguish betwe... ...ale , many north Yemeni pupils are open to the outside , for example Chicago counts a great number of Yemenis . The son of the north can adapt him self , and maybe loose his tribal attitude And maybe in some fifty years , all tribes would disappear leaving great and respectful family names. But those of the south , those who’s minds were brain washed by communism , are hardly seen to adapt their selves a liberalist/capitalist type of living, as south Yemen was the harshest communist regime ever known to man , everything was for the state , even truly-merchants were collectivized. The ex regime there applied communism even more than in the USSR under Staline. So far so good , The Republic of Yemen is still in one peace , but will it really stay this way ? would it still be united in 20 years ? I personally don’t think so , because It’s in communism nature to always try to mess things up and the south will never forget it’s communist entity and for sure will have many attempts to win back it’s Ex-south Yemen communist state. It’s been only 10 years since they united , and so it may not be enough. But the true answer to this question is yet to come, we’ll have to wait to find out .

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