Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Impact Of Media On The Reception, Perception And...

This essay I will attempt to demonstrate the fundamental influence that media has on its audience in regards to the exercise of their democratic rights and obligations. I am going to analyse two socio-political phenomena, both prove the relevance of the media on the reception, perception and comprehension of information, crucial for voters to make their democratic decisions. For this purpose I will first depict/ describe the interaction between the media and the Argentine presidencies of Nestor Kirchner (NK) and his wife, Cristina Fernà ¡ndez de Kirchner (CFK), in power between 2003 and 2015, detailing the hostile strategies they led so as to manipulate the disclosure of information and the public opinion. I will then briefly contrast the Argentinean phenomenon with the one taking place in the United Kingdom during the BREXIT campaign; demonstrating how voters fell victim of an irresponsible performance both from the part of politicians and from the media, who both built up divisiveness and secession rather than consensus. Finally, after weighing/ considering research facts, I will present my own personal perspective, drawing a conclusion of the situation as a whole when assessed under the light of the theoretical work of D. Croteau and W. Hoynes in their book The Business of Media. Croteau pointed out society depends on a shared collective vision, saying it enunciates/ defines the values, beliefs and ideas of what a good society is. (D.Croteau – W. Hoynes, The Business ofShow MoreRelatedEros : Female Souls Thriving And Crumbling1735 Words   |  7 PagesEros: Female Souls Thriving and Crumbling The term â€Å"Eros,† referring to passionate love in English, has long been the mainstream of themes in drama, literature, arts, and cinematic media. The fascinating power of love has been exhaustively publicized, and the pursuit of love is diffused in streets and lanes. 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