Sunday, January 26, 2020
Difference Between Takaful And Conventional Insurance Economics Essay
Difference Between Takaful And Conventional Insurance Economics Essay Takaful is an Arabic word which explains as guaranteeing each other (Tan Kin Lian, 2006). Haemala Thanasegaran (2008) also defined Takaful as mutual insurance in the Islamic system with compliant with principles of Shariah which is known as Islamic law. Shariah is attributing to direct Muslims by following principle which is: (W. Jean Kwon, 2007) Fard or wajib also known as halal which is obligation strictly enforced by Islamic law. Haram or mamu related to absolutely prohibition or unlawful activities. Mandub or mustahub which means that what is suggested or the activities that individuals are ought to do as own advantages. Makruh refer to what is discouraged or the activities that individuals are need to deny due to own benefits. Muhab is about permissibility or the activities that under the Islamic law is neutral. Besides, Alsadek Gait Andrew Worthington (2008) agreed that Takaful is a type of collaborate self-help program. Moreover, Ramin Cooper Maysami W.Jean Kwon (1999) who are stated that Takaful is establish on the law of large number whereby in the form of joint guarantee insurance mechanism. It means that a flock of public gathers their capital resource to prevent certain risk of losses. Takaful is an arrangement among a group of people with collective interests which aim to insure or defend each other from certain regulation of misfortunes instance of premature death, disability and property damages (Obaidulllah, 2005). Therefore, Faizal Manjoo (2007) said that Takaful is elicitation by the aqilah and diyah systems which is someone who is among a group of people are aim to financial salvage is possibility confronted with unexpected liability instance of paying for the blood money which means diyah. Takaful is an alternative form of financial instrument to guarantee assets, liabilities and other interests of individuals and organizations. (Zuriah Abdul Rahman, 2009) Therefore, Muhammad Ayub (2009) supported that the alternative of Takaful is according to the concept of social solidarity, cooperation and at the same time indemnification the losses of participants. Indeed, Haemala Thanasegaran (2008) pointed out that Takaful is similar with conventional insurance which is include the distribution of the risk and it is become play an important role as part of our professional and livelihood. As a result, Jamie Reid (2008) suggested that Takaful become a significant role to worldwide financial institution which is widely establish in Asian and Middle East currently and also has an opportunity advance to the western country. Present years, there are a lot of international insurance industries are interest participate in Islamic insurance market. Although, Takaful insurance is mainly expanded at Islamic countries for the sake of the advent of Islamic banking and it has presented its potential as an innovation financial instrument over the past decade. (Haemala Thanasegaran, 2008) Whereas, Ramin Cooper Maysami W.Jean Kwon (1999) examined that Takaful has also grown on religion principle which processes unique characteristic besides grown as an innovation financial instrument. 2.1.1 Concept of Takaful The concept of Islamic insurance which is known as Takaful was first introduced in Sudan in 1979 and the main concept is an alternative to conventional insurance whereas according to principle of Shariah. (Kassar, 2008) Takaful as a concept compliant the principles of Shariah which is Islamic law thereby it is essentially to a system of mutual help which refers to the pooling of resources to help the needy (Browne and Kim, 1993). Therefore, according to Tan Kin Lian (2006), who is examined that before the advent of Islam 14 centuries ago there is possibility that the concept of mutual cooperation among tribal members in the Arabian Peninsula already started. The instance in pre-Islamic history which to prove the argument is: Aqila which is the Pooling System Daman Khatr Al-Tariq defined as Surety System Al Hlif which is utilized by Trade Alliance Confederation Nevertheless, Catherine Stagg-Macey (2007) summarize that Islamic insurance also known as Takaful is a mutual insurance that establish with the concept of tabarru (donation) which means that everyone will be take advantage from a share of investment returns since they are contributes to a fund. It is the combination of guaranteeing each other and mutual or cooperative insurance and there are necessarily to including in Takaful. However, Dawood Yousef Taylor (2005) stated that according to Fiqh Academy in 1985 who judged that conventional commercial insurance was haram (forbidden) which contravened the rules of Shariah and Islamic insurance which is Takaful was halal (acceptable). Accordingly, Haemala Thanasegaran (2008) pointed out that the reason is the operation of conventional insurance is against the principle of Shariah which is involve the elements of Al-gharar (uncertainties in the operation of the insurance contract), Al-maisir (gambling as a consequence of the presence of uncertainty), and Al-riba (interest). Gharar (uncertainty) Gharar is means that uncertainty or ambiguity of the theme of the contract by the insured such as the occurrence of indemnity, the sources and the amount for compensation and the timing of uncertainty (Anwar, 1994). Maisir (gambling) Islamic law is prohibiting speculation or receiving return without effort. Since the policy holders of insurance are look like to bet premiums on the condition that the insurer will make compensation when arise specified accident thereby it is forbidden based on principle Shariah. (Anwar, 1994) Riba (usury or interest) Riba is prohibit by Islamic law which refer to unequal exchange of the same things and also can defined as difference amount and quantity between insurer and insured when transactions. (Anwar, 2004) 2.1.2 Type of Takaful In Malaysia, there is providing two different types of Takaful insurance services which consist of General Takaful and Family Takaful. Family Takaful The family Takaful is a long-term investment and saving. The function of family Takaful is providing protection to the participants family by mutual fund while participant involve in the event of death. Furthermore, the goal of designed this plan is to: Regularity save the contribution of fund during a fixed period which is long term Utilize fund that contribution by participant as investment to gaining profit or return under the rule or principle Shariah, and Assistance in financial while unexpected death of participant prior to the maturity of the plan Commonly, family Takaful can recognize to several form such as: Ordinary family which is composing from endowment, temporary, medical and health. Takaful endowment is same kind with the life insurance. However, there is also has combine with education plan which respond by public is enthusiastically. Investment-linked Takaful is providing participant protection and also get chance earn profit or return in future depend on value underlying assets. Takaful Annuity is attribute to guarantee participant future retirement life by provide periodic income. (Hendon Redzuan, Zuriah, Sharifah Sakinah, 2009) On the other hand, Haemala Thanasegaran (2008) stated that maturity period, amount and the frequency of annual contribution of family Takaful are determinant by participant as well as the fund contribution will save into the Participants Account (PA) which is for savings and investment and the Participants Special Account (PSA) which is for Tabarru or donation. General Takaful A general takaful plan is commonly standing in the period of 12 months which is known as short term mutual financial help. Generally, it is assuring for property, engineering, miscellaneous accident, marine, motor and others. Moreover, general takaful attribute to scheme that purpose to provide compensation to someone who is suffering losses such as destruction or disaster inflicted upon asset of the participant. Method of payment for general takaful is based on tabarru which is donation aim to mutually help and jointly guarantee each others with using the fund compensate for participants who are facing losses. (Hendon Redzuan, Zuriah, Sharifah Sakinah, 2009) Although, Mohd. Masum Billah (1996) suggest that general Takaful should identify as al-Musahamah (contribution) which replace al-Tabarru (donation) due to aim the participant has no against the rule of Shariah which in the risk on the theme of the policy while make a claim. In other words, participants are making a claim or gain return over their own contribute fund. As evidence, under Quran sanction of mutual co-operation has described that Help you another in righteousness and piety. 2.2 Development of Takaful Malaysia Islamic insurance which is also known as Takaful is a new industry compare with conventional insurance. Despite the origin of Takaful was beginning from 14 centuries ago, the first time that Malaysia started operating Takaful was in 1984 which is Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Bhd. (Dawood Yousef Taylor, 2005) Whether or not, Sudan was the first introduced the modern Islamic insurance initially based on cooperative model which similar with conventional mutual insurer in 1979. However, majority of the countries include Malaysia and Saudi Arabia implemented commercial models of Takaful afterward. (IFSB IAIS, 2006) Masum Billah (1996) concluded that Takaful in Malaysia is currently thrives. Nevertheless, Malaysia is the leader which has the largest market in Takaful insurance among non-Arab countries. For instance, Takaful occupy 27% of the total insurance market in Malaysia parallel to Asia Pacific countries which have approximately 9% market, Europe and US are about 1% market and Arab countries which is the head of Takaful insurance hold about 63% market. (Salihuddin Ahmad, 2007) In the Far East, Malaysia was the forefront of Takaful development who conducted by Central Bank of Malaysia (BNM) enact Takaful regulations with separate regulations that enable the prosperity of Takaful insurance. Alter of the regulation is compulsory as to compete with conventional insurance industry. Thus, Malaysia administer Takaful compete with the conventional insurance impartiality. There is possibility that the changes of the Takaful Act and regulations in Malaysia bring on prosperous of Takaful Malaysia and Takaful Nasional which are two major composite Takaful operators. It is lead to development of general and life insurance rather than general Takaful insurance. (Dawood Yousef Taylor, 2005) In addition, in term of Takaful in Malaysia successfully, there are new operators were intent to involve in Takaful industry on several countries such as: Brunei Takaful IBB Bhd and Takaful Taib Sdn Bhd Indonesia PT Syarikat Takaful Keluarga which transacting in family (life) business PT Syarikat Takaful Umum which transacting in general business Singapore Islamic Insurance Pte (Mohd. Masum Billah, 1996) Moreover, Takaful operators of Malaysia have establish joint-ventures in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Sri Lanka which aim to provided technical expertise to the Asian countries especially Indonesia, Brunei, Australia, Lebanon, Bangladesh, Algeria and so on. (Yusof, 2001) Nonetheless, Central Bank of Malaysia (BNM) and the Takaful operators continued struggling to expand Takaful industry as assume in the Financial Sector Masterplan during 2002 which were focused on financial infrastructure development, institutional capacity enhancement as well as product and market development. (Central bank of Malaysia, 2002) On the other hand, Takaful has gradually develop as viable alternative to conventional insurance and may appeal to Muslim and non-Muslim which is a wide range of customers. (IFSB IAIS, 2006) Therefore, Malaysia as multi-racial country which is differences religious and cultural was able to attracted many consumers to purchase Takaful insurance. In Malaysia, Prudential BSN Takaful Berhad (PruBSN) has attracted more than 40% of non-Muslim customers among participant. (Mohamad Salihuddin Ahmad, 2007) Nevertheless, the corporate sector and multinationals in Malaysia are also preferred to select Takaful compare with conventional insurance. Although, there is no enough to promote and expanded Takaful thereby it was a challenges to the development and expanded of the local and global Takaful industry. (Mohamad Salihuddin Ahmad, 2007) Takaful is now implemented by over 60 companies in 23 countries and trend to promptly expanding. Recently, Malaysia initial offer Re-Takaful services in Labuan and also significant develops Re-Takaful which is the equivalent of conventional reinsurance. Presently, majority of Takaful operators reinsure to conventional reinsurers despite it is considered acceptable as long as there is no feasible that Shariah obey alternative. (IFSB IAIS, 2006) Since February 2008, Malaysia already has eight Takaful operators with license which is Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Berhad, CIMB Aviva Takaful Bhd., Hong Leong Tokio Marine Takaful Bhd., MAA Takaful Berhad, Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd., Prudential BSN Takaful Bhd., HSBC Amanah Takaful (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. and Etiqa Takaful Bhd., as well as two Re-Takaful companies which is Munich Re and MNRB Holding Bhd. (Bank Negara Malaysia, 2006) 2.3 Difference between Takaful and conventional insurance Takaful Conventional insurance It is a co-operative institution according to the principles of contract which is mutual co-operation (taawun). (Ahmad Ali Khan, 2003) It is a business institutions operated upon the principles of contract which is exchange. (Ahmad Ali Khan, 2003) Based on the principle, participants as insured and insurers their own self. Moreover, not insurance operators bearing the losses and risk of transfer whereas are shared by the participants each other. (Ahmad Ali Khan, 2003) The insured is uncertainly due to the transfer of the indeterminate fortuitous economic losses related with the prescribed risks in return for a pre-determined payment which is known as premium. (Ahmad Ali Khan, 2003) There are not endue with involve in the profits generated by the insurance operators. (Ahmad Ali Khan, 2003) Main objective is to gain profit or return from the insurance transactions for the shareholders. (Ahmad Ali Khan, 2003) All participants who pay a certain prescribed premiums are available to vote in the elections of the directors of the company or to check the companys annual accounts. (Ahmad Ali Khan, 2003) The policy-holder has no right to vote in the elections of the directors of the company or to check the annual accounts of the company. (Ahmad Ali Khan, 2003) Exchanging money with money in itself thereby no discrepancy in the amount or time. (Ahmad Ali Khan, 2003) Contribution of participants is attributed to Tabarru which means donation. (Mohd Tarmidzi, 2007) Both premium and claim being exchanged are different and takes place at different times. (Ahmad Ali Khan, 2003) Contribution from participants is due to investment. (Mohd Tarmidzi, 2007) Surplus in the fund will be distributed to participants. (Mohammed Musabah, 2008) Surplus in the fund is belong company as profit. (Mohammed Musabah, 2008) 2.4 Perception As to improve customers perception, companies should frequently adopt customers oriented and considering customers need in their position. Moreover, fully understand, elaborately configure, effectively manage, and exceed customers expectations already as a significant key to improve customers perception. (Frank Yao, 2007) On the other hand, according to Mohd Tarmidzi (2007), who is suggested that Takaful operators need respect the perception of the customers whether their criticism is truth or not. 2.4.1 Services Recently, providing better service quality already as a vital objective for companies to satisfy customers demand and compete with other same trade companies. (Izah Nor Mazlina, 2007) Thus, there is importance of service quality perceptions and the relationship between customer satisfaction and service quality. (Haque, 2009) Indeed, services are definitely related to the total quality management (TQM). Presently, a lot of global company services are adopted TQM as management paradigm since they realized that TQM also may effective in services as such in manufacturing. It is obviously that companies are emphasize to quality of services (Feng Jie, 2009) Regarding to Frank Yao (2007), who is defined that customer perception is very important to measure qualified services such as in operation execution layer, business development layer and others. It is due to adopt customers expectations and requirements will more efficiency to satisfy customers need. Thus, customer perception become a central topic and also as a key consideration. However, Dagmar Recklies (2006) studied that companies only able to develop appropriate strategies as they understand features of the services that consumers need and expectation. Therefore, customers perception considered as most important to the companies which is not merely strengthening relationship between customers but also achieves services improvement. 2.4.2 Reliability According to Arasli (2005), he stated that customers satisfaction may highest influence by the reliability of the products or services which priority had a statistically significant impact from customers perception. Furthermore, Haque (2009) concluded that reliability was primary related to the result of service. Despite, customers satisfaction not merely estimate on customers experiences on service delivery process whereas also the exactitude and reliability of the delivered service. Besides that, Asmak (2008) also suggested that majority of the customers while intend to purchase insurance, they will considered insurance companies in terms of assets and reliability. In the other words, customers perception and decision adoption will influence by reliability of the specified company. Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Bhd (STMB) stated that the reliability of the management information systems is very important which relying to Information System Security Policy (ISSP) Manual due to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, duplication, negligence error, modification, diversion, destruction, loss, abuse or steal of STMB information systems. (Takaful Malaysia annual report, 2009) 2.4.3 Demographic According to Wilkie (1990) indicated that demographic will affect what kind of products or services customer will purchase, how much that customer willing to pay as people achieve higher education. As a result, customer with higher education may enhance their ability to process more complicated information and decisions making. Nevertheless, Asmak (2008) who is pointed out that the demographic characteristics of a customer which is knowledge regarding the policy, income status household and customer antipathy to risk may influence customers decision or even indeed changing their policies. Regarding to Schiffman and Kanuk (2000), conclude that customers with better education alike to income higher which may affect their expected life-style. Therefore, customers will more willing to consume because power purchasing of them are higher due to their level imposable income better than general labor. Lastly, marketer may redesign, reposition and re-price the services in term of changing demographic attribute to fulfill customer requirement and satisfaction. (Kotler, 2000) In other hand, Lamb (2000) stated that income level which may give impact to customer consumption is significant in demographic variable due to segmenting market.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Emily Dickinson vs. Robert Frost Essay
Darkness is usually associated with fear or the unknown. As children, we are afraid of the unknown under our bed that darkness brings, which, in turn, makes our imaginations run wild, creating monsters, ghosts, and of course, the occasional boogeyman. Even as adults, we still have an antipathy to drive at night or go walking alone in the darkness. So it only makes sense that darkness is used in all forms of art to symbolize some kind of fear, unknown thing or place, or a mournful state. Within the world of poetry, the contrast of light and dark can be seen in hundreds of poems, including â€Å"We Grow Accustomed to the Dark†by Emily Dickinson and â€Å"Acquainted with the Night†by Robert Frost where the darkness symbolizes something much deeper than just fear. Both poems, â€Å"We grow accustomed to the Dark†and â€Å"Acquainted with the night†use the elements of Light and Dark as symbols within the speakers’ lives. In â€Å"Acquainted with the night†the speaker talks of darkness as his past experiences, most of them not good, and perhaps the depression that accompanied them. He says, â€Å"I have walked out in the rain and back in the rain,†meaning he has been through events, emotion, and sorrows through his life several times, but has managed to come through each one. He talks of how he has seen lugubrious moments when he says, â€Å"I have looked down the saddest city lane.†However, he is either ashamed or just unwilling to elaborate on his experiences in the line, â€Å"I have passed by the watchman on his beat and dropped my eyes, unwilling to explain.†The speaker’s depression is so deep; he feels he has no hope or way of recovering. This is said in the line, â€Å"I have outwalked the furthest city light.†When the speaker gives descriptions of â€Å"the sound of feet†and â€Å"an interrupted cry,†it gives the reader a sense of blindness and furthering the speaker’s darkness and uncertainty of his life. The light that is shed by the â€Å"luminary clock†or the moon shows the prolonging of time that the speaker has to wait for something, possibly hope, to renew the â€Å"light†in his life. The speaker in â€Å"We grow accustomed to the dark†talks of similar things. He talks of problems most face throughout life and difficult decisions that are unavoidable. The darkness in this poem, much like Robert Frost’s, does not talk of literal darkness, but emotional darkness of the speaker. However, he does not talk about dark as life in general. In the line â€Å"As when the Neighbor holds the Lamps to witness her Goodbye,†Dickinson saying that other people may hold â€Å"light†, meaning hope, faith, or happiness, but sometimes darkness is inevitable. He articulates that when good things are taken away from a person’s life, he must adjust his perception to the â€Å"darkness.†This is said in the line â€Å"Then-fit our Visions to the Dark-. †Then, when he talks of the moon having to sign, he says that not even the moon, usually the brightest light at night, cannot give him hope. He says that brave people will search for things but only fail. That people try to run away from the darkness within them and try to deny it. But in the line â€Å"And sometimes hit a Tree†shows that even when you run from a problem or try to deny it, there will be other problems you run into. However, this halt in moving on only makes that person stronger and wiser, learning from his mistakes. He says the only way to find oneself when there is no light or goodness is to move forward and adjust. The two poems are structured very differently. While Emily Dickinson uses short phrases with long sentences, Robert Frost uses whole sentences that flow easily. In â€Å"We grow accustomed to the dark,†the short words or phrases clumped together add emphasis and description. These cut phrases symbolize inner conflict or struggle within the speaker. The line â€Å"As when the Neighbor holds the Lamp†is one of the few lines that does not have a dash at the end. This is because the light illuminates the darkness, destroying the struggle. Dickinson adds these descriptive phrases to give more imagery to the poem. But still, each phrase and stanza fits with the next, adding to the whole picture of a lightless midnight. An example of the preponderance of dashes and their symbolizism is seen in the line â€Å"Or Star-come out-within-. †This line is about the mental darkness with no solution or â€Å"light†and the amount of dashes adds emphasis to the hopelessness in the search for light. â€Å"Acquainted with the Night,†Frost uses sentences that flow lightly from one to another. This gives the poem an effect of movement. It is read like a story, making it easy for the reader to connect things within the poem. Frost also uses a very steady rhyming scheme to draw the poem all together as whole. The rhyming at the end that corresponds to the beginning brings the reader back to the start of the poem, similar to a circle and symbolizes the speaker’s recurring sadness. Everyone experiences dark times in his life-some more than others-with what seems like a never ending battle. These two poems, with two different experiences of darkness, tell us that there have been people who went through the same darkness we may be going through. Their dominance through the seemingly maelstrom night gives us hope for a better day. Dickinson and Frost have shed some light into an increasingly darkened world.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Racism affects everybody Essay
This is shown in the movie ‘Australia’, how everyone can be affected by racism. Many different ways of racism towards people in the movie ‘Australia’. A few of the main characters that are affected in the movie is Nullah, The Drover, Lady Ashley. The people that are being most affected in the movie would have to be the indigenous, that’s because the time the movie was set in, was when the white australia policy was happening, so pretty much every Australian was being racist towards aboriginal people. Racism is problem that everybody is affected in the world today. In the movie Australia, all the aboriginal people was being well behaved, did everything they was told and followed the rules. Even then people was still be racist towards them. Some of the ways racism was shown in the movie was how the aboriginals wasn’t allowed in the pubs, also Neil Fletcher was using Daisy for sex and didn’t show any respect and also beat her and his son up. So pretty much all the Australians in this time period was against all indigenous people and all japanese because at the time australia was at war with japan and japan ended up bombing darwin. Nullah in the movie was a half cast, so he wasn’t fully aboriginal or australian, he felt left out because he wasn’t black or white, he was only a creamy colour. He was like this because of Neil Fletcher using his mother for sex. Nullah and his mother wasn’t treated with any respect at all and both of them was also beat up, it was because Neil fletcher played a big part in being racist towards Indigenous people. A good example of racism towards Nullah is when he is about to get on the ship to the mission and a young australian boy was yelling to him and saying â€Å"Creamy†and kept saying that to Nullah. Near the end of the movie Nullah wants to go ‘walk about’ with his Grandfather. If you go on this ‘walk about’ It means you become a man, it’s part of the aboriginal tradition, even though Nullah isn’t a full blooded aboriginal, he still wants to keep live by his aboriginal culture and follow the aboriginal tradition and become a man through the true aboriginal way. The reason all this racism was happening towards the aboriginal people was because of the government. They had made a policy in the australia called the white australia policy, this policy wanted australia to only have fully white blooded australians in australia only. The half cast kids like ‘Nullah’ was sent to a mission to learn about the christianity and how australians live, the other reason they were sent there is because australian people wasn’t proud of having sex with aboriginal women and then they didn’t want half cast kids in the public because it would remind them of what they did with those aboriginal women and they didn’t want that. So the government made missions where, the half cast kids were taken from their families by the police and wasn’t allowed to see their families again. The kids that were taken when they were are now called the stolen generation. The two people in the movie that weren’t being racist towards aboriginal people was The Drover and Lady Ashley, this was because they both had a connection with the aboriginal people in the movie, The Drover’s partner in the movie was an aboriginal and The Drover felt like he was an aboriginal and thought that people treated him like one. He also sticked up for his partner at the pub, this shows how close Drover was to his partner. Lady was close to aboriginal people because of Nullah’s mother dying and she took up mothering for Nullah, this made a strong connection between them. When Neil Fletcher was beating up Nullah Lady Ashley stepped in and protected Nullah. In conclusion, It doesn’t matter if someone is being racist towards an individual, it will affect other people to. Even all the years ago, when the white australia policy was taking place, the racism towards the aboriginals and the stolen generation, It is still affecting most of Australia today and a lot of people are sorry to the stolen generation because what the government did was very wrong and it didn’t take not long to see what they done. Racism still happens today everywhere and it does affect everyone.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Leadership Challenge Of General George S. Patton...
There are a number of qualities that quantify good leaderships and good leaders. According to Kouzes and Posner in their book The Leadership Challenge, all successful leaders have (5) practices in common. They â€Å"Model the Way†, â€Å"Inspire a shared vision†, â€Å"Challenge the process†, â€Å"enable others to act†and â€Å"encourage the heart†(15). Never is there a more important time to have exemplary leadership, than in a time of war. Both the American Civil War and World War II showed what was possible through good leadership. From abolishing slavery and preserving the Union, to fighting tyranny and oppression abroad, both events in American history had a profound impact on all those involved. The impact would most certainly be different if not for the leadership of Colonel Lawrence Chamberlain of the Union Army during the Civil War and General George S. Patton during World War II. Both leaders possessed the 5 practices essential fo r god leadership, yet both leaders to different approaches to accomplish their goals. The leadership of General George S. Patton can be viewed as an example of transactional leadership. This type of leadership makes followers of an â€Å"organization achieve objectives through rewards and punishment†. This can be shown in the scene in Patton where he is meeting his new soldiers for the first time. As he is driving through the streets of North Africa, he sees his fellow soldiers are poorly dressed and not all in uniform. Soldiers had just finished aShow MoreRelatedPatton, The Man Behind The Legend1733 Words  | 7 Pages Patton, the Man Behind the Legend, 1885-1945. Zach Harper History 2200, U.S. History Since 1877 (to the Present) Dr. James Moulton 20 April 2016 â€Æ' Blumenson, Martin. (1985). Patton, the man behind the legend, 1885-1945. New York: Morrow. How would you define determination? 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