Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Leadership Challenge Of General George S. Patton...

There are a number of qualities that quantify good leaderships and good leaders. According to Kouzes and Posner in their book The Leadership Challenge, all successful leaders have (5) practices in common. They â€Å"Model the Way†, â€Å"Inspire a shared vision†, â€Å"Challenge the process†, â€Å"enable others to act† and â€Å"encourage the heart†(15). Never is there a more important time to have exemplary leadership, than in a time of war. Both the American Civil War and World War II showed what was possible through good leadership. From abolishing slavery and preserving the Union, to fighting tyranny and oppression abroad, both events in American history had a profound impact on all those involved. The impact would most certainly be different if not for the leadership of Colonel Lawrence Chamberlain of the Union Army during the Civil War and General George S. Patton during World War II. Both leaders possessed the 5 practices essential fo r god leadership, yet both leaders to different approaches to accomplish their goals. The leadership of General George S. Patton can be viewed as an example of transactional leadership. This type of leadership makes followers of an â€Å"organization achieve objectives through rewards and punishment†. This can be shown in the scene in Patton where he is meeting his new soldiers for the first time. As he is driving through the streets of North Africa, he sees his fellow soldiers are poorly dressed and not all in uniform. Soldiers had just finished aShow MoreRelatedPatton, The Man Behind The Legend1733 Words   |  7 Pages Patton, the Man Behind the Legend, 1885-1945. Zach Harper History 2200, U.S. History Since 1877 (to the Present) Dr. James Moulton 20 April 2016 â€Æ' Blumenson, Martin. (1985). Patton, the man behind the legend, 1885-1945. New York: Morrow. How would you define determination? 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