Saturday, May 23, 2020
William The World s Largest Pc Software Company - 1823 Words
William Henry Bill Gates was born on the 28th of October 1955, William is an American business philanthropist, and computer programmer. In 1975, William co-founded Microsoft with his partner Paul Allen, which has now became the world s largest PC software company in the world. William’s career at Microsoft was CEO and chief software architect for the company, he also held the largest individual shareholder percentage until May 2014. With his success William has authored and co-authored several books such as: The road ahead and Business @ the speed of thought Starting in the year 1987, William was included on the Forbes world s wealthiest people list and was the wealthiest overall from 1995 to 2014. Between 2009 and 2014, he doubled his wealth from $40 billion USD to more than $82 billion USD. William is considered one of the best known entrepreneurs of the PC (personal computer) revolution. William has been trolled for his business styles, which have been seen as anti-competitive in the industry, an opinion that has in some cases been upheld in many court rulings. Later in his career William pursued a number of philanthropic endeavors by donating large amounts of money to various charitable organizations through the Bill Melinda Gates Foundation. William had primary responsibility for the Microsoft’s product strategy, he broadened the company s range of products and wherever Microsoft succeeded in a dominant position he defended it. During his career he gained aShow MoreRelatedBill Gates : The World s Prime Software Business1606 Words  | 7 Pages William Henry Gates; who is well known as Bill Gates was born on 28th of Oct, 1955, in Washington. In age of 13 Gates started showing curiosity in computer programming when he was at Lakeside school and pursued his passion through college. Striking out on his own with his friend and business partner Paul Allen, Gates found himself at the right place at the right time. Through technological modernization, strong business strategy and aggressive business tactics, he built the world s prime softwareRead MoreA Brief History of Personal Computers1304 Words  | 6 Pagesthe first fully operable computer was developed about 50 years ago, at the end of World War II, by a te am at the University of Pennsylvania s Moore School of Engineering. This team was headed by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, who named the new machine ENIAC, for Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator. ENIAC was hardly a personal computer, occupying a large room and weighing about 33 tons. By today s standards, ENIAC was extremely slow, unreliable, and expensive to operate. In 1945Read MoreMerger Of Hewlett Packard Company1413 Words  | 6 PagesINTRODUCTION The paper will examine the merger of Hewlett-Packard Company (NYSE:HPQ) and Compaq Computer Corporation in 2001. The following key issues will be examined: -reasons for the merger -reasons against the merger -assessment of the performance of the consolidated company since the merger completion. BACKGROUND OF THE COMPANIES Hewlett-Packard (HP) is a leading technology solutions provider for both consumers and businesses. â€Å"We invent, engineer and deliver technology solutions that driveRead MoreBill Gates1350 Words  | 6 PagesBill Gates William Henry Gates III, KBE, (born October 28, 1955), commonly known as Bill Gates, is the co-founder and current Chairman and Chief Software Architect of Microsoft. According to Forbes magazine in 2004, Gates is the wealthiest person in the world, a position he has held steadily for many years. Biography Bill Gates was born in Seattle, Washington to William H. 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Within the last fifteen years the company that he and Paul Allan started, Microsoft, has become the largest software corporation in the computer industry. What is Bill Gates background, and how did he preserve his place in history while amassing his fortune? BillRead MoreIntellinex, Llc1630 Words  | 7 PagesExecutive Summary Intellinex LLC is an eLearning company that was recently spun off from its parent Ernest Young LLP. At its inception Intellinex claimed to be one of the largest eLearning providers. They have an aggressive strategy to take advantage of the consolidating eLearning market and become a one-stop provider of all eLearning services for their clients. Their focus is on creating customized training for clients and helping them to implement and maintain their on-line courses. ProductsRead MoreEssay on Globally Successful Entrepreneurs986 Words  | 4 Pagesglobally successful entrepreneurs. Their products are well known and useful. For example, Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook, Steve Jobs created Apple products, Bill Gates created Microsoft and so on. Their products were used widely by all of us around the world. The things that we are concerned about is the characteristics in them that make them globally succeeded entrepreneurs and so well known. So, comparing the characteristics of two globally succeeded entrepreneurs would be the concern of this essay.Read MoreCase Study of Bill Gates1348 Words  | 6 PagesMGMT 368 CASE ANALYSIS EXAMPLE C THE CASE OF BILL GATES MGMT 368B BUSINESS ETHICS PROBLEM ISSUE AND IDENTIFICATION WHAT ARE THE CENTRAL FACTS OF THE CASE? *William ‘Bill Gates III, Microsoft Corp Chairman, is the most wealthiest businessman there is ( *Microsoft does not pay its workers as well as some competitors do; however, many workers get stock options. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Percy Aldridge Grainger Essay - 1842 Words
Percy Aldridge Grainger was born on the 8th of July 1882, in Brighton, Melbourne. As an only child of John and Rosa Grainger he began learning music at the age of 5 with his mother Rosa. Grainger’s music studies many aspects of life and artistic persona, making him a unique Australian musician. He had a diverse musical career including pianist, composer, folklore collector, musical arranger, ‘free musician’ and inventor, making him one of Australia’s greatest musicians of all time. Whilst living in Australia Grainger came before the public eye as a pianist at a concert at Melbourne’s Masonic Hall during 1894. His life intention was to communicate every feature of his life to the public and soon after his creative achievement was seen†¦show more content†¦Although known for his pianistic abilities Grainger is best known throughout Australia as a composer. He had planned his life as a composer before he was twenty years of age and held true to that plan as best as he could. His arrangements of folk music including ‘Country Gardens’ and ‘Folk Song from Country Derry’ were not what he classed as compositions. Rather his serious compositions include ‘Kipling Jungle Book Cycle’ and ‘The Warriors’ during his quest for free music. Grainger’s folk music are short melodic works that are set in a variety of rhythms, pitches and instruments. During his early years in London he composed a transcription of Tchaikovsky’s Flower Waltz and this sparked a venture into piano transcriptions including Four Irish Dances by Charles Stanford. It was also during this time that he met Edward Grieg, his long time musical hero and inspiration. Whilst in Australia Grainger was first introduced to Grieg by his mother Rose and thus ignited his passion for Grieg’s lyric pieces, resulting him to arrange a series of theses during 1898. Grainger continued to arrange folk music, pre senting a collection of work which is unique in music history. During a visit to Scotland during 1900, Grainger was heavily influenced by his cultural experience and arranged 25 new accompaniments to Augener’s ‘Minstrelsy of England,’ thus had a profound effect on his future musical
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Book review on enduring love Free Essays
The basic story line to the book is all about a man who experiences a ballooning accident where he and a group of other guys try to pull down a balloon that has a boy in, which is the captain of the air balloons grandson†¦ so they are all holding it down trying to get the kid out but a strong gust of wind blows the balloon up and the four guys still holding on are pulled up with it but before it gets too high three of the four Jump off to safety which intern leaves one guy called Logan hanging on to the rope after a couple of minutes Logan looses his grip and slips to the very end of the ope†¦ or a split second he continues to hold on but finally again his grip goes and he drops to his death in front of this crowd of people. After the incident the main character for the rest of the book is Just left with this over riding feeling of guilt, but also deeper there was a man at the accident who comes away with almost post traumatic stress and as an onlooker as the reader you exp erience him become uncontrollably obsessed with the main character in the book and by the end of the book Jed whom is obsessed causes Joe and cassia his girlfriend to split up simply by getting in to Joes head through the couple of letters he sends him. The book takes in the story several months to get the middle of the plot but the book passes within a year. We will write a custom essay sample on Book review on enduring love or any similar topic only for you Order Now To me what happened in terms of the accident is unusual as you don’t here hot air balloon accidents everyday and the after events I’m sure happen but don’t come to light as this one did for example the fact Jed stalked Joe so relentlessly for that period of time so openly is never talked about let alone written in a book! The storyline right from the begging grips you as it opens with the main character acting as a narrator talking through the day when he had a role to play in the loss of life and freak accident caused it!! Characters: Real main characters in the book for me are: Joe Rose Joe Rose is a middle-aged successful science Journalist living with his long-time girlfriend Clarissa Rose in London. He considers himself unattractive and marvels that Clarissa loves him. He is the object of Jed Parry’s obsessions. Clarissa Mellon Clarissa is Joe’s girlfriend and an English professor who specializes in the Romantic poet John Keats. She loves children and is secretly devastated that she is barren. She loves Joe’s completely but she is ruled by her emotions and interpretive intuition. Jed Parry Jed Parry is a lonely young man who lives by himself in a large house he inherited from his mother. He is devoutly Christian, although he doesnt follow any specific sect. He suffers from I feel syndrome that causes him to believe that a stranger is in love with you. (Interestingly enough there is a syndrome called Clearmalt’s syndrome which has the exactly the same symptoms) The object of his obsession is Joe Rose, whom he stalks. Jean Logan Jean Logan is John Logan’s wife and a history professor at Oxford. She struggles with John’s death, convincing herselt that ne was having an affair. Clarissa was interesting to say the least, as the book opens you find her to be very warming to Joe rose but very quickly as the reader you see that she instantly after the accident turns away from Joe you could say that Joe caused some of the relationship fail but mostly it all comes from Clarissa. You see this instantly as they drive home yes you can say she still is in shock but when they get home the interaction between both of them is so odd†¦ the chatting at the table yes ill say that is normal but what happened after that the sexual contact is benign, I think the author is trying to get cross the fact the two characters are still Jumpy and sketchy after both witnessing such a horrendous accident and uses the odd physical contact as a way to show that. It’s very easy to comment on the relationship between Joe and Clarissa but it’s harder to talk about the conflicts. Again there is a blindingly obvious one of the conflict between Joe and Clarissa that develops but one I find more interesting is the not conflict but awkwardness between Joe rose and Jean Logan for those who don’t know is John Logan’s wife, the conflict if we call it that is when Joe goes round to Jeans ouse which may I say is a long drive to talk to her about Jed (the pedo) Joe almost invite himself in and sits waiting as Jeans makes some tea. Long story short the fact that a man that Jean doesn’t know is sat in her living room as she makes tea for him waiting to talk to her about a guy who has an obsession with him, to me from the offset is Just going to cause so form of mental conflict. Personally all characters change over the course of the book but easily you can spot the person who changes the most is Joe rose and the start he is very confident and towards the end he turns into somebody with very low self-esteem. The biggest and easiest change in the book surprisingly enough isn’t Jed I feel its Joe as the effect of the incident is immediate even on the way home the shock of the accident starts to make its mark on Joe and his girlfriend there are long awkward chats in the kitchen and from there it Just goes down hill†¦ will say though Jed stalking Joe religiously doesn’t help things but after what Joe saw, heard and felt that breezy summers day it marked him as a dead man you couldn’t see that when you start reading the book but as you dig deeper and start to think in depth more about what happened you easily make connections that urn into ideas and before you know it you find yourself predicting the rest of the book†¦ The story was written in first person. It helped the story as it put the person into the shoes of the book and really helps the reader to get into the book and really understand the dilemma that the characters are in throughout the book. Another factor that helped the reader get a grip n the reader and hold them there until the book unfolds and ends is how the author really puts the reader in the story is how he describes the surroundings that the characters are in and how the time period really elps you not only believe the story line but shocks you that in this modern age not only do accidents happen like this but the after affects aren’t picked up by those around the characters for example Jed who is to his own accord until the point that others realise that he is a danger to those around him and society in general. To be completely honest and to wrap up the review id say I would recommend the book to people but will warn them ot the graphic paedophilia that takes place in the book also the sexual content isn’t off putting but in places is hard to get to grips off until you read further on and realise why.. How to cite Book review on enduring love, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Trump’s Global Warming Denial and Political Manipulation free essay sample
The gag order on press releases, blog updates, or posting any of facts and statistics anywhere, media or online, was banned. This affected the EPA, or Environmental Protection Agency so that their employees are not allowed to discuss any of the changes publicly or on social media, and their scientists are not allowed to report their findings at all. The gag order also pertained to the US Department of Agriculture, and Health and Human Services. (Garcia 1) OtheragenciesandorganizationsaffectedbythisgagorderaretheAgriculturalResearch Service, Department of Transportation, the USDA, Agricultural Research Service, DOI, and many more government science and research agencies. (Lartey 1) Trump’snominee for thehead oftheEPAScottPruitthassaid that he doesbelieve climate change exists, but thathumansarenotthe main cause of it. Here is aquotefromScott Pruitt on the subject: â€Å"Science tells us the climate is changing and human activity in some matter impacts that change.†(Kelly 1) He acknowledges that the climate is changing and that â€Å"in some matter†human activity impactsthatchange. We will write a custom essay sample on Trump’s Global Warming Denial and Political Manipulation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He has denied that human action has directly lead to themaincause of climate change and global warming. Ifyou evenjustgoogle whatcauses globalwarming? Thefirstthingthatcomesupsays: â€Å"Mostclimatescientistsagreethe main cause of the current global warming trend ishuman expansion of the greenhouse effect1  warming that results when the atmosphere trapsheat radiating from Earth toward space. Certain gases in the atmosphere block heat fromescaping.†(Global Climate Change 1). That is the short answer that comes up when you google it, the article is from the NASA Climate Change website (1). Also,ScottPruitt(who is now head of the EPA)has also sued the EPA multiple times while he was the Oklahoma attorney general.He sued the EPA a total of 14 times. He is now the head of theEPAandhas announcedplans to aggressively roll back many Obama-era regulations and policies as early as next week (Next week being this week). (Collins 1) This gag order means that whatever they discover, monitor, or are helping with, they can not share or report any of their factual findings to the public. No press interviews, blog updates, newspaper articles, or social media posts are allowed. They are not allowed to report the statistics of global warming, water testing, how clean the air is, nothing, but mainly climate change. Trump is trying to deny the existence of global warming, and convince the people of America that it is a ‘hoax’. All of the findings of the EPA used to be accessible to the public, it was public knowledge. All the information they had was there at your fingertips if you wanted to read it, but now it is not that easy to see unless you specifically hunt it down. It was in the media, even just a little here and there, but global warming was a pretty widely known concept that was believed true by most people. He is trying to turn back the clock to a time when no one acknowledged or cared about its e xistence. (Chen 1) A lot of the information formerly available on the White House website and the State Department website about the climate change policy has been removed. This was something oftopconcern fortheformer president,buttheinformation hasbeen replaced with articles detailing Trump’s plans to roll back those policies. Almost all mention of climate change hasbeen removed, where ever it was mentioned, when you search ‘global warming’ on the White house website, it says no results, because every mention of it has been removed. (Davenport 1) Trump administrations had been planning on removing the pages about climate change from the EPA website, but have appeared to back off slightly. Here is a quote from an article written by Robin Bravender, and Hannah Hess (1), from EE News: â€Å"Trump administration officials appear to have walked back plans to scrub climate change references from U.S. EPAs website. Weve been told to stand down, an EPA employee told E News today. That new directive comes after staff were told yesterday to remove the agencys climate change page from its website, worrying climate change activists and sending data specialists scrambling to download files. The backlash that erupted after reports surfaced last night that the climate page would be eliminated may have prompted administration officials to change course. News of the plans was first reported last night by Reuters. EPAs press office did not respond to requests for comment today. Its unclear whether the agencys climate page will remain indefin itely, or only temporarily. Its not imminent, the EPA staffer said of its removal.†(Bravender 1) There are a lot of speculations and arguments about why the gag order was put in place, but almost all of them lead back to the fact that Trump would rather not acknowledge its existence at all. He has claimed that climate change and global warming are a hoax on multiple occasions. He also on multiple occasions claimed that climate change was a hoax by the Chinese. He tweeted about it severaltimes, but after the issue was brought up in the debate with Clinton, the tweets were deleted, and he denied them ever existing. I would just like to point out that the man who is currently president of the US, is in denial about scientific facts, hard evidence is being ignored and accused of being a hoax by the person in charge of a country. Trump is trying to keep the public from noticing the existence of a serious problem, because he has chosen to deny it. (Ohlheiser 1) Some people argue that a temporary halt of information flow is normal perseguir for when someone new comes into office, however, an order that no one who isaffected by it can mention any of the changes or its existence at all, is not normal. Also, if people have no new news about a current event that is widely available or popular they will have no need to care about it, like what is happening with it now. Unless you specifically are searching up the findings of the EPA research department you won’t be able to find anything current or useful pertaining to climate change and global warming. The reason that information is not available is because an executive gag order is in place, they are not allowed to share the data and information they have. Because of this, some of the organizations affected by this gag order have started up ‘rouge Twitter accounts’ as they are sometimes called. A rather popular one is the Badlands National Park account, which has started posting facts about climate change. Here is a quote from an article (1) about it on Democracy Now: â€Å"As the news of the EPA media blackout broke Tuesday, the Twitter account for the Badlands National Park in South Dakota, part of the U.S. National Park Service, went rogue, publishing a series of tweets about climate change, including one that read, Today, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is higher than at any time in the last 650,000 years. #Climate. The tweets were later deleted.†To get information out to the public rouge accounts have popped up. Because the gagorder said no press releases, articles, or company social media updates, they have started rouge twitter accounts to post their information and data so that the public has access to it. (Noble 1) So, even if the president would rather the problem of climate change be ignored and denied, people who know that the facts are there and aren’t just going to let this go, have done things to show that facts can’t just be silenced and forgotten about. A tweet from the Golden Gate NPS stating their concerns that this year was the hottest year on record for the third year in a row, the tweet was taken down. Tweets about how less people showed up for the Trump inauguration than Obama’s 2009 inauguration with comparative pictures were also taken down. So many of these such rebellious posts on social media that the Interior Department could not find them all and tke them down before many of them gained a lot of popularity. A tweet by employees at the Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural Site in Buffalo states this: Free speech, exercised both individually and through a free press, is a necessity in any country where the people are free. TR, 5/7/1918†This is commenting on how the freedom of speech is very important to have individually and in the press, and how some of the things the Trump Administration have done or deleted have infringed on and have come close to violating that right. (Bravender 1) A lot more accounts have been poppingupastheothersgettakendown, multiple unofficial accounts of organizations such as NASA,the National Park service,the FDA,NIH,EPA,and many more. (Durden 1) Other people, like celebrities or actors arealso posting inrebellionagainst Trump, sayingthingsranging from messages of hope thatthings willeventuallygo back to normal, to angry commentsand well puttogetherargumentsabout what Trump has done wrong.Even people like thepreviousvicepresident, Bernie Sandershas been vocalabouthisopinion of Trump. Also people like Stephen King, CaitlynJenner, andmanyother celebrities,actors, and justnormalpeoplehavetakentosocial media tosharetheirstrongopinions. Thisisthe technologicalage,socialmediaplatformsarewherepeople go to voicetheirthoughtsand opinionssomewherewheretheycanfeelheard, somewhere to share messages of hope and support, and a place to voice rebellion and defiance.
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