Saturday, May 23, 2020

William The World s Largest Pc Software Company - 1823 Words

William Henry Bill Gates was born on the 28th of October 1955, William is an American business philanthropist, and computer programmer. In 1975, William co-founded Microsoft with his partner Paul Allen, which has now became the world s largest PC software company in the world. William’s career at Microsoft was CEO and chief software architect for the company, he also held the largest individual shareholder percentage until May 2014. With his success William has authored and co-authored several books such as: The road ahead and Business @ the speed of thought Starting in the year 1987, William was included on the Forbes world s wealthiest people list and was the wealthiest overall from 1995 to 2014. Between 2009 and 2014, he doubled his wealth from $40 billion USD to more than $82 billion USD. William is considered one of the best known entrepreneurs of the PC (personal computer) revolution. William has been trolled for his business styles, which have been seen as anti-competitive in the industry, an opinion that has in some cases been upheld in many court rulings. Later in his career William pursued a number of philanthropic endeavors by donating large amounts of money to various charitable organizations through the Bill Melinda Gates Foundation. William had primary responsibility for the Microsoft’s product strategy, he broadened the company s range of products and wherever Microsoft succeeded in a dominant position he defended it. During his career he gained aShow MoreRelatedBill Gates : The World s Prime Software Business1606 Words   |  7 Pages William Henry Gates; who is well known as Bill Gates was born on 28th of Oct, 1955, in Washington. In age of 13 Gates started showing curiosity in computer programming when he was at Lakeside school and pursued his passion through college. 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