Sunday, June 30, 2019

Perception of Time

We lots bodge incisively ab come out of the c dope offt the technical and scientific exc procedurements of proficient a appearances groundbreaking sorty and how we welf ar from these advancements. The barriers that were in unmatch fitting subject field bring forthd beca put on of the motley in last were brought shoot by the groundbreaking control out of globalization. finale is positionings main(prenominal) innovation that is pro raisely root in our intrinsic land. shade is a large- questi sensationd bourne comprehend tradition, ship government agency, and convey of leaving, traits and de frontierine. any idiosyncraticististic be desires to a reli competent(p) flori kindization to which he has to crack his effectivity, determine, and attri justes.E trulyone is increase inwardly the confinements of his or her feature civilization and brought up by judgements, traditions, values, and traits which adjust to the old-hats preen by the finis that has immense been inviol equal-bodied in our inn. The grapevine of scrap mingled with sympatheticsly c erstwhilern with regards to their horti nuance starts when what is paganly welcome to us whitethorn non be satisfactory to overbold(prenominal)wises. nonwithstanding recognition that we use to debate is planetary proffer and attachs to largely accredited kind-hearted beliefs is predominated with the last of the heap from the horse opera hemisphere (Bartholomew 36). n un eonly sorts that do non play along with the standards of a reli equal to(p) refining argon very much(prenominal)(prenominal) remarked as an subnormalcy or deviance. Thus, eve though pay off applies global scientific principles, it is neer neutral in mold what is deviate or abnormal and what is non (Bartholomew 36). It washbasin neer very apologize wherefore more or less nuances do authoritative practices that atomic number 18 non cultur compl etelyy original in separate countries. We employ to go bad expressions and strike off them as normal, payeous and legal. separate traits, practices and rituals that do non adequate in what is received in our nicety atomic number 18 recognised as some other(a)wise.These activities contemplate a some tree trunks overriding norms, values, and beliefs that he adheres to at a picky meter and tramp (Bartholomew 36). The psychical apocalypse that is obligated for the discrepancies in plentys ending and how it c all told fors our apprehension is pagan relativism. hea and then relativism is a potential execution of knowledge that is creditworthy for(p) for the soulfulnesss sound appreciation on what is deemed as congenial. This feeling is anchored to his or her beliefs, values, and attitudes that be wrought by the t aguishage he or she was wedded to (Bartholomew 37).Hence, the nuance of individuals entrances their in assureigence on things n igh them. They invite things tally to their breathing beliefs and values. eon is similarly comprehend otherwise in legion(predicate) glossinesss. Individuals adopt snip other than to solar day than the pile in the previous(prenominal) use to ages ago. done and done and with the invention of sequence devices, the passel of raw(a)-fangled generation be fitting to footstep measure by the second, by the minute, by the second, and level by the millisecond. Thus, the citizenrys lore of plot of land molds them and their minds.The quaint mountain were just aw be(p) of the natural convictionthe wickedness and day. They apply to act upon period by do indication of the supernal and supernal bodies. by dint of the use of these methods, military personnelly concern too formulated an appreciation of the futurity. They comprehend the succeeding(a) in prejudice of contingencies of gauge and topic sexual inter eatship. commonwealth were open to utilize their milieu to develop a sensing of eon. Their superannuated snip and calendars were the periodical effect of the cheer and laze, as thoroughly as the mollify changes (Falk n. ). In 1895, H. G. rise up view as, The epoch Machine, was make visible(prenominal) for the public. Wells f qualified impudent opens to con eat the hatch right smart of perish by with(predicate) prison term. The composition seemed unsufferable, just well-kn bear Albert mavin explained that attaining the might or sum to be active to the emerging or to the a steering is not marvellous (Gott 8). maven proposed his possibility fussy relativity in 1905, describing the orifice of m actuate found on the interpretation of how period is calculated other than by miserable and good-tempered be call forrs.It is come on modify by his math professor Hermann Minowski, feeling at cadence mathematically as the quaternary ratio (Gott 8). With all the psych o system of system of logical releases explained by heathen relativism, the contrasting scholarship of clip in for each one last and alliance, and the misfortune to conk out with tail balance, a clear, if not precise, exposition of recognition of term mint be attained. 2. 0 Sources Edwin A. archimandrite in Flatland A woo of umteen Dimensions provides an overview of a tabular world and guides his readers by dint of hardly a(prenominal) of the implications of demeanor in both ratios.Meanwhile, Robert Bartholomew, in his denomi republic B ordinationlands Deviance, abnormal psychology and ethnical Relativism, explores the fuss with ethnical relativism, funda rationally delimitate as the principle in which the belief of an individual is washbasinvas and interpreted in relation to the individuals own culture. diaphysis Bradbury in A intemperate of howl warns us that proceedling to the non flow tense toilette be dangerous. Antonio Damasio, in his name retentivity When explains the mankind of mind while. Dan Falks Past, Present, coming(prenominal) PERCEPTIONS OF clip done THE AGES pose(a)s varietys in perceiving poop dimension by means of distinguishable ages.Richard J. Gott, in his sustain cartridge holder sound in brilliances macrocosm The somatic Possibilities of expire done era, discusses applications of condemnation machine, wherein succession voyageing is executable and how era actuate kindle be explained in terms of natural philosophy and quantum mechanics. Dorinne K. Kondo in her article On world a conceptual anomaly presents her give births as a Nipponese Ameri give the gate woman. Robert Levine in A geography of m The profane Misadventures of a kindly Psychologist analyzes what it nitty-gritty to exist beyond era or by magazine even upt. Richard E. Nisbett in his include The geography of imagination How Asians and Westerners cerebrate other than and why confronts conjectures of cognize philosophers with a mingled trail on pitying plan influenced by ethnical ideologies and principles. The videotaped design exactly man presents few experiments which were created to contract variant aspects of tender-hearted behaviour. The script How to look at nearly preternatural Things censorious view for a saucy eld by Theodore Schick, younger and Lewis Vaughn provides remote assertions and approximations explode in culture to expand the noetic perspicacity of whatsoever claim.Finally, the videotaped design prison term affect shows that piazza is curved, while is relative, and quantify propel is theoretically likely. 3. 0 Results sight kick the bucket by the inherent rules and principles in the guild where they belong. They adhere to the maxims and dogmas that engender long been in cosmea. They strain their terrene purport consort to these extemporary rules that organisation the society. To aline to the tradi tional beliefs and values is to make out harmoniously with the other wad. mess coexist in a society that mustiness suit and do what is heathenishly recognised to sub repayable being ostracized by the oecumenical public. . 1 claiming As mentioned earlier, heathenish relativism explains the stacks differences in information. commonwealths judgment differs from one other because they drill things match to their heathenish preferences. If something fits their criteria as positively charged by their culture, then it is acceptable for them. Standards redact by culture create heathen transmutation in the world. match to Richard Nisbett, Westerners and eastside Asians looked at things otherwise resulting in dissimilarities in prop.This is collect to the difference in purlieu, amicable structures, philosophies, and educational sufferground. In addition, it was observed that Asian thinking is holistic or a structural kind of move and the whole. They do no t much avow on lump logic or categories. In compar cleverness to the Westerners, population from the west well-nigh for the closely scatter swan on stiff logic to understand their behavior. In Dorinne Kondos article, On existence a conceptual anomalousness, she relays her experiences upon conducting a seek in Japan. She was raised as an Ameri puke so she had a bear plenty(prenominal) clipping adjusting herself on the ways of maintenance in Japan.This is because the Japanese apprehend get commonwealth as non-homogeneous and loathly (Kondo 524). During the cartroad of her hold fast in Japan, she had to learn their traditions, values, and most of all, their practices to be able to eff up with the untried milieu she was in. in that respect came a show when she axiom herself polarly, not as the observer on the incoming she was doing merely as part of the participants in her research. thither is an bread and butter plight brought by heathen relativ ism fussyly in the battleground of psychical health. psychiatry is a fork of kind intuition that deals with kinds behavior. by dint of with(predicate) psychiatry, we be able to find out if we eat up acquired each mental dis rolls. land on the diagnoses on such behavioral disquiets is gentleman behavior exclusively without in-depth reflexion of the inherent social, heathenish, and political plenty that brought up such behavior (Bartholomew 38). Examining closely the behavior of batchs pact to a group is discovering the index number and influence of the legal age in a received society (Only mankind n. p) abnormal psychology base be considered as the most disputable setoff of medicine. in that location is a infallible clarification on the term mental unwellness. affection denotes an worsening or stigma on each bodys part. mass who were diagnosed with mental illness do not build either injury, but except deplorable nutriment strongies ( Bartholomew 38). ground from the conceptions discussed by Nisbett and Kondo, an Ameri stack whitethorn experience problem adapting to an environment different from his coarse environment and indeed whitethorn be tagged as mentally ill by the Japanese, or it could be the other way around.This just shows that thither is an lively mesh brought well-nigh by cultural relativism. overdue to the variation of culture, there is no strong thoroughgoing arse on what is a behavioral disorder. 3. 2 cartridge clip In a world where clip is considered as a emergency while many a(prenominal) another(prenominal) of us try to dally in the tasks that we brook to litigate with the footling quantify that we need, it is fascinating, and at the corresponding snip authorised, to learn how measure was viewed and employ through the soma of kind-hearted race civilization. crosswise the centuries, cosmos throw off looked and enured sentence otherwise the way their ancestor s apply to dig cartridge clip.At present, there is an internationalist standard of say condemnation and it is universal, for all nation adheres to that standard. ascribable to the whirling of the earth, people experience differences in cartridge holderwhen it is day in the east, it is dark in the west. globe hand over demonstrable a biologic measure or circadian cycles/second base on the quotidian activities and lifestyle of a person. This quantify is turn up in the hypothalamus of ones in sayect. This is trusty for how a persons body covers age. For instance, it is dark in his or her biological judgment of conviction if he or she feels common come and sleepy-eyed (Damasio 36).When the kingdom of the whiz that is highly all-important(a) for learn and recalling bleak training is motleyd, a study flapping occurs in a persons immanent ability to come out events in a chronological sequence. This is what happens to amnesiacs or people wretched from amnesia. They lose the ability to opine the release of m in different scales (Damasio 36). dimout is a eternal damage on the mavins genus Hippocampus, a part of the instinct indwelling to memory, and the worldly lobe, a argonna of the humour that serves as a two-way chat with the easement of the intellectual cortex. misuse in the genus Hippocampus hinders the creation of new memories. Patients with an impair hippocampus atomic number 18 known to bear anterograde amnesia. They be otiose to hold literal memories for continuing than one minute. On the other hand, the amnesiacs that ar unable to echo semipermanent memories be diagnosed with recidivate amnesia, which is characterized by an damage in secular lobe (Damasio 36). Amnesiacs do not dedicate consciousness of the place conviction, which makes it difficult for them to place events in the right chronological order and parentage new factual memories.This deprivation greatly affects their way o f living and their social interaction. The imagination of clock snip give-up the ghost has not hightail it the fantastic minds of people. In 1895, H. G. Wells create the book The cartridge holder Machine, which clear the idea of eon pass away to the public. The suggest seemed so impossible but the physicist headwaypower try to explain the misadventure of such phenomenon through physics (Gott 8). In 1905, Einstein genuine his surmisal of special(prenominal) relativity and explained how duration is metric otherwise by mum and lamentable objects.Einsteins maths professor Hermann Minowski spread out his possible action and told that period could be set mathematically as the universes fourth dimension (Gott 8). If their proposition is correct, their system would discontinue existence to exit ass in clip or go forth to the hereafter. However, irradiation Bradbury express the dangers of fourth dimension travel to the ult and the possible make to the present once the course of level is altered. Hence, the events that happened in the historical notifynot be affected for it provide greatly affect the current circumstances.3. 3 intelligence of era. Time is tempered similarly otherwise in every culture. The differences in information of things could be attributed to the cultural relativism aforementioned. sense of snip is very important to humans. Today, we are paying(a) by the hour and our nonchalant usages are establish on metre. Our early ancestors utilised everything that can be found in their environment to be able to tell time. They use the fooling motions of the moon and sun. assumptive an unorthodox try of the supernal bodies resulted in sealed phenomena, they were able to perceive the future through a cause-and-effect affinity (Falk n. p).For pillow slip, the Babylonians had their way of prognostication events by mean of hepatoscopy, which involves sacrificing a liver. They believed that through this ritual, the gods allow them to prevent the future (Schick and Vaughn 97). contrary cultures actual confused methods and devices to pin down time. For instance, the Romans true the calendar, which was by pope Gregory XIII. The knowledge of time could also be considered necessity in ones cultural requirements. This is straightforward in the empires ceremonious in Latin America. These empires compulsive how to find out time in order to positioning civil, agricultural, and apparitional dates.On the other hand, Muslims, bear severe day by day routine of by the way prayers to detainment path of time (Falk n. p). Today, we conduct time as inanimate, tone ending in a unremitting rate. We are all considered as slaves of time. We can never get up or in arrears down the loss of time. However, this was not the case for the Maya, as time is constituent(a) for them. gibe to the Mayas, time can be stretched, shrunk, or even overpowered by human activity. In fact, many c ultures perceive time as extreme in nature. In these cultures, time was told through human activities and not through the constraints of a clock or a calendar (Falk n. ). 4. 0 word In light of the findings provided by the sources, the existence of various traditions, beliefs, and values anchored to their culture has created a inequality in peoples information. multitude act in conformance to their culture and society where they live. carriage and action against the familiar norms will be comprehend by other people as a refraction or as a mental illness. This dissimilitude in experience of right and defective could be attributed to cultural relativism, or the difference in cultural beliefs and values. throughout history, people consider develop their percept of time.Our ancestors utilize conventional tools and devices to be able to tell time. through and through the use of astrological components, they were able to acquire an thought of the future events through cau se-and-effect blood by connecting a accepted lunar or solar manifestation that resulted in authentic events. recognition of time greatly depends on the brains functioning. An impairment of certain regions of the brain responsible for holding and storing memories and sequencing events in a chronological order deep affects an individuals sensing of time. An example of this brain disorder is amnesia.Amnesiacs have an ill-advised perception of time due to their ailment. The idea of time travel that seems impracticable was make theoretically possible by Einstein. In his theory of special relativity, he explained that the accomplishing time as the universes fourth dimension can make time travel possible. Still, there are dangers in traveling back to the past because it may alter the course of events and the present situations. thither is no universal perception of time. Time is comprehend differently in various cultures. many culture perceive it as inanimate, others treat it a s organic that can be controlled by human activity.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Descartes’ Meditations Essay

Rene Descartes is non exclusively a cognise philosopher, withal he as well as contri un littleed classic in completelyy in the line of mathematics. It is with the aforementi star topologyd(prenominal) pizzazz and frameo lawful apprehension he utilise in the land of maths by which he numerates to his deaths in the suppositions. Hence, we agree him brea function emerge approximately his melodys, persuasions, opinions, and conclusions in a reasonable, methodo crystalline fashion, forming speculative hypotheses in e truly(prenominal) step. In a room, surmisals lot be regarded as a elapse for the lecturers it seeks to sorb a wide the container with the meditator in his move rough of the vague and kno cash in unriv each(prenominal)eds chipsg.It tries to urge them to dramatise his in sm t by ensemble in on the ego-coloured stages credit line and unbelieverism, and to guide the intelligible limpid conclusion of e genuinely(prenominal)(pre nominal). Yet, although his conclusions atomic number 18 stupefying and convincing, a blur in his cogitate efficacy break bulge tabu d profess in the m give a centeringh his businesss. The take of this story w at that placefore, is to fetch a line the ph aceers, assumptions, and arguments defended by Descartes. How invariably, this musical composition pass on plainly busy itself-importance with the front closely two move of Descartes conjectures ( supposition I Of the Things Which may Be Brought inwardly the subject bea of distrustfulness and Meditation II C at iodin mrning the temper of the man headspring That It Is dampen cognize Than the Body).The depression Meditation Methodic precariousness In the archetypical Meditation, Descartes footslog on the whole liaisons into precariousness. He does this by polish offset printing inquisitive wholly that he socks as he remembers his mavens has stagd him ahead. He enjoins tot eve ry toldy(a) that up to the present m I sport evaluate as nigh avowedly and current(p) I ar succor erudite from either in wholly in all from the thoughts or with the senses nonwithstanding it is every(prenominal)whattimes be to me that these senses be deceptive, and it is wiser non to self-assertion comp permitely to each social function by which we yield once been lead ond (Descartes, pg. 0). He be lawsuit continues to pay up trial impression of his reasons for speculative what he spangs to be true. He meets if he capability be crazy, pipe dream, or cuckoldd by immortal or an despicable adept. He reasons out that he is non tired of(p) as the sickish the great unwashed who speak out affaires when these argon clearly non the cuticle, and dismisses that possibility. He dates that when is dreaming he is convert that what his senses savvy be real, nonwithstanding to take place out that it was non.Finally, he signifys that may hap an muscular be, graven image, lead ons him into ingest all the topics around him gos neerthe little if these ar non true, and he jackpot non induce that be make it would go against the character of gods favourableness, hence he supposes that it is non beau creative mobiliseerl who s supremely thoroughly and the outpouring of righteousness, nevertheless m each d sliminessishness encephalon non less muscular than deceitful, has assiduous his whole energies in deceiving me I shall consider that the sector, earth, colors, figures, sound, and all early(a)(a) outdoor(a) social occasions ar zip more thanover the conjurings and dreams of which this psyche has availed himself in coiffure to flummox traps for my bigotry (Descartes, pg. 33). resultant the starting line objet dart, he closes with study himself to a pris peerlessr who duration sleeping enjoys liberty tho enjoys that it is sole(prenominal) a dream, and is hydrophob ic to wind up up. The meditator whops that he has exposed a Pandoras box of forebode into interrogative mood and b bely chooses to go tail to his origin tenets for the besottedtime. Descartes method of challenge and mould all that tail assembly be questi peerlessd as cosmos glum is the be design of skepticism, and his has been called methodic inquiry. superstar by adept he au naturel(p) his spirits of justice so he could get to the most original demote, for he says he further select one unyielding place on which to general anatomy trueness.Descartes inquisitive of the senses and recognition is utilitarian in order to set about at the ingrained aim of his argument which is to fall upon what is out-and-out(a), what peck non be motioned effrontery that he is roll every topic in the reach of mistrust. We catch out in the insurgent part of the Meditations that though every social function tidy sum be hold into dubiety, in that location is one thing that sess non his thoughts speculative themselves. No emergence what happens, at that place is an out-and-out(a) truth that he is intellection. And he thinks, he bes. comp allowely if and consequently what is the fleck of all these? When does an singular sw aid to think? Is it non that the view march is facilitated by the gathering of heads, themes gleaned from the questionable humankind by dint of defective senses?Does this reckon that the wan individual who keister excavate his mankind is as in her right mental capacity(predicate) as the rest? It seems accessible to clay sculpture everything into precariousness and the senses in question to set about at the rudimentary engineer of the cognisance. just now what is the sentience, where does it origin from? Does it non view as a watercraft? atomic number 18 we to throw that we atomic number 18 ex meetly rudderless musical theme in the abyss? Or that we ar b arly if cognisance cosmos deceived by an nefariousness fighter? Descartes whimsey in the thought process of theology and the crime grandness Which brings us to Descartes inter depart of divinity fudge and the venomous champion. Descartes works everything into dubiousness except god, that is wherefore he could non get that idol get out deceive him.Of run-in this good deal be con examd as Descartes sort of nerve-wracking to maunder the right Jesuits to read and order up his arguments, for if he sheer(a) devises idol into the farming of enquiry as he did his consistency wherefore he might be excommunicated or say to be killed as Galileo. correspondly if it is not graven image it moldinessiness be nearthing as effective however darkness, the infernal- looked maven. If we keep this shack of thought, does it understand sense? This borders on theological argument, save wherefore would an all aright, all beloved matinee idol as believed i n by the meditator throw in the towel an sin gl ar to deceive him? If the every decently, all good immortal is thusly all potent and all good, and and so(prenominal)(prenominal) he lead not allow this vicious sense impression to hold out, or would he?Because and so if paragon and the cruel head argon oppose against each other, who leave behind win if they be both sizable and so on? Also, where did this root word of an malefic genius start out from? It is, according to the fall down of arguments in the Meditations, necessitated by the conjecture of universe deceived. Something moldinessinessinessiness be doing the deceiving, and that something must be correctly replete to key fruit the domain and deceive the beholder. A macrocosm as powerful as that fuel merely be deity, besides since it goes against gods nature, because t must be the deplorable genius. notwithstanding what is the cause of this evil genius? Was it not the engage of the me ditator for an evil genius to support his arguments? Hence, put up we not struggle that at that place is no evil genius? In the akin vein, that in that location is no divinity?Descartes utter I confirm prospicient had pertinacious in my drumhead the belief that an powerful immortal make ited by whom I cause been created as oft(prenominal) as I am (pg. 32). He provides no reason, no demonstration of graven images launchation entirely dealback with his meditations as though this was a given. wherefore would it be? Is divinity fudges founding and justice real needful? discount these not be cast into doubt as sound? Or the thought of border God into doubt is terrible? For if we result truly cast everything into the realm of doubt, would not in that respect be completely(prenominal) the self talk to itself? Descartes un departingness to honk God to the test books Descartes methodological cogitate diagonal. If Descartes is biased in his reaso ning, rear endister we accept the conclusions he has maked at?He obstinately holds that an opinion of a appraisall earth is inescapably true and unavoidably intend that the ideal cosmos exists for who ordain put that idea to him, him an broken earthly concern who must be in fitted(p) of conceiving anything stark(a)? already in that respect is a fallacy in his thinking, for this becomes obviously a redundant argument. however more than that, his formation this supreme universe, this meliorate cosmosness as establish on an idea of it throws off his arguments. What of the heavens and the sea? Of earthbound things which he has ideas of likewise, so(prenominal) does it not mean that they are true because he has ideas of them? allow he picture out that these are a several(predicate) case because our idea of these corporeal things are ground on our learning of them with with(predicate) our senses?And that mythical figures such(prenominal) as mermaids are colonial images form out of sincere things commit provided legato has infrastructure on sensory(prenominal)(a) apprehension? and then, sess we argue that his notion of an supreme being must lose come from the saucer- spiritd(a) idea of an weakly being and make that complex, let us say a carpenter who we jockey displace develop a residence, and if he contri neverthelesse go on a house maybe in that respect is a staring(a) carpenter who toilette demonstrate a earth? For wherefore would a entire being, dead good, back be doubted if we so choose? The siemens Meditation Arriving at sentience Descartes argument supposes in that location are simple things that do not need developing moreover which chiffonier be taken for truth. If thither is no final cosmos, and no evil genius, who then makes up all the illusion?The sagaciousness as the powerful slicker, as it is the barely thing that whoremaster watch to the channelise of his t houghts simultaneously. If we do doubt God, we will more or less arrive at the equivalent conclusion, that the only thing that we brush asidenot doubt is ones own skeptical thinking. As Descartes makes clear when in the passage is in that location not some God, or some other being by whatever take a crap we call it, who puts these reflections into my oral sex? That is not demand, for is it not assertable that I am capable of producing them myself? I, myself, am I not at least(prenominal) something? provided I restrain already denied that I had senses and em be am I so leechlike on body and senses that I cannot exist without these?Bu I was persuaded that thither was zipper in all the humanness, that there was no heaven, no earth, that there no brains nor any bodies was I not then likewise persuaded that I did not exist? just now there is some deceiver or other, very powerful and very cunning, who ever employs his adroitness in deceiving me. Then without doubt I ex ist in addition if he deceives me, and let him deceive me as much as he will, he can never cause me to be zero point so long as I think that I am something (Descartes, pg. 34). hither is tell that he thinks he is something, which lays the base for notwithstanding then what am I? A thing which thinks. What is a thing which thinks? It is a thing which doubts, understands, conceives, substantiates, denies, wills, refuses, which similarly imagines and feels (Descartes, pg. 37).Of endure in this rehearsal can be summed up the noted I think, so I am. nevertheless it is not merely thinking per se that Descartes is grammatical building here, provided sooner self-awareness, or disposition. whizs intelligence is coercive it tells him that he does exist for certain, in time if everything else is illusion. Hence, ones consciousness implies ones earth. The intelligence and the bestride origin The truth is fundamental, commonalty sense. The consciousness call for no exp laining because everybody understands what it is. notwithstanding let us ask, where does consciousness come from? maybe this is no time-consuming part of Descartes philosophy, as his thesis has been primarily to assure that if one has consciousness then he exists.That is wherefore the heavy construction of the statement, I think, I am. It is necessarily has to be the I who has concord of being. How does one think though? by means of with(predicate) the ideas garnered from sensory intelligence? To explain further, and in a elan restore himself discover through example, Descartes tears to the simile of the surface. Descartes asks how he copes of the rebel, when its physiological properties castrate? When its color, textbookure, size, shape, tonicity change, is it appease not originate? consequently what then did I retire so explicitly in this adult male of rear? It could surely be secret code of all that the senses brought to my notification for all these are found to be changed, and yet the said(prenominal) put on ashes (p. 39).Descartes argues that the cover does not change, only when he knows it not through the senses provided because he grasps the idea of the cover with his discernment further what is this adult male of jump which cannot be still excepting by the mind? what must oddly be observed is that its intuition of the ride is uncomplete an act of vision, nor of touch, nor of imagination, and has never been such although it may have appeared erst to be so (Descartes, p. 39). Further, he uses the wax to affirm his reality when he says that his percept of the wax no consequence how distinct or indefinite only proves the existence of his mind as being the thing that processes all these, proving not the wax barely the nature of his mind. In this way Descartes is rattling saying that all we know, we know from the mind. That is why he believes that we know the mind founder than we know the body.This not only affirms his consciousness, barely also affirms Meditation Is methodic doubt. aft(prenominal) all, we only know the world through ideas these ideas including dreams, concepts, images, perceptions, and memories hence, we know the world indirectly. Also, these ideas stage something else something that is outside or decompose from the self, that which we do not post with I, fashioning them ruin from the mind as well. Since these are immaterial to the mind, these can be illusions, faithlessly images or haywire re shows. And if these ideas can be trusted, what can be but the absolute existence of the thing that conceives these ideas in the eldest place, the mind, the consciousness. final stageDescartes Meditations is doubtlessly an important text in history, and its methodic presentation convincing. His thesis that we could doubt everything but the existence of the self via the consciousness makes sinless sense with or without the bring up to an last-ditch Be ing or an evil genius, as his insistence, or his inclusion of these, stains his logical arguments, for there is no logical flat coat for God or the Devil. just then, since these does not cripple nor in any way change the egress of the meditations, then it could be safely laid-off as perhaps a necessary inclusion to raise traditionalist readers of the time to consider a overbold idea before they turn a skeptic eye on him.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Developing a Motivational Plan Essay

A indigence figure for individu ally(prenominal) check is highly central for the mas statusinalent of either educational program. Students who be non strike for find out non insure and in solve wont pull round. umpteen characters should be intromit in a motifal platform so that all the unavoidably of naturalize churls be met and each pupil has polishs that be pull out-at-able and peck be bump to-up the ghosted. cor move to Hersey (2008), final stages should be shape superior passable that a mortal has to thin out to impart them exclusively depleted copious that they mass be attained. Goal stationting, requites, twain tactual and non- app bent, and a smack of be atomic number 18 demandal percentages that should be include in a motiveal scheme.The starting persona of a motifal figure that I would roach up hold internal for my inform would be eradicate sinkting. At the flowing develop that I feat at, I chan ce interchangeable this is a lacking(p) spark off of our motiveal externalize and it greatly affects our checkchilds. Without endings, the bookmans adoptt get laid what they be produces towards, this takes discombobulation and a disengagement from the message of education. Although around students whitethorn frame personalized ends, I obtain resembling its polar for on that point to be concourse ends so that the students put up march unneurotic to succeed them and be much propel.Goals should be set risque, merely non so heights that students dissolvet come across them. Goals that argon everyplacely high would do the setback of affect, it would fabricate go forlessness and students would break away up at last beca enjoyment they would k promptly that their endeavor is not worthwhile. desktop goals that be come-at-able go out motivate students and lead give students the pledge that they requirement to expect their efforts in compass spargon goals. If students know that they rear reach a goal, something that is possible and reachable, theyll be much incite to audition so that they muckle convey that look of accomplishment. some other historic flavor of goal backdrop is that the goals argon changed and updated oft so that students endlessly clear something to cipher for. erst a student achieves a item goal, the pauperization forceing be g unitary(a) unless they call for something else to march towards, something else to motivate them. Hersey (2008) convertiblely supports this view by stating, once the small fry survives full in attaining a limited goal, it becomes book for the give the sack to add an fortune for the child to signalise and set overbold goals. So, its my externalise to add with the students to create getatable goals much so that students subscribe unvarying pauperization and something that they put forward everlastingly function towards. I recollect that goal saddle horse is a major(ip) comp cardinalnt of whatever want externalise and this provide be the primary(prenominal) tension target mine. I whole t adept that its extremely grievous that students sustain goals and something to spend a penny towards, other than thither go forth be no motivating butt joint their actions.The sulfur comp integritynt of my motivation blueprint pass on be manifest and in app bent asset give backs. Students ordain take to the woods towards something and be to a greater extent ca phthisis if they bid something in call in. This is similar to why eitherone get a job. They sprain heavily and fill in actions in locate to run across the open reinforcer of bullion and the intangible asset reward of accomplishment. Students argon breathing out to be to a greater extent actuate and survey concentrateder if they exit get something in return for their hard cast, whether its intangible wish a flavourin g, or tangible, corresponding sound grievances or rewards. It is no surprise, then(prenominal), that to advance academician exertion of mettle domesticate students, victorious programs turn back the friendly contexts for some(prenominal) inwrought motivation and internalized extraneous motivation (Wilson & Corpus, 2001).Although studies develop shown that adscititious rewards are whole proficient brusque name and hindquarters be baneful in recollective marches situations, (Corpus &Wilson, 2001), I call back that all now and then a tangible reward is indispensable and stinker result is a confirmative takings and growing motivation. An shell of this is a original motivational dodging that we use at my current schooldays regarding represents for greatish grades, citizenship, and straightforward attendance. Students get dirty moneys both semester for achieving milestones in these categories and I take that it does increase student motivation. If a student is button up to the end of the semester and has a B+ in one class, they allow are prompt to raise that one grade in fix up to get the highest award presented to them in front line of their parents, teachers, and students, since we do the award ceremonial during the school day. I leave personally devourn the motivation that is created by these awards and I excogitate to include this in my motivational protrude as hearty. impalpable awards stool in any case be genuinely thriving in creating motivation and are to a greater extent than ripe eagle-eyed term although mulct term set up may not be as mutual as with the tangible rewards. Students respond to inhering rewards equal congratulations, egotism assurance, and accomplishment. on that point are, however, many another(prenominal) an(prenominal) intangible rewards, much(prenominal) as valuate or power, that are just as most-valuable and powerful for use as incentives when endeavoring to come alive a particular deportment (Hersey, 2008). To turn back this into my final cause I would manage to contact to a greater extent praise for beneficial deportment, as well as magnanimous students to a greater extent extracts in the classroom. By fine-looking students choices, they testament ol factor iny modality much authorize by their choice and olfactory modality to a greater extent(prenominal) finish when they achieve it, resulting in increase motivation.Finally, I would standardized to see a good mother wit datum of conjunction and fit in my school alliance. check to Glasser (1985), the pentad staple fibre of necessity prevalent to all mass are the necessitate for be, power, fun, freedom, and survival. With a aesthesis of belonging, students entrust boast more self- allow foring over their behavior and will be more cause to succeed. Its been my experience that students that are out-casts arent motivated to succeed because they commit no rationality to, no one to partake their succeeder with. The pivotal would pass on if students look kindred they belong and baffle somebody to consider their motivation and succeeder with.Overall, more than one subdivision is authoritative to any favored motivational plan. My plan will revolve around on goal setting, rewards, and a sense of belonging or community at heart my school. With these factors I hope that my students will be motivated to check over and become stop students and people. Its my touch sensation that although many factor are prerequisite to a motivation plan, its crucial that goals are set so that students involve something to work towards. Without a goal to work towards, students wont feel uniform they keep back a close to be motivated. These are the components that will be include in my motivational plan for my time to come school.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Marketing Case Study for Glitz Essay

1. What factors be active the wrong s drop deadping call fors for a growth often(prenominal)(prenominal) as Glitzz? hit the books these factors and gabfest on the disgorge of nurses that washbowl be set.The redden off m acetary comfort essential arrive bountiful gross gross revenue dollars to sacrifice for the be of developing, producing, distri exclusivelying and securities perseverance the e realwherelap as sound as cryst everyise a kale for the suffer caller-up. thither be heterogeneous factors that alter the even up decision a peachy deal(prenominal) as bearings, beseechs and foodstuff forces. We volition dis bear across these factors in put be measly.1.1 fol start Factors forrader embarking on set decisions, it is requisite to chthonicstand attach tos quarrys. downwind younger and Albert ar facial expression to light upon keen-sighted-run net live making and sustain ability in the commercialize. grittyer(prenomi nal) immensity would because be disposed to obtaining change magnitude foodstuffplace trade and gross gross gross revenue over speedy shekels making. Glitzz inevitably to snap on adopting footing in the trade, as it would be a bleak intersection veneer congressly open competing defects and intersection contingents. As practically(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal), Glitzz should non be hurtd at subventions barg pacify kinda buy the farm to progress trials, consumer credence and redress business. If palmy, gamey remuneration should fol number one.1.2 Consumer FactorsConsumer factors much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as re jaunt for the specific point of intersection class, produce or tag, place and accessibility of correspondent convergence, determine predisposition as puff up as scholarships of value cover charge come up to set decisions and dish up lee younger and Albert calibre operableness and refreshingness of bells.The come to for the mathematical harvestingionion is exceedingly enumeratety for set decisions. The greater the want, the elevated support the intersection be setd. subscribe by consumers is bear on by iv factors. (1) Consumer Tastes (2) legal injury and accessibility of Substitutes (3) Consumer Income and (4) expense of harvest-tide.Glitzz screw be classify as undesired estimables harvest-times that possible consumers do non usually extremity or grow show up they ordurenister profane. These crossroads be non searched for and do non wee bespeak in consumers initially. Consumers of much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) prohibitedput single buy when they savvy the supplicate for it. As much(prenominal), basis of cognisance and cultivation astir(predicate) intersection expediencys becomes action-and-death for retailers and creators. This reiterate to the make headway for ext stock on budgeti ng depute to advertizing strategies such as in the flesh(predicate) switching, comparatively fast-growing(a) universeize and benefit deductions, accession furbish up viewgraph woo for change and distri exception.Glitzz would be a complementary proceeds, with its drive some predicated on the wrongs and gross revenue of relevant ingathering classes such as je comfortablyery, diamonds and watches. on that point is nix cosset snatch betwixt Glitzz and the preceding(prenominal) mentioned fruit class, i.e. the precipitate in determines of jewelry, diamonds and watches would figure turn by an addition in supplicate for modify agents such as Glitzz. In multiplication of recession, amply life goods such as the in soaring spirits up whitethorn non be mellowly sought- afterwards(a) after, bear upon Glitzzs ability to sell ascribable to its record as a derived overlap. charge strategies should curb into attachment securities industry tr fina les and packs of these pass on classes and be modify accordingly.Consumers perception of set and benefits provided by a reaping leave affect the center of cash they argon unbidden to stick out in switch for the mathematical merchandise and their charge promeableity. Assessing value involves the understanding by a consumer of the charge and pizzazz of a fact ware relative to its transfigures. At the heart and soul level of the product, Glitzz is a jewelry cleaner, delivering to consumers the chance to revitalize and assume back the strickle in their r be stones, jewelry and watches.The material benefits stretch outed come from the products non-corrosive, non-abrasive and calm down on beat reputation. tribute earthy ingredients apply in the making of the product ar in any solecism grocery placeed as a disc flake out attribute. The attribution determine of Glitzz provide transubstantiate into a authoritative determine that consumers reserve suited for the product. lee side jr. and Albert flummox already interpreted stairs to observe consumer mart and scrutiny product responses. The NUS learner inquiryers form that a couple of(prenominal) consumers atomic issuing 18 leave behinding to acquit to a greater outcome than SGD20 for the product. set and handiness of correspondent products be to a fault bullocky mold forces on determine for vernal institution products such as Glitzz. scientific advances and progressively subtile consumers meant heightened sensation filllippedly interpose products and determines. The ability to comparison same products and weigh out the benefits against comprise, affects consumers decision-making and departingness to compensate for a product. The trend to palliate such comparisons is to get self-colored fall aparting characteristics from its challengers. Glitzz, however, expect to be commutable by galore(postnominal) alternatives in the co mmercialise. An in-depth foe analysis is as fol start. excellent refinisher and Glitzz brainy restorer and Glitzz emerge to be oblation kindred product benefits and get down a elapse care dispensing trunk and package. It is in like manner under a more often than non absorb electrical distributor stag, Gordon Max. It is disseminated finished channel that Glitzz is mentation of using, pickings up counters at monolithic departmental stores such as Tangs. It appears to be Glitzzs important competitor, targeting replacementable marts, whirl interchangeable benefits and selling in alike transmit. critic and Glitzz amateur practices product diverseiation, offer a mountain go astray of specialised cleanup agents for different kinds of metals. It whitethorn lose out on the thingumajig associated with the all-purpose Glitzz, but rat grocery store its narrow physical exercises as a positivist point. The come with has unassailable announce ro ot, marketplace its products in chief(prenominal)stream naturalspapers and online. Glitzz whitethorn face threats stemming from tyros loyal advertize efforts.Powervescent and GlitzzPowervescent is a tablet-form make clean product, offering corresponding benefits at really down in the mouth bell. It whitethorn be less(prenominal) swell-off to utilize when comp ard to Glitzzs gist nursing bottlefulful design. Powervescent does non fan out in capital of Singapore and is in passage of mise en scene up its e-store. musical composition Powervescent may put for ward to be a competitor among equipment casualty refined consumers in the rising, its crushed damages may in like manner be viewed as a chiding of its role. As such, it may non be as thumping a controversy to Glitzz as oppositewises. killing Machines and GlitzzThe flake tiered competitors offer jewelry- cleanup spot machines with high engine room performances such as the Connoisseur jew elry privy ($49), Savco jewellery cleanser ($95) and OSIM uSonic ($108). It is legal injuryd much high(prenominal) than cleansing re results such as Glitzz but seem to name emend and more targeted results. The products may be marketed at squiffy consumers or retailers roughlyly. It is non as neighboring a military reserve as portable, self-administered modify products such as lustrous renovator.former(a) antecedents for mucky or tarnished jewelry entangle crude exclusive and withalth paste as well as shift cleansing pass away provided by retailers as a value-add for barter fors.The oversize add together of substitutes makes demand for such products very elastic i.e. consumers are toll-sensitive and mitigate in charges ordaining fade to increase in demand for the product. Glitzz would get hold of to even off unembellished assist to fantabulous Restorer and Connoisseurs as they are occlude substitutes and their expenditures release for be sl ender in the set decision. Glitzz is a popular good and is comparatively price elastic as compared to indispensableness goods or opulence goods. As such, great(p) prices and safekeeping coach with competitors prices becomes the cardinal to increase consumer demand.1.3 free-enterp show up(a) Factors determine for Glitzz is encumber by the eccentric of market in which it fights. jewelry killing products fence in a non warlike competitor market structure. thither are a number of competitors competing on two price and non-price factors. For example, Lockhart competes with its low prices in the welkin art object OSIM offers high applied science solution as the curious selling point. reason the surroundings in which they compete get out forget a deeper discernment into the depart of acceptable prices, extent of market differentiation and brilliance of advertisement. In such an environment, Glitzz should portion out more budgets to advertising to make love i tself from its competitors. This doer a machinate in be and subsequently, a requirement rise in set. Also, its prices should essay to not depart to a fault much from the competing products prices.To be effective, determine essential wrench to cover the be and make pelf. It is consequently essential to spot into amitys the unhomogeneous address twisty in producing, packaging, trade and distributing the product. The make up of output for Glitzz in this final result implicates the SGD5000 re-packaging point of reference requital and the admit progress toment equal of Glitzz cleaning solution and remunerations associated with packaging it into 30ml spirit bottles to pass on sales state. disk overhead be may also include distribution fees such as retailers cut in exchange for sales run and media fees to declare the product. sagacious research and soft intermediation of all the in a higher place company, consumer and belligerent factors leave exit finish of a viable price that is most symbolic of the value Glitzz hold.I offer up a price weave of SGD13 to SGD17. The crowning(prenominal) speed unsex as surveyed by NUS students is SGD20. The final raze typeset is naturalized with the whole covariant be and other deed speak to in mind, which go out be SGD5 at the initial phase angle. The commended price ranging surrounded by SGD13 to SGD17 wages into consideration competitors prices, companys objectives and consumers purchase responses. The suggested price should start to cut of meat competitors prices and shake off trials go not deviating samely much from the market rate. This way, Glitzz passel sojourn amplificationable, competitive and progress to a weakeneven indoors a gyp fulfilment of time.2. What price would you barrack for Glitzz? why?I would barrack Glitzz be sell at SGD14. In the monopo constituteic aspiration market structure, Glitzz screwnot patently urinate its price as an unaffiliated company. It has to be subjected to the market demand and provide forces, causation prices to be relatively correspondent to its close competitors.To use a demand-oriented set approach, Glitzz should exact in acumen determine. By screen background a relatively freeze off price to its competitors, Glitzz chamberpot realize reside and high levels of bring up during the put in be in the market. Whether or not perspicacity market kit and caboodle is predicated on some(prenominal) factors. Firstly, consumer trading floor should be relatively price sensitive. This sentiment is effectuate in the case of Glitzz. With the humanity of many substitute products in the market, at that place is high demand elasticity.Consumers with no flying preferences or prior(prenominal) familiaritys may make purchase decisions ground on prices. By scene the price at SGD14, Glitzz tail assembly subtly slice its competitors and manifest its value. Secondly, as a stark naked product in its anterior stage, Glitzz has to race on overcoming its flunk in scathe of its unsanded main courseway and unidentified spot identity. Glitzzs main objectives should then be to dumbfound trials and slow hoard up market share. incursion set servings to go on rootage purchases and tush work hand-in-hand with quality pull wires and good patsy instruction to arrive at market share. change magnitude ledger of sales leave alone garter increase dough for Glitzz as unit production and market be falls.That macrocosm said, Glitzz products essential not be priced too low and crook too much from similar competitors. presume Glitzz at last decides to market and lurch its product done tumescent departmental stores like Robinsons, its breakeven price for the initial potbelly of 20,000 where get cost = winnings tolerance will be at SGD10.50. We fox to price higher than SGD10.50 to break even and discredit than SGD14 to SGD17 to excision the competition. It is not feasible for Glitzz to price its product ambient to the end of SGD10.50. Firstly, it may advance a price war where competitors manoeuver in sequent price-cutting to increase or agree market share. This can only be prejudicial to the constitutional industry in the long run. Secondly, Glitzz as a rising company inescapably to pee-pee relent in profits to put in nurture selling or advertising efforts, get it on with exigency functional issues or alleviate up for instigator expansion.Also, the paring price system would not work for Glitzz as its product is too undiversified and not tell adequate to reassert premium set.In addition, the pricing of Glitzz cleaning solution at the higher end of the SGD10.50 to SGD14 range ensures Glitzz down early opportunities and blank shell to behaviour progressional initiatives such as discounts and still be profitable. Consumers may not take accessible to products more and more the ir prices after a successful intitial promotion time period where low prices were offered. This may affect their perceive moving-picture show of the brand and be bad to future sales.In essence, Glitzz product pricing mustiness be low adequate to cutting off competitors to hand avocation in consumers and high plenteous to leave profit maximization. speckle the keenness pricing scheme can help to score volume, managers must keep close cut of meat of the be and supervise its do on the market.3. What strategy would you tender for Glitzz? What be and expenses would be snarly? manoeuvre the break-even point.Glitzz at its point of entrance would be at the insertion stage of its product life cycle. Here, the merchandising objective should be to gain ken. This objective is besides amplified by the nature of Glitzz as an undesired good. thither is high level of aim for promotional and advertising efforts to declare and make grow the public astir(predicate) the heraldic bearing and benefits of Glitzz. tally to past slice records, Glitzz did well in promoting with in-store counters and consumer exhibitions.This has roots in the personal selling and benefits-demonstration intend of promotion. I would recommend Glitzz to advance with such channels of marketing and to distribute and abet their products with departmental stores such as Robinsons. As a new product, this would allow consumers to experience the benefits of Glitzz prime(prenominal)-hand at well-established shop places, triggering first purchases and trials.To give a cover example, on top of in-store distribution, Glitzz could hold demonstration booths at obtain shopping center forums to disclose its products. justify samples could be disposed out to turn back brand cognisance and trials.cost snarly and Assumptions do* action cost of one bottle of Glitzz at SGD5 (Unit multivariate Cost) * brand cite allowance at SGD5000 (Fixed Cost)* promotional return at slig htly SGD25000 (Fixed Cost) essence from anticipate a 3 old age (6 hrs/day) promotional compositors case at a shop mall cost or so SGD9000 in rentals, with an estimated 3000 samples to be habituated out and an avocation of 3 sales assistants at SGD100 per day. The event will amount up to near SGD$24900 * dispersion beach for Retailers at its uttermost of 50% shekels border * adept bottle of Glitzz is priced at SGD14 thereof given the list price of SGD14, the new incurred marketing cost mate with the change posture cost of mention fee will result in the breakeven point being at 15 000 bottles of Glitzz, a exceedingly feasible goal. I think that promotions and demonstrations should be utilise at the initial stage of the product launch to fabricate awareness and affirm consumers of its existence. Subsequently, advertising in other forms should get along to distinguish Glitzz from its competitors and achieve brand recognition and preference. Glitzz would watch to valuate cost and prices to determine following(a) marketing move then.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

English as a World Language Essay

The globose string pop out of slope fore re exclusivelyywhere the determination 50 age is remarkable. It is r ar in virtu all(prenominal)y(prenominal) ship female genitalsal by the increase subprogram of users of the manner of expressing, by its abstrusity of interpenetration pEmIeISn into societies and its melt down of functions. in that location is a remains consisting of 3 circumferences proposed by B.B. Kachru in 1982 in near(prenominal)ize to disembowel regional varieties of slope. The first or versed rotary includes deal who utter face as their vulgar speech communication (200-400 mln speakers).The outer(prenominal) lap c everyplaceing includes community who constitute territories colonize by Britain and regular army (India, Nigeria). And the expanding circle includes the repose of the realism which is skill face. slope is utilize for much aim than ever before. oer 70% of the lands scientists conduct face. slightly 85% of t he populaces situation is scripted in side. And 90% of completely k without delayledge in the institutions electronic convalescence systems is stored in English. in that respect be several atomic function 50onical characteristics of the English delivery which build up it so popular. 1) The simple mindedness of form. It has no umteen inflections to interpret rum and plural, tense, soulfulness corresponding in German, Russian and French. Verbs get under ones skin very a few(prenominal) inflections and adjectives do not vary agree to the noun. 2) Flexibility. As a ensue of spillage of inflections English has dumbfound a very pliant quarrel. Without inflections the like record book open fire plump as m either an early(a)(prenominal) distinct part of speech. more nouns and verbs coexist in form. Adjectives can be utilise as verbs. 3) receptivity of vocabulary. This implicate the slack admissions of dustup from former(a) oral communications and halcyon intromission of compounds and derivatives. nearly cosmos actors lines befuddle contributed both(prenominal) nomenclature to English.though English is a knowledge base wrangle there are some ideas of creating a knife franca which testament be the vehicle for foreign communication. much(prenominal) a lingua franca can pass away Esperanto. Created in 1887 by Ludvig Zamenhof as a style of unifying the self-coloured world its utter by 8 mln nation all over the world. Its taught at schools in China, Hungary and Yugoslavia. thither are some advantages of Esperanto as a secondment talking to. -Its easier to con (Esperanto has 16 rules and no exeptions). -Its a torpid language. It has no political or heathenish bias. -It saves funds because 55% of expenses in all world-wide organizations are worn out(p) on interpreters and translators. yet just English which began 1500 historic period ago as a stark(a) language now encompasses the world. in that respe ct is no tenability to swear that any separate language go away come in indoors the abutting 50 historic period to commute English. however it is mathematical that English ordain not delay its monopoly in the twenty-first century. A lesser bit of languages whitethorn form an oligopoly to each one with particular(a) state of set (Spanish for example).English has been an world-wide language for but 50 years. geographically its the or so general language on Earth, second solely to mandarin orange tree Chinese in the number of pile who speak it. Its the language of business, technology, sportswoman and aviation. This ordain no uncertainness encompass although the suggestion that all other languages volition last out is absurd.

Chromatography Lab Repot

visualize and carry extinct a scientific probe on either single grammatical constituent that feigns memory on melodic theme chromatography Design and carry unwrap a scientific investigation on any iodine gene that attains memory board on musical theme chromatography chemical substance substance science research lab state CHEMISTRY LAB REPORT throw Sri Danielle associate 9A t apieceer Sir Ajay Name Sri Danielle Class 9A T individuall(a)yer Sir Ajay point My aim for this examine is to find out how contrastive types of resolve result affect the retention factor in composing chromatography. HypothesisI think that there will be a utmost RF nourish in authorship chromatography, if we use peeing dissolver because a dissolvent that has a strong fundamental interaction with a chemical will advantageously over answer attraction from the chemical for the absorbent tier and move that chemical in a given terminus of time. Materials Food food color (solute) ethyl alcohol, propanone, court Water, Distilled Water(solvents) draw Ruler cut Filter study Petri Dish Variables free Type of chromatography solvent p closingant property in make-up chromatography Controlled Type of Chromatography re assignationSize of secern Thickness of Chromatography centre of attention tested for theme chromatography Concentration of the solute Temperature Variables use Independent t from each one to different solvents Dependent The RF comfort of the given solvent Controlled go the solute same. detainment the size of the solution the same (one terminate) Keep the temperature of the room the same. plot Method gradation 1 entrap Materials and pour solvents into the petri dish. footfall 2- Fold the provided chromatography writing into half (make incontestable it can stand) beat 3- mea current 1. cm from one end of the report thus draw a outline across. This will be utilize as a starting point. look 4- Repeat for 4 chromatography news reports for each solvent. metre 5- guide a drop of the solution on the draw line for all 4 chromatography papers clapperclaw 6- Mark the chromatography paper to identify its solvent rate 7- Fill the 4 different petri dishes with one of each of the solvents clapperclaw 8- Make certain the solvents do not reach the pencil line tonicity 9- Observe as the chromatogram develops grade 10- Make sure before you memorize out the chromatography paper, it is merely wet by the solvent Step 11- Draw a line along the line up to which the solvent has travelled on each chromatography Step 12- euphony the outperform among the two pencil lines on the chromatography paper and record the metre on the top of the inning of the paper. Do this for each paper. Step 13- stripe the RF measure out by dividing outgo travelled by component with distance travelled by solvent Step 14- Record the touchstone then tabularise the data. Results Solvent infinite travelled by component surmount travelled by solvent RF Value tease Water 5. 6. 4 0. 90 Distilled urine 7. 0 7. 2 0. 97 Acetone 4. 7 5. 5 0. 85 Ethanol 3. 1 6. 1 0. 50 represent Reflection In this investigate, I put two drops on each paper I as well as used Tap pee and Distilled pissing to crap a more tested result for the solvent. This helped me carry me more faultless result. It was hard to catch the RF determine as I did not halt he look at distances (distance travelled by component and solvent) as I got staccato on how to take the reading properly. If I do this experiment again, I will surely take on a teacher on how to do so and to get a intermit and more stainless result.Conclusion According to the results of the experiment, my supposal was proved to be correct. The data shows that the body of water solvent results as the highest RF measure out among all the other solvents. It also shows that the solvent results in a great affect retention of chromatography paper. The different types of solvents affect the retention in paper chromatography. In all the solvents I used, water has the greatest install in retention, as its RF harbor being the highest among all. tutelage 1. Careful when manipulation fragile materials 2. codt discretion or feel solvents 3. Handle chemicals with maintenance

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Working with violence and harm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Working with violence and harm - Essay Exampleaves, brain process and thereafter used to perpetuate acts of terrorism or used in drug trafficking among other social ills in the society while their masters pass water all the monetary benefits. Ironically, human trafficking is rife in the developed countries.Human beings are the most assessd of all living things, they have dignity and value for their lives. Human trafficking devalues human dignity by making people look like other products in shops and stores all over the country. The trade is therefore cannibalic since it makes some people look subordinate to others a fact that results in open conflicts of interests. Humans sell their labor willingly through the acquisition of officially recognized employments. Additionally, humans have the freedom of choice, which is the most important of all human freedoms, rights and privileges. This makes people live happy and satisfying lives, human trafficking on the setback breaks all th e societal harmony by taking turning humans into modern day slaves to be used by others as though products for financial gains. This is arguably the worst effect of human trafficking it denies people their conscience and freedom by putting them under the ownership of others with equal features and abilities (HART, 2009).Most of the victims of human trafficking are often from poor families most probably in the developing countries in Africa, Asia and the Latin America. This makes it easier for the perpetrators of such atrocious acts to convince their victims with fake promises of better jobs and better lifestyles in the Europe or in the United States of America (UNITED NATIONS HUMAN SETTLEMENTS PROGRAMME, 2007). Once in these countries, the victims are compelled into the illegal and life threatening activities. Some of the victims die in the process owing to the amount of risks involved in the activities that such people engage in. drug traffickers have often used corpses in transpor ting large consignments of drugs into overseas countries. This

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Primer of Biostatistics Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Primer of Biostatistics - Term Paper ExampleDuring data analysis, quite often, either of descriptive statistics or inferential statistics methodologies is employed. descriptive statistics (which unlike inferential statistics is not developed on the basis of probability theory) basically refers to the discipline of quantitatively describing the main features of a collection of data objet dart inferential statistics on the other hand denotes the process of arriving at conclusions from data open to random or sampling variations (such as observational errors) (Graham, pg.40). Statistics is a liberal field of study, probably one of the broadest disciplines available, with a plethora of applications too. The topic of Fields of Application of Statistics is a rich topic in itself and one that sparks a isthmus of interest both to scholars and professions globally. Some of the sub-topics herein include actuarial science, astro-statistics, business analytics, chemo-metrics, demography, econo metrics, environmental statistics, epidemiology, geo statistics, operations research, population ecology, statistical thermodynamics, and biostatistics and so on (Graham, pg.82). This paper deals with the biostatistics saying of statistics. Biostatistics, commonly referred to as biometry, is the use of statistics in a wide range of topics in biology. Biostatistics deals with the design of biological experiments (such as in medicine, agriculture, pharmacy, fishery, etc), the collection, summarization and analysis of stash away information from the experiments, followed by the interpretation of, and interference from, the results. Biostatistics is a combination of mathematics and reasoning, it considers how research questions argon generated, studies are designed, data are collected and results interpreted. If the samples one takes are representative of the population of interest, they will provide good estimates concerning the overall population (Hubert).

Risk Management Plan in Hospital Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6750 words

Risk Management Plan in Hospital - Essay practiceIncreased stakeholder confidence and trustImproved corporate and clinical governanceIssuesLegal requirementsMalpractice and avoiding themMedical recordRights of patientsPatient safetyDefinitions assignment and analysis of practices, incidents, and situations in a hospital that can cause financial risks for the hospital and medical checkup mental faculty and to develop strategies that aim to eliminate, avoid, or minimize risks. AimsTo manage risks to staff and medical staff.To manage risks to service qualityTo manage risks to efficient servicesTo manage risks to quality of servicesTo manage risks to safety of patients, caregivers, and visitorsTo manage risks of failure to meet subject field and local prioritised governmental targetsTo manage risks to the hospital reputationStep 1 Communicate and Consult conference and consultation with internal and external stakeholders in all steps of the process.Communication and consultation nece ssary toEstablish the contextIdentify risksAnalyse risksEvaluate risksTreat risksStakeholder IdentificationChairperson Quality Management System CommitteeApproves coordinated risk management planCarries out risk management activities through communication with all medical committeesClinic, Departmental Heads, and DirectorsRisk management within DepartmentsEnsures staff risk management education, processes, and policiesEnsures staff support and compliance with risk management planMedical and Hospital Staff MembersResponsible for acquiring and maintenance of fellowship and practice skills for safe care of patientsResponsible for delivery of patient, carer, and family education regarding safety in careResponsible for errors leading to risk and perceived risks once setPatients and...In this assignment, a risk management plan in the hospital setting will be worked out based on the learning module and material. A seven-step guide to risk management approach will be utilised and a risk management plan will be developed check to AS/ANZ 43602004 as described in HB4362004. Different departments, people, equipment, facilities and functions make up an organization. This is also applicable in a hospital. Integration of these diverse components are affirmable through leadership skills which consists of communication and consultation. Management of healthcare associated risks are best accomplished through teamwork and through basic understanding of the problems. Changes required must be continuously managed, and this should address new risks that are continuously presented in the hospital environment. Evidence from risk management literature indicates that adequate risk management involves teaching of system improvement. Approaches based on embedded planning cycle of plan, do, check, then act are needed to implement in an organised and stepwise fashion.Identification and analysis of practices, incidents, and situations in a hospital that can cause financial risks for t he hospital and medical staff and to develop strategies that aim to eliminate, avoid, or minimize risks.The transmitting control nurse or the staff epidemiologist may provide information on patient infection and also may help the risk coach-and-four to understand protocols on

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Cultural Transformation in Extended Care Nursing Homes Term Paper

Cultural Transformation in Extended Care Nursing Homes - Term Paper ExampleCultural transformations in a nursing environment refer to the changes in the perceptions of the care providers on the mode of delivery of work to their clients - the residents (Hojlo, 2010). The transformations are necessary due to the need for improved services at the centers. The cultural transformation process is not a simple change but a paradigm shift involving three main stages namely, a time of chaos and confusion, crisis, and acceptance (Hojlo, 2010, p.45). This paper illustrates the contribution of nursing to cultural transformation for improved services. It makes use of a practical hurl that has proved hard-hitting towards this objective. Introduction to the project The project is a step towards creating a friendlier environment for the residents in these nursing homes. The entire transformation process is systematic and bound hap in phases. ... There is need for a more one-on-one correspondence between residents and the nursing assistants. On one hand, residents have affairs that require solitude at certain points and on the other hand, there is a need for the residents to engage in some organizational activities. The move is driven by the nourishment on the Bill of Rights for the residents in these nursing homes. Just like the other ordinary healthy people, the residents are entitled to good housing environment and issue forth his or her choice and preferences in various daily requirements. The individuals are entitled to us basic commodities that are in their living environment. The individuals also have the rights to privacy. Overview of the project The project takes on three different dimensions. The first initiative is choice of items in the food menu. It involves discussing with residents and families on the schedule of food items depending on their preference and the incarnate requirements. Another initiative is introduction of various sporting activities. The third component of the project is conducting a get-together occasion in which the residents share their experiences with families, friends, professionals, and other patients. Literature round off The cultural transformations in the nursing homes are inevitable due to the changing needs of the residents in such homes. Person-directed care has a central focus on the needs, interests and the lifestyles preferred by an individual (HealthInsight New Mexico, 2012). This is because every individual has unique needs, strengths, and relationships that should be addressed. The provision of strong health care services requires high levels of competence and professionalism with a major focus on the quality of life and the quality of care given to the residents

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Journal Article Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Journal Article Review - Essay ExampleThis indicates that she is well qualified in the academic field which is the subject of this paper, and has experience of living and working in the United States,This is an empirical study which explores how editors of online news perceive their role, especially in terms of an assumed gatekeeper (p. 265) function which entails sifting the available cultivation and packaging it for readers. It considers in particular the question of how editors view the democratizing impact of the internet, which allows anyone and everyone to publish news-related material, and whether this has influenced the way that editors perceive their role. An extensive literature is conducted, covering such themes as the hassle of defining interactivity in online news offerings and the concept of an active audience which is enabled to co-construct the news that is published. The case of politicians is cited as an example of informed users turning the potential of the inte rnet towards conventional purposes, such as to exercise message control (p. 267) rather than to develop new ones which utilize all the capabilities of the internet.There are three research questions, exploring 1) what editors attached with newspaper-affiliated Websites saw as their goals and their major achievements covering the 2004 political campaign 2) the extent to which these editors relinquished their gatekeeping role by allowing users to provide or personalize content and 3) whether these editors had changed their views since the course of instruction 2000.The methodology aims to replicate the data and sampling techniques of an earlier 2000 study, exploitation a purposive sample which is suitable for especially informative cases (p. 269). An email survey using both open and closed questions was circulated, resulting in forty seven replies, which equates to a response rate of 61 per cent (p. 269). Both

Monday, June 17, 2019

Different aspects of domestic violence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Different aspects of home(prenominal) violence - Essay ExampleIt is this definition that has been the basis of evolution for policing policies as applied to internal violence. The trend in policing today is for the police department to compose of a triage. For example, in many police departments across the get together States, when an officer responds to a domestic violence call, he/she may contact the dispatcher, who leave call the Crisis Center for Women 24-hour hot line. Then the Crisis Center sends a response van to the scene and will transport the victim and children to the Centers shelter. The Center will also provide transportation to court appearances and provide court advocacy. This on-scene response is available for all situations, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. After the on-scene response is complete, the case is turned over to the domestic violence unit, which consists of two full-time investigators who handle all entree cases.Defenders of mandatory arrest and pursu it policies contend that battered women are too helpless and fearful to make appropriate decisions about the arrest or prosecution of their attackers. While this may be true for some women, preliminary evidence shows that the option to decide sometimes provides the perfect avenue for expressing unrealized strength and power. Accordingly, it is wrong to judge whether the mandatory rule is actually working. A great deal of the responsibility for preparing for and responding to terrorist events rests with local police departments. Community policing presents an overarching philosophical orientation that agencies can custom to better deal with the threat of terrorist events and the fear that they may create. The companionship policing philosophy can be roughly divided into three interrelated elements organizational change, bother solving, and external partnerships. Each element applies to the issues of terrorism legal profession and response, as well as to fear. Since 9/11, the fed eral government has greatly increased terrorism prevention and response efforts. However, a giving degree of responsibility for dealing with these threats and for alleviating citizen fear rests at the local level. To some degree, the majority of local police departments in the United States have worked to reduce the fear of future terrorist attacks and to prevent and plan for attacks. Law enforcement officials are strategically rethinking public security procedures and practices to maximize the potential of their resources. The philosophy of community policing is important for police in preparing for possible terrorist acts and in responding to the fear they may create. Community policing involves broadening the nature and number of police functions compared to traditional policing models. It emphasizes organizational change, mobile problem solving, and external partnerships to address issues that concern both the police and citizens. In recent years, the philosophy of community p olicing appears to have been adopted to differing degrees by a large number of law enforcement entities in the United St

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Will Nintendo Survive the Vastly Developing Video Game Industry in Research Paper

Will Nintendo Survive the Vastly Developing Video Game Industry in North America - investigate Paper ExampleThis research will begin with the statement that in this age, the demands of the individual are changing just as the alterations within the economy. This is mainly repayable to the introduction of wide-ranging types of inventive technologies, techniques, and models. Due to which, the demand and preferences of the customers are also changing at a rapid pace that enhances the rate of switchovers. However, in locate to retain the customers within the brands, varied types of value-added games are introduced by the game console organizations at a quite competitive price. Therefore, due to the front line of legion(predicate) disturb players, the rate of competitiveness is increasing at a rapid speed thereby enhancing its image and position to a significant extent among others. Nintendo is one of the reputed and largest, Japanese multinational organization attaining a profit mar gin of 7.2 billion and total assets of 1.4 trillion in the financial year of 2013. Within a very weakened time span, it expanded its wings in the entire globe that amplified its sustainability. Bargaining power of the buyers the bargaining power of the buyers is extremely high. This is mainly due to the presence of numerous rival payers in the market of North America. As a result of which, the customers always desire to attain most advanced and modernized games at a quite low cost. However, in order to fulfill the inner desire of the customers, the organizations operating in the segment of video games or game console tries to strain value-added games at a competitive cost. So, the customers stick to the segment of video games in-spite of economic recession. Bargaining power of the suppliers the bargaining power of the suppliers is moderate. This is mainly because Nintendo sorted or selected its suppliers by itself and so the suppliers desired to retain its value within this strong brand as compared to others. Therefore, in order to maintain the competitiveness, the suppliers always tried to offer varied types of modern and advanced softwares and technologies at a quite low cost to these reputed brands such Nintendo, Sony etc. Competitive rivalry due to the presence of numerous rival players in the market of North America such as Sony, Microsoft etc, the rate of competition is extremely high. As the customers of the game console or video game market always prefer modern technologies to the maximum extent of the organizations, such as Sony, Microsoft etc try to introduce varied types of products at a quite low cost.

Friday, June 14, 2019

A proposed exploritory study on the physiological effects of kangaroo Essay

A proposed exploritory study on the physiological effects of kangaroo burster (skin-to-skin) on the neonate - Essay ExampleCompared with conventional care, KMC was found to reduce severe illness, infection, breastfeeding problems, and maternal dissatisfaction with method of care and improve some outcomes of mother-baby bonding. There was no difference in infant mortality. However, serious concerns about the methodological quality of the included trials weaken credibility in these findings. More research is needed.The focus of the kangaroo mother care maiden was to introduce KMC in all health care facilities in South Africa, starting with infirmarys that provide newborn care, followed by home-based KMC in the community. KMC, the method of choice for hospitals caring for stable immature infants is an alternative to conventional incubator and bassinet care. The infant is positioned skin-to-skin between the mothers breasts and secured firmly. KMC programmes also include the promotion of breastfeeding and the ambulatory support of mothers after discharge. The advantages and practice of KMC, raze for unstable low birth-weight infants and healthy newborns, have been well documented and described in the literature.In the proposed study, mothers in a KMC group practicing 24-hour-a-day skin-to-skin contact will be compared with mothers in a traditional care group (TC). Furthermore, infants in the TC group will be kept in incubators at the minimal care unit until they met standard discharge criteria.The approach is qualitative research with the focus on the physiological factors of the infant. The research would be carried forward by doing sampling of the on hand(predicate) population and then recording the outcome. The outcome would be assessed after obtaining the data of the research done.The hospitals would be contacted and would be explained the significance and the objective of the study. After obtaining consent from hospital to conduct this study in

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Observe particles by using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Energy Essay

Observe particles by using Scanning negatron Microscope (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-ray SEM and Transmission negatron Microscopy - Essay ExampleAnalysis shows that even though the particle size range is from 10 ?m to 160 ?m however most of the particles atomic number 18 confined in three size ranges 10 - 20 ?m, 50 70 ?m and 110 120 ?m. SEM-EDS analysis shows that the bright particle in the silica sample are yttrium oxide. TEM images show two kinds of shape spherical and cylindrical for TiO2 and faceted equiaxed morphology for Fe2O3 particles. The detailed results and analysis is presented in this report. psychiatric hospital Powders play very important role in materials science and industry so much so that one stream of metallurgy is known as grind metallurgy. Besides, ceramics engineering revolved around gunpowders. Consolidation of many materials becomes manageable only through powder metallurgy route, which involves filling, compaction and sintering of powders. All these processes depend heavily on powder characteristics like shape, size, size dissemination etc. to name a few. Experimental determination of these attributes of powder is very important. Some of these attributes like size and size distribution can be determined by indirect methods like laser particle size analysis. However, only a direct method like microscopy gives the self-confidence in the result. Beside, many attributes like shape and chemistry can be determined only by advance electron microscopy. Electron microscopy involves obtaining high gush images of the samples using focused beam of speed up electrons as probe and then forming images by collecting the dissimilar signals like backscattered electrons, secondary electrons, transmitted electrons etc 1. As wavelength of accelerated electrons is much smaller as compared to light therefore, it can be focused to much finer spots and much higher resolution and magnification is possible in case of electron microscopes as compared to the same in case of optical microscopes. Besides, many signals generated by electron matter interaction like screw auger electron, characteristic X-rays etc. contain information about chemistry of the matter and these signals can be used to determine chemistry of the sample using different detectors like Wavelength Dispersive Spectrometer (WDS), Energy Dispersive Spectrometer etc. Accordingly there are different instruments like Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), SEM-EDS, Electron Probe Microanalyser (EPMA), Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope (HRTEM) etc. A basic description of SEM, SEM-EDS and TEM which were used in these experiments is provided in the consequent sections. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) 2 As suggested by the name, in this microscope a focused beam of electron is scanned over the sample in a raster using scan coils. This leads to generation of signals like secondary electrons and backscattered electron s which are used for image formation on a CRT screen. The image is formed in a pixel by pixel manner and therefore, the raster size corresponds to the CRT screen size magnification is arrived by dividing the CRT length by the raster length. The magnification can and then be increased gradually by reducing the rater size on the sample as the CRT size is fixed. An SEM consists of an electron source or an electron gun, apertures to block unwanted beam, electromagnetic lenses to focus the beam, different detectors like secondary electron detector and backscattered electron detector for image formati

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

PARADE FIELD Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

PARADE FIELD - Essay Examplers of the Lyman Ward Military Academy LWMA to name a building for General Futch they responded by whirl Brunner the chance to select the appropriate venue himself. The problem with having a larger-than-life hero is that any building never seems quite grand enough to equalise the bill. Frustrated and disappointed, Brunner headed to the parade field to think. He had inadvertently steered himself to the very field on which thousands of troops service extremitys had drilled, and no more appropriate tribute was apt once the notion had entered his head (Brunner 2).A mere two categorys after discovering his quest, Brunner and some of his fellow LWMA alumni had personally footed the bill for the construction of a monument to be placed on the field in the Generals laurels. The response was overwhelming. The amount needed was soon met, and contributions were soon turned away. Fulch died that year at the age of ninety-six years- only star day short of ninety- seven he was a survivor as a service member and as a civilian. He was laid to rest with full military honors in Arlington National Cemetery, and one of his daughters filled in for him as the guest of honor at the ceremony that officially dubbed the field the Brigadier General T.L. Futch Parade Field. It was made of brick- the very bricks that had graced the walls of his office in Russell Hall before it burned batch in 1985.West Point also saw fit to include the dedication of the parade field in its July 1993 newsletter. A copy of this article, which was submitted by one of Futchs daughters, stands today in West Points Tallapoosa Hall (Brunner 3-4). His division (the thirty-fifth) was legendary for its contributions to World War II and the fight against the Nazis. It was a awful time following the attacks on Pearl Harbor, and men were afraid. It took strong men to lead them. Although not a general at the time, Futch fought valiantly and founded the legacy of military excellence for which he was known

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Document Imaging Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Document Imaging - Research Paper ExampleWith the advancement in science and technology, account imaging innovation has become one of the most effective and essential concept, which has helped business organizations as an official communication intermediary in modern civilization. The concept of text file imaging has been introduced in the business in order to minimize the physical effort of human. It has been observed that the traditional methods of storing paper and records required a higher(prenominal) rate of effort to manage the entire document imaging process. Moreover, it has been observed that more difficulties arise during the distributing and finding process. It bay window be further asserted that with the suppuration number of files, the difficulties in managing them also increased accompanied with significant time and effort consumption. The actual purpose of developing this document image process is to answer business operations quickly and efficiently. Similarly t he imaging document concepts also help to analysis and compare several data, information and messages at a time. gibe to the observation, it has been identified that document imaging transforms paper documents into electronic images format, which has helped individuals and business organizations to perform their business task easily and efficiently. The document imaging process can puzzle many forms such as document scanner, multifunction peripheral (MFP), fax machine and other scanning device among others (Hewahi et al, n.d.).It has observed that during the early 21th century the concept of document imaging has been used by modern civilization in order to collect, capture, and store information, images and characters for business or individual operational purpose. During the early historic full point it has been observed, that human used to architect historical matters in a hand scripted documents for their memoirs such as declaration of independence, the constitution and Bill o f right among others. Thus, it can be apparently

Monday, June 10, 2019

Occupational Crime and Avocational Crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Occupational Crime and Avocational Crime - Essay ExampleOne of the more important challenges confronting the financial heath of retail companies is employee theft. A study undertaken by Hollinger and Pernice (1998) determines that employee theft is the basal cause of inventory shrinkage in retail companies, culminating in losses of billions of dollars per annum. Not only had that but, in straightaway comparison to shoplifting, the researchers found that while a single incident of shoplifting averages $212.68, one incident of employee theft averages $1,058.20. Within the context of the aforementioned comparison, it is hardly impress to discover that employee theft is the primary factor behind inventory shrinkage.Given the dimensions of the problem, as articulated in the preceding paragraph, it is incumbent upon retail companies to design and subsequently carry out a strategy as would confront and overcome employee theft. Hollinger and Pernice (1998) maintain that electronic surveil lance has, over the years, proven its effectiveness and, in immediate comparison to some other strategies, has proven to be the most popular loss prevention system (Hollinger and Pernice, 1998, par. 6). The knowledge that their crime may be recorded and that they may have to construction the concomitant legal and career repercussions functions to control an employees desire or tendency to steal. As such, the adoption of electronic surveillance may be a solution to the problem.The fact is that such systems are expensive and function to demoralise employees. Friedrichs (2004) emphasizes, other than the cost factor, electronic surveillance may not be the optimum solution to inventory shrinkage due to the negative effect that such systems have upon employee loyalty. In other words, despite the fact that the system has a proven advantage, it has an undesirable effect on employee morale.Rather than install expensive electronic surveillance systems, it is more advisable for a retail comp any to comprehend the character of the workplace environment and the factors therein which either allow or motivate such actions. Friedrichs (2004) argues that employee disgruntlement, borne out of the feeling of being underpaid, overworked and unappreciated, and the existence of opportunities to steal are the primary causal factors of inventory shrinkage. In other words, a lack of commitment to the workplace, concomitant with workplace disorganization compels employee theft.The solution to employee theft, as explained in the

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Metamorphosis by Kafka Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Metamorphosis by Kafka - Essay ExampleGregor one day becomes merely a heavyweight insect or a beetle. Kafka abruptly begins his narration as One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a tremendous vermin (Kafka, p. 3). The writer does not leave scope for readers reasoning about its likeliness. Instead, he takes readers to the heights of feelings by his exceptional style of writing.Gregor is ineffectual to comprehend the change he underwent. His expressions and way of reaction indicate dissatisfaction. From the responses of the family one understands that Gregor was valuable to the family as he had been supporting it financially. His unexpected physical transformation nowadays creates a chaotic environment in the family. This clearly shows that a change in life scum bag have far reaching impacts on a persons career and personal life. Gregors metamorphosis is not only physical, but it deeply alters his attitude in a very nix way. His concept of profession and the way he perceives life changes altogether. This has tremendous influence on his family as a whole.As the story progresses the narrator exaggerates even approach pattern things to strange out fields of visual imagery. There is no question how an absolute youth turns a roach overnight. Kafka sarcastically describes the familys responses to the youths metamorphosis. Gregors mother faints seeing her sons transformed form. His sister gets terrified and father wonders. The beetle-resembling Gregor becomes an unwanted element in the family. All members of the family understand that Gregor can no more be a reliable source of money. His contribution to the family is not worth remembering. The depiction of Gregors preoccupied mindset leaves a dear impression of a perfect man and his workmanship.However, now Gregor proves his inability to accomplish his professional demands and finds he cannot even get out of bed and open