Sunday, June 2, 2019

What Makes Them Tic? :: essays papers

What Makes Them Tic?Tourettes syndrome is a neurological distract, which involves involuntary body movements or Tics. There are two types of Tics, move/physical and vocal. This paper will cover many aspects of Tourettes syndrome including the history of the disease, the discovered of the disease, the genetics involved with the disorder, the diagnosis of the disease, and the effects of the disease on families. George Gils de la Tourettes a French doctor and biologist discovered Tourettes syndrome in 1885 (Landau 21). He was observing patients with unexplained exigent movements and could not find any preexisting condition that would piddle these symptoms. After extensive research he concluded that this disorder had not been documented before, so he named it Tourettes syndrome, after himself. Tourettes syndrome is a neurological disorder it is inherited from a parents dominant gene, causing different symptoms among different family members. It is not known on which chromosome th e disease is located. There is a 50% chance that one will pass this trait on to his/her offspring with each pregnancy (Shimberg 64). There is no prenatal testing that can be done before a child is born to determine if the child has the disease. Unlike other genetic disorders or disease Tourettes is not in the blood. thus testing will not give any indication of whether or not a child will develop Tourettes. Cases of the disease show males are burden with the disease three to four times more often then females. There is a 15% chance that the disorder will spud during childhood. Both motor and vocal tics become less frequent with age but unfortunately will never disappear. The U.S. Medical Survey estimates that 100,000 people agree full blown Tourettes syndrome, and there are up to 300,0000 have minor undiagnosed cases.Tourettes Syndrome causes an individual to lose control of body movement resulting in repetitive actions and verbalizations. These involuntary movements are called t ics. There are two kinds of tics, motor/physical and vocal. Motor tics can be simple or complex in appearance. candid motor tics are abrupt, sudden, and brief movements, occurring in a single or isolated manner. Examples of simple motor tics include eye blinking, head jerking, shoulder shrugging and seventh cranial nerve grimacing. Complex tics are distinct, coordinated patterns of sequential movements. Examples of complex tics include such acts as touching the nose, touching other people, smelling objects, jumping, copropraxia (obscene gestures), and echopraxia (mimicking movements preformed by others), head vibration associated with shoulder shrugging, and repetitive kicking of the legs (Shimber 25).

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