Friday, June 7, 2019

One of the administrators quoted an elderly near verbatim Essay Example for Free

One of the administrators quoted an elderly near verbatim EssayThe present is momentarythe in store(predicate) result be short and the long past had been variedgood thingsbad thingssuccessfailureslove and lovelessness pain and satisfaction of sacrifice for the loved onesAnd if we lease lived that well enough why mourn for this momentary present and unsure short past? Just leave it God. It is a nice thing to bet back . and be happy Indicators of affectional Component of SWB as Perceived by the Administrators Table 3 presents the affective component of the subjective sense of eudaemonia of the elderly as sensed by the administrators of the home for the aged. Table 3. Administrators Perception on the Cognitive Component of SWB among the Elderly Domain Categories f P Affective Component Feeling secure of future c atomic number 18 / will be taken care of until death 6 100 Happy and relaxed almost strong-arm mobility and health 5 83 Apparently happy and peaceful 4 67 Feeling tha t the family ties are intact 4 67 Feeling that they are still masters of their lives 3 50 Note N=6. General = category applied to all the cases (100%). Typical = category applied to more than than 4 cases (more than 60%). Variant = category applied to fewer than half the cases but at least 2 cases (30%).According to the findings of this study in Table 3, the administrators (67%) perceived the institutionalized elderly to be apparently happy and peaceful. And their happiness consisted in their sense of having control of their life, whereas for 83% it was also in their feeling physically well. some 67% of the administrators found that the elderly were as they experienced a sense of belongingness to the family. And finally, all the administrators (100%) perceived that they felt secure about their future and having the assurance that they will be taken care of until death put them at ease.The succeeding sample responses of the administrators substantiate the findings of the study on t his particular aspect of affective component. They place to be peaceful and happy at least many of themmost of the time. All of them miss their family and they try to put up with it. All of them are evenhandedly healthy even in their 80 plus years They are happy that they are able to do their things on their own In sr. age specially we want people nearbut these poor soulsactually they are not deserted. Those who have no children and single find it a little easier to cope with this life.But othersthey understand their children and try to be happy. All are happy when they get a call or being visitedthey go around telling to everybody possibleit is very important for them. Administratiors Perception on the Contributing Factors toward SWB Among the Institutionalized Aged. The study also explored the perception of administrators on the factors positively touch on the subjective sense of well-being among the institutionalized aged. Table 4 summarizes categories emerged under different domains. Table 4. Administrators Perception on the Contributing Factors toward the SWB among the ElderlyDomain Categories f P Physical Health Happy with the accommodation and medical care facilities 6 100 Enjoys age related health / physical mobility 5 83 Enjoys palatable food 5 83 Engage in physical and recreational activities 3 50 Autonomy / Freedom Enjoys individual freedom 6 100 Being treated with respect gives a sense of self-worth and personal power 5 83 Need for privacy and non-intrusion 3 50 bills / Income Security about the future 6 100 Very money conscious 4 67 Sense of power, control, independence and personal pride 5 83 Meaningful Relationships Family.Being wanted and cared for 4 67 Feel connected through communication 4 67 Friendship Friendly and amiable 6 100 Having close friends among co-residents 3 50 More private and prefers to be left alone 3 50 Authority /Caregivers Good alliance 5 83 Feel respected and cared for 5 83 Appreciate the service received from careg ivers 3 50 Social Interest / Altruism hit out to others through voluntary service 3 50 Hospital visiting and praying for the sick 4 67 Concern about Death cuss in Gods compassion and love 6 100 Feel the need for preparation 4 67.Comfortable with reality of death 3 50 Religion / Spirituality Engage in religious activities and / or personal devotion 6 100 Powerful means of coping 6 100 Sense of pride in being religious 4 67 Source of strength and peace 5 83 Happy about spiritual support received 6 100 Note N=6. General = category applied to all the cases (100%). Typical = category applied to more than 4 cases (more than 60%). Variant = category applied to fewer than half the cases but at least 2 cases (30%). Administrators Perception on the Contributing Factors toward the SWB of the Elderly.

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